Jane [Johanna Kristine Mouritsen], as she was called, celebrated her sixth birthday on the Atlantic Ocean enroute to a new home in America. She recalled later how "the butter kegs slid from side to side of the ship room when the sea was rough and how nice the ship went when the wind blew the right way." She told that "we came with oxen teams and I walked most of the way. My dear father [Lars Mauritsen] would put me in the wagon to ride to give me a rest, but as we had a load of goods this was heavy. The folks had to walk to save the oxen all they could. My mother [Maren Mauritsen] walked all the way and she was very industrious. She knew she would have to do the cooking and she would pick all the wood she could find so she could make a fire. She would bake bread for us too. Father brought a young man and woman across the Plains with us so Mother had to feed them too."