Transcript for Miles Romney journal, circa 1850 March-1855 May, 1-2
On the 29th [of June] we yoked up our cattle and Crossed the Missouri River and travelled to the 12 mile Camping ground and Organised the Company of 187 wagons. Bishop Ed' Hunter Appointed Captin
On the 4 day of July/ On the 5th We Broke up our Camp took up our line of March as exiles from the once Boasted land of freedom/ The land of the free and the home of the brave.
With harts beating with gratitude to that being who feeds the young ravens when they cry and suffers not the sparrows to fall to the ground with out his notice Sending forth the inward emotions of gratefull harts for his guidance and protection.
The first River we came to was Called Salt Creek, But betwixt the Missouria [Missouri] and this plase we travell over a beautifull country of thousands of Miles in Extent of Roling praire clad with Beautiful green/ And for fertility and richness of soil It cannot be surpassed. In a few Days we came down on the South side of the Platte River[.] The next place of any note is Fort Kearney [Kearny], where there is United States trooper stationed for the protection of Emigrants We tarried there one Day and then Started, there was two men who were attacked with the cholera, one recovered the other Died, and was buried on the Platte. With the exception of these two cases the Company enjoyed good health Untill we arrived at Fort Larima [Laramie.] A Sister Campbell was sick of Consumption The Company stopt at the fort, 3 days to trade for Provissions the second morning before daylight, We had the Cattle in a Corall and all in an instant, they Broke or had A stampede, That is when they were all peaceple and quiet, in the twinkling of an eye, they Jumpt and ran for the mountains, and imeadatley all the Men, and Boys, went after them, But when we got them all, or at least all we could find, back to the camp, we found to our surprise there were 30 yoke of our best oxen Missing. In half an hour news came to camp from some of our outguards that they had seen A man on horse back running our cattle round the point of the mountain at full gallop[.] Seeing their was no time to be lost having no horses severall men struck over the mountains in different directions and by taking Cut offs Come in Sight at a Distance. A man on a Mule was Driving them before him at full speed But seeing we were coming up with him he turned in Another Direction and we were soon in possession of our cattle and on our way back to the camp. It was a Frenchman at the fort the Herdsman as we afterwards found out that was running them of[f] and if we had been 15 minutes later and Coming in sight of him we should have lost them he would have got behind the mountains and we should have seen them no more but having got them We started on our journey with glad harts having found them[.] In 3 days from Fort Larrima[,] We came into the buffaloa Country The most Beautifull Sight that can be imageined to see thousands upon thousands of those Noble Animalls ranging over their native hills and plains which his left to them and the Native Savage in quiet possession almost undisturbed with the Exception of a few Emigrants Ocassionally passing through on their way to Oregon or California[.] Then after Leaving the Bufalo Country We come into the Black hills A name quite appropriate Black, Bleak, Sterile Barren Country without vegetation with the Exception of Sage Bushes which is in abundance. After passing through all variouss Changing Scenes which his Naturall and Common to an emigrating Company
On the 1st of October at the highest point of Altitude on the Big Mountain which was 17¼ miles from Salt Lake And there we had a Veiw of the North Part of the valley to our joy and satisfaction Our feelings gave vent in thanks giving to God And on the 3 ofOct/50 Arrived in the City of Great Salt Lake with my family[.] All well[.] Praise ye the Lord