Transcript for Henry W. Miller journal, 17 October 1862, 3.
On this day, Capt. Henry W. [William] Miller's company of emigrants, which had left Florence August 8th, with sixty wagons and about 665 emigrants, arrived in G.S.L. City. The company had suffered considerably and about 28 persons died on the journey. The following is copied from Henry W. Miller's private journal:
"In the spring of 1862 I was appointed a captain of a Church train to go to the States for a company of emigrants. Altogether there were six companies sent to the Missouri River this year for that purpose. The teams from Cache and Weber counties constituted my train of 47 wagons with four yoke of oxen to each wagon. I left home at Farmington, Utah, on May 19, 1862, took charge of the train and went to Salt Lake City, where I received our loading and that day traveled some two miles and camped. The following day (Tuesday) we stayed in camp regulating our loads. The next morning we took up the line of march, we found considerable snow on the mountains and in other places the roads were very muddy. The streams were high and we had to ferry the Weber River. Thus we made but slow progress as we also had to build several bridges. Thus we were compelled to build a bridge across Black's Fork. Capt. [Horton D.] Haight's train and my own spent fifteen days on Black's Fork building the bridge across that stream. Judge Carter of Fort Bridger furnished the timber and some men to help build the bridge. When we got to Green River, we found that stream high and two oxen were lost in running the animals across. Bros. Lewis Robison and [Henry] Terry were here tending the ferry they ferried our wagons across. The crossing of this river detained us two days by going to the parting of their cables. The water spread over the bottom lands on the east side of the river to the depth of some two or three feet. Hence, after crossing the river, the wagons had to be taken one at a time to the high lands some 40 or 50 rods from the river." (Here the journal of Capt. Henry W. Miller ends abruptly.)