Transcript for Miller, Henry William, Diary, 1855 Apr.-1862 Oct., 27-29
23. Monday. In camp. The captain drove in some cattle.
24. Tuesday. Went 4 miles after cattle and drove into camp.
25. Wednesday. In camp. Had a chill.
26. Thursday. The camp started and traveled 15 miles. Camped on Horse Creek all night.
27. Friday. Laid by waiting for some cattle and hunting some that were lost.
28. Saturday. The cattle came to camp and we traveled 12 miles. Camped at Mr. Hutsons on the south side of Neoshe [Neosho] River.
29. Sunday. Traveled 4 miles. Crossed Neosho River to the north side and camped. Had meeting.
30. Monday. Traveled 18 miles. Crossed Spring River. I stayed back to hunt a horse and came to camp after dark.
July 1. Tuesday. 16 miles. Camped on Cow Creek. Lost 9 head of oxen.
2. Wednesday. Lay by to hunt the oxen. Not found.
3. Thursday. Hunting cattle. Br. Duggins and Hawley went back to hunt the cattle.
4. Friday. Traveled 12 miles.
5. Saturday. Laid by Br. Duggens and Hewet for lost cattle.
6. Sunday. Rained in the morning. Traveled in the after noon 14 miles. Camped on Drywood Creek.
7. Monday. Traveled 14 miles. Camped at Fort Scott.
8. Tuesday. Traveled 14 miles. Camped on a small creek.
9. Wednesday. Traveled 12 miles. Camped on a small creek.
10. Thursday. Traveled 10 miles. Camped for the night.
11. Friday. Traveled 12 miles. Camped on Sugar Creek.
12. Saturday. Traveled 16 miles. Camped by a spring. Br. Croft broke one of his carriage wheels.
13. Sunday. Traveled 6 miles and camped.
14. Monday. Travelled 7 miles. Camped on the Blue.
15. Tuesday. Traveled 9 miles. Camped at a spring 12 miles from Kansas City. Sent back George and William [Schroeder] Hawley with span of mules and a small wagon after Mr. Duggens. Br. Hewet came up today and reported him very sick at Mr. Hutsons about 160 miles back.
16. Wednesday. Went to see Br. Van Cot and Cunningham who were here after cattle.
17. Thursday. I spent the most of the day with Mr. Van Cot and Cunningham.
18. Friday. In camp.
19. Saturday. In camp.
20. Sunday. In camp. Meeting in the evening.
21. Monday. Moved the camp 3 miles north to a good spring.
22. Tuesday. Hunting cattle.
23. Wednesday. Hunting cattle. Found one. Brother Hawleys returned with Mr. Duggen.
24. Thursday. Went to town with Br. Croft and wife [Sebrina Land Cropper Croft].
25. Friday. In camp.
26. Saturday. Saturday morning. Had meeting. Left this camp all right. Traveled 7 miles.
27. Sunday. Bid the company farewell. They took the road for Uniontown up the Kansas River and we returned to camp near Westport.