
Transcript for Milo Andrus, "Correspondence: Mormon Grove, K. T., August 2nd, 1855," St. Louis Luminary, 18 August 1855, 155

MORMON GROVE, K. T., August 2nd, 1855.

Dear Brothers Edwards and Gardner—It is with feelings that are past describing, that I take the pen at 11 o'clock at night, after a Counsel of some hours, to reveal to you, and through you, to my dear and beloved brethren and sisters, the result of said Council. I will come to the matter in short, and when I have more leisure, in full detail. It has been determined, in consequence of the lateness of the season, and the lack of experienced men, that I should take the charge of the last company of P. E. Fund Emigrants. I therefore only have twelve hours to make up my outfit and prepare for said journey.-Five hours ago, I was pondering in my mind, the joys of meeting my brethren and sisters in St. Louis; but now I am obliged to bid good bye, without even a shake of the hand. How different the works of the Lord to our own calculations. We must all submit, in order to have eternal life. In all probability I shall be with you again, early in the spring, or next winter.

Say to brother Cantwell that I shall write to him while on the road. Tell him to be of good cheer. It seems as though I could not refrain from mentioning names, but when I begin, I say, Oh, Lord! where shall I end? as the Saints have all shared my good feelings and feeble labors , and are all entitled to my blessings. I feel to mention no names, but may the very God of peace show forth His power in you that our labors be not in vain in the Lord. Had I time, I should be glad to fill this sheet, and unbosom my feelings to my brethren and sister more fully, but I have not the time, and a heavy burthen is now placed upon me, and you must excuse these few lines, and believe me to be ever true and faithful to your interests, while your interests are controlled by the will of heaven.


I am, your servant, for the Gospel's sake,