Transcript for Milo Andrus, "Correspondence," St. Louis Luminary, 1 September 1855, 162
On the West side of the Big Blue,
Wednesday evening Aug. 15, '55.
I take another opportunity to inform you of our progress. Health, peace, and happiness is made manifest in our encampment, and above all, the Lord is prospering our progress; to-day we ferried the Blue which is exceedingly high. on account of so much rain. We are a few rods west from brother Harper's encampment, and are in good travelling condition. We have nailed our colors to the top of the mast and are determined before long, to breathe the fresh breezes of the beautiful Platte river valley. We shall from time to time, as opportunity affords, drop you a line, to let you know our progress, but both you and the Saints must excuse lengthy letters from us, as we are all the time in a hurry. May peace and blessings crown your labors, in your Presidency of the Saint Louis Stake, is the constant prayer of your friend and brother. We know not the distance that Alred's camp is behind us.
Yours in haste, MILO ANDRUS.