Transcript for Milo Andrus, "Correspondence," St. Louis Luminary, 8 September 1855, 166
30 miles up the Little Blue, Aug. 22, '55.
BROTHER HART: Another opportunity presents itself for me to write you. The Salt Lake Mail is just passing and waiting to take this note. Our progress is still onward; although, since I wrote you last, we have had a few drawbacks; two wagon axles, one wheel, and several tongues broke which has caused us some little delay; but notwithstanding we are up with brother Harper's company, who is now starting from this place. We have also had two deaths of aged persons, and some slight cases of sickness, but as a general thing I am thankful to say, health reigns predominant. From over-exertion and fatigue, my health has been, for the last few days, much impaired, but this morning I feel quite well again, and am doing all in my power to push on this camp which is in my charge, as I am deeply anxious for their welfare. My brethren well know if there is not exertion used on our part, the season being so late, we shall feel some inclement weather when we are some hundreds of miles further West. The Saints feel well and cheerful. We are in excellent traveling condition, as our yesterday's work will tell—we came not less than twenty-five miles.
My love to all. I remain your brother in the gospel of Christ.