
Transcript for Milo Andrus diary, 1849-1850, Church History Library

Liverpool Febuary the 1 1849 Milo Andrus Journal off travels England July 28th Mail Company The horsles and 4 horses came to my house to deliver to two July [10] 30 150 August 7 to keeping 21 animas to hay 699 Oats for the animals 400 to two Bushels of oats 400 for Supper and Breakfast for 5 750 Mail company took Posession of the Stable Sept 10 1866 debt on Sep 1 to 6 Doven of oat 900 Black Smith 3 meals Sept David Kipley 2 meals drive from Provo 1 do Drivers Meals between August 28 Sept 28 26 Bunnel in account with Andrus Sept 9 to two Suppers & 150 do to 21 lbs of Oats Sep 12 to Oats 32 lbs Mules to hay 150 to Supp & Breakfast Self & Boy 250 Sept 13 4 animals to hay 150 Oats 31 lbs Breakfast 75 Boy to Breakfast 50 50 14 Supper for 2 Brand 30 201 16 Breakfast 2 150 Sept 20 to Peaches 50 Sep 22 & 23 to 4 meals 300 Oct 1 Tea for 4 100 Oct 6 Breakfast & dinner for 2 300 Oct 8 to [Su] Breakfas dinner [17] 75 and Barley oats 84 225 [1] Wensday 24 I spent the day [illegible] at home Thursday 25 we had ameeting in the Hall. Bro Clemand preach We had agood time Friday 26 I went to the Ship Getlande in Company with Ross Clemants Clinton Burgas and gave Some instruction after whitch the above named breathren came home with me to dine in the eavning I went to counsill Saturday 27 I was engaged a wrighting letters Sonday 28 Bro Ross preach in the morning Bro Marsden in the eavning wehad agood day of it Monday 29 the Ship Get land put to Sea Tusday 30 I was at home wrighting I preach in the eavning Wensday 31 I went in company with Bro James to Bro Clatons and preach in the eavning, this page is a transcip from [2] Thursday Febuary 1. 1849 I Spent the day in viseting the Sick and in the eavning went to the Hall and preach to the people Friday 2 I was utcoupeil wehad severl sucpects under consider ation ation weraisd Money to send Bro Crook to incldud Saturday 3 I went in company with Mis Andrus to Dr Cofain to get some Madcine to help hur chest Sonday 4 this day was our monthly fast in the Liverpool Conference the for part of the day was Spint in exortation the brethren Speeking their experience of then tha I preach about our thd meeting the adges 1 or ½ on our the Sacrament was then adminesterd meeting adjourned at 5 oclock [3] at 0/1 past 6 the congragation convien for preaching and Elder Prat gave the peopple ashort acount of the Book of Morman and the building up of Zion in the last days Monday 5 I went in company with Mis Andrus to St James cimetry for a walk for hur health we came back to Bro Brown and staid a while it was the aniverey of the marrigg of their Sons after we came home their was a bro Cokis that came to no what he should dad to get in to fellowhip with the Sain[ts] again I told him to bee rebabtised whitch he said he would doo as sone as convienant Tusday 6 I was engaged in viseting the church went to the tract society and gave them Sain instruction in regard to theirduties [4] Wensday 7 this day was the teachors meeting I met with them Thursday 8 went to viset the Sick and in the eavning went to the Hall and preach in the eavning Friday 9 met with the council to buisness cut one appointed L ordeters of accounts to see to the Book agents went to Bro Browns afterWards done Some buisn afterwards got home at 12 oclock Saturday 10 I was at home a wrighting Sonday 11 I preach in the hall in the eavning Bro Pratt preach in the Monday 12 I and Mis Andrus went to Bro Wilding had afirst rate time Tusday 13 I went to Ship Buenivista to see if She was redy to receive the pasengers and ials braught a peace of the Temple [5] that Bro Scofield had sent by the Capt of the Earl[illegible] Wensday 14 I was at home Thursday 15 I went to meet Capt Jones with the Welch Saints and to help them with their lugage after whitch I went to the Hall and preach in the eavning Friday 16 I went again to help the saints after whitch I went to counsill to do buisness Saturday 17 I went to the Rever and babtized 4 in the eavning Sonday 18 I wento the Hall and preach in the fore[illegible] on the buildi ng up of Zion in the last day at the Sacrament meeting their was 8 Confire after whitch Bro Prat maid some remar[k] 46 in the eavning Bro Bow Ball and Jones preach the saints [illegible] mutch and the Spirit of god was with us [6] Monday 19 I Spent the day at home wrighting to America nothing of emportance transpired Tusday 20 I went to the office to see bro Pratt on buisness went fro their to atend to some buisness to bro Coulzs the welch saints got on bord the Ship Wensday 21 I was in gage in wrighting aleter to bro Hold Hobroc and in the eavning met the teachers and gave them Some enstrucion Thursday 22 I went to the Ship Bunivista and put Some leters on bord one for Henry Heinch one for Chandler Holbrook one for Esas Edwards one for Isac Nelson after whitch I went to the Hall and preach in the eavning Friday 23 this day was our councill in the musac hall Weg done some buisness relitive to our Singin 8c . . [7] Saturday 24 Spent the day at home Sonday 25 this day was our quarter Conference in Liverpool the fore part ofthe day was filed up by the representation from the branches after whitch their was several apointments to office allso Bro John James was appointed to travel and preach in conju nction with me in the Liverpoo[l] conference after whitch I gave some enstructions to the Elders in regard to theirduties in preac[h] in the eavning bro Pratt preach after [illegible] aplied for baptin Monday 26 I and Mis And Cravien Hull went to See[illegible] to See bro Ross wew we went over the Water [8] Tusday 27 I Spent the day in viset ing the Saints and allso in looking for ahouse to moove to Wensday 28 I went to the Ship hartly to see the Saints that ware on board of hun in the eavning I went to the Bath and baptised 4 after whitch I went home rejoicing in the gospel Thursday March 1 this day I mooved to Doncaster St No 15 I had bro Libets to help me after whitch I went to the Hall and preach the congragation Small yet atentive Friday 2 Spent the day mostly athome went to the council in the eavning organised the Elder for praching during the summer and other buisness Saturday 3 this day I started to Nuton branch about 12 oclock “DAYS OF THANKSGIVING.” VIEWS OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. Compiled from the Advises of their Yearly Meeting, 1833 ………. ……… W.A. Knight and Co., Printers 1, Derby Square, Liverpool [9] Sonday 4 this day was the fast day I got to Nuton met with the coucil on Satuday Knight after whitch I went to the water and babtise Sister Camerin Sonday 4 went to the meeting room preach 3 tings Monday 5 I went to Hadock and preach in eavning to alarge and atentive congregation after whitch I went to Vulcan Foundry Stayed all knight to Bro Camerins Tusday 6 this day was my burthday and Some of the sister maid aparty for the occation in the eavning I preach at the Vulcan after meeting I was envited to a Mr Greys whose family was friendly whilst I was their the peopple thaught that Mis grey was going to bee babtised [10] they according Started out as a Moob some of the breathren started as a Joke went to the water with hund dreds fowloing them after awhile bro Honnecks Said if they would bee quiet they would atend to the ordinance as Soon as they got redy the most said they would bee still in but in concequ of the nois of some he Said we would gofather So they started to the canall some of them seeing the hoks turned back the most of them fowlowed but when they shood got to the canall they had Some excuse and they came back I was all this time at Mrs Greys whilst this hokes was going on the mob Stayed up untill 1 oclock in the morning they said that I had babtised them in a rain tub [11] Wensday 7 this day at Seven oclock I preach at the Glass Works good attention but some said that I had ought to be put in Joal for deceiving the peopple by trying to get them to believe their Bibles other said that I aught to be hanged Thursday 8 this day I went to the water and babtised 3 after whitch I went to vidock Foundry preach to alarge and atentive congragation after meeting blest 1 child returned to bro Caminins Friday 9 this day I started from vulcan to go to Haddock whare I had an apointment in the eavning of the same day I once methodist Minister in the congragation all gave good attention had good meeting Sator Saturday 10 this day I went to upholes a distance of 7 miles got their at 5 oclock [12] met with the council at knight put things in order Sonday 11 the congragation came to gather at ½ 10 after the first meeting the church met and after the sacrament was admin esterd their was 3 confermed 6 priest ordained 1 Elder 1 teacher 1 deacon after whitch I preach ashort discorse to the stranger present the meeting adjorned untill ½ past 6 then I gave ashort discorse to a large and atentive congregation then startd for Liverpool on the 7 oclock got home at 10 found the Wife and boy boath sick they have been sick even since I went away Mis andrus has been Sick ever since) We came from the Bluffs Monday 12 I spent the day mostly at home wrighting went in the eavning to see bro Cantrour [13] Tusday 13 this day I am at home with Mrs M Andrus She and Milo Ju are Sick they have been poorly along time and Mrs Andrus heltht is vary poor and it is hard work for hur to live in this country never theless we hope to live to enjoy good health Sister Mary James Spencer is to our hous helping to make me ashirt so that I can bee redy to go away as soon as the family is able Wensday 14 I spent the most of the day at home looking after the family Thursday 15 I went to the Musachall and preach in the eavning Friday 16 I went in company with John James to Everton from their to counsil after whitch I cam home Saturday 17 I went and baught a barrell of flower Sonday 18 went to meeting Bro James preach in the morning [14] at the Sacrame meeting 2 ware confermed in the eavning I preach to alarge congragation Monday 19 I spent the day ageting reday to ga to Wales an arui Tusday 20 I was sill geting redy to goaway Wensday 21 this day started for Wales at 6 oclock traveld in company with Bro John James went into Sanopshire preached near Colmer Babtised 1 on the 22 went from their to Shnewsby Staid their untill the 26 preach 3 times went from their to Ashtery Stayd untill the 2 day of april preach 5 times left their for Montgomery Shire in Wales to Pool kez preach that knight [15] the 3 day of April we went in company with Bro Dudly to Bennew about 7 milas from pool Zeay to See a Mr Pugh whome bro Dudly had viseted and adminesterd the ordinance of anointing to one of the family who was blind She had been sent to Severall doctors they said that their was no help for hur So you that the power of god has been maid manifest by healing and that the eys of the blind do see our of darkness and the deaf shall hear the words of Eaprem in the last days We preach in the eavning the spiret of god was upon us and the peopple believd our testimony we left with them the Book of Mormon Spencers Leters voice of warning the 1.2.3 parts of the kingdom [16] the next day we went to pool Quay preach their staid the next day and on the 6 we started to Shrewsbury staid untill the 8 preach on Sonday 8 at 6 oclock I left bro James and Started for liverpool got their about 11 oclock found the family better than when I left Monday 9 I Spent the day at home Tusday 10 Spet the day in Liverpool Wensday 11 I Spent the day in Liverpool Thursday 12 I was vieting the Saints in Liverpool Friday 13 meet with the counsil at the Hall Saturday 14 Spent the day in Liverpool Sonday 15 I went to Berkenhed to preach and preach 2 came home about 11 oclock in the eavning [17] on Wensday March the 28 1849 their was one of the most horiable Murders merders commited in Liverpool that ever was heard of the case was as fowlows their was a woman and hur 2 chilldren and a Survant Girle and the Mrs the wife of Mr Hendrichson was redy to to bee confire the child was taken from hur after death the Man who is in taken seposed to bee the Murderer hisname is John Gleson Wellson has awife living at Tranner she declins seeing him this horidble deedhas caus great excitement in the country We hear of murders on evry hand in this christan age murder and napine and cri me is in the land [18] Monday 16 I went in company with Mrs Andrus to See Bro Quirk and family and viset Some others that ware Sick and administerd to them came home at 8 oclock in the eavning Tusday 17 I went in company with Mrs Andrus to Bro Claton Spent the day with them and then went home Wensday 18 I went to a discussion between Bro Mcginas and a Mr Philleps Thursday 19 I preach at the Hall Friday 20 went to counsil Saturday 21 I went in company with Mrs Andrus and Spent the day with Bro Pratt Sonday 22 I preach at the Hall 3 times [19] April the 24. 1849 Monday 23 I went to Berkenher to help Sister Litly on to the train for Shrewsbury Tusday 24 this day was our monthly Teachers meeting met with them done some buisness in regard to the Branch in Liverpool heard their report of the branch [etc] Wensday 25 this knight preach at the Sotial Hall on the apos tacy had a good hearing. Thursday 26 this day started to Nuton in company with Mrs andrus arived their about 4 oclock in the afterknoon found the Saints well preach that knight and the next knight I Staid their and in that vacinity untill the 8 of May during whitch time I went to Upholand and preach 3 times Babtised 2 and then returned to Ruton [20] during My Stay in the country I went to St Helens preach their allso to Waringto during my stay in the country I preach [illegible] times babtised 8 atended 2 counsils returned to Liverpool on the 8 of May in good health and Spirets the 8 of May was on Tusday Wensday 9 I went to a Teachers Meeting allSo to the Grand drawing whitch took place in the Musac Hall Staid their untill 12 oclock at knight their was alarge congegation in the Hall that knight Thursday 10 I preace to the Saints in the Hall Friday 11 was our counSil had a good time the Spiret of the Lord was with us Saturday 12 this day I was cald upon by Bro Pratt to go and see Bro Suton for O Hyde in relation to Sane money that he Suton had promest [21] to a O Hyde I could not get it Sonday 12 I went to the Hu Musac Hall and preach in the morning Bro O Pratt preach in the eavning wehad a good day of it the Spiret of god was given unto the Saints Monday 14 I came acrose a small Tract cauld the opening of the Seals published By the Rev Hugh Mc Neel DD I spent this day in reeding this singular publication the Most absurd Spinetualiseing that I have seen in my life from the pen of a Wise man & cauld by the D D of the presant age Tusday 15 we had ameet ing of the officers in Liverpool to enstruct one another Wensday 16 I spent the day in viseting the Saints had bro Cantwell to my Haus at knight on buisness [22] Thursday 17 went in company with John James and Bro Pratts Clark to Newbriton had a ride on horsback along thesore after whitch we went up to the hyest pinacle and took a vew of the things around us we then proseded up the River about [illegible] miles whare we took a boat for Liverpool arived their about 9 clock proceded to the musac Hall and Bro Jams preach Friday 18 this was our counsil knight met at 8 oclock done the buisness that was braught before us ad Jame at 10 oclock. Satuday 19 Weagreed that on this day we would put up some Bill on the Walls Saying that Bro Pratt would preach on Sonday the 20 of May and that Milo Andrus on Thursday the 24 the Hall was filled on Sonday eavning many Stangers present [23] Sonday 20 this day went in compny with Bro S Cantwell to St Helens to preach Bro Cantwell preach in the forknoon then we met the church to adminester the Lords Super 1 confermed 14 Children blest at 6 ½ oclock I preach in the Saints meeting room Staid in St Helens untill Monday 21 then came to Liverpool arived their at 12 oclock Tusday 22 went to the Hall to meting on buisness Wensday 23 Spent the day withe Elders John A James in the eavning had the Newyork Sorne Newyork Sone handed to me from whitch I Shall make some exstracs the Neworleans papers State that the Southerners have been viseted by a saviers frost about the 15 of April whitch has damage the cotan crop and cane the Son Says that perhaps is hus bit opp their noses if any of them are young [24] a mob in Montreall May 2 it apears from this this artical that when parlim was in Sesion that that in consequence of Parlement pasing the rebelion act that the boyalen became excited and concequently birnet down the government house and 2 large librares and birnet the governer generl lord Elgin birnet in effigl and Stones Havuh the Streets the above took place about the 20 of April. 1849. Steambote Disaster and loss of life May 7 the Steemboat Louisanea collapsed hun flew off Ashtabula killing 3 and Sealdireg & others. avoige of the Ship Architect to Rio Mr Colton gives the fowling acount of the colery cholera 7 persons died in afew ours among the rest was the capttain knight Mr Colton retu to St Louice before the Ship reach Rio thiss we can see the distroier is riding abraod on the bosem of the deep [25] Newyork January the 1. 1849 it apears from the report of the chief of Poliece that 5.395 persons have been arrested for felones of whome .4026 wure Males and 1329 famales places whare liquor is Sold 4567 out of this number 3579 Sell on Sonday the above criminals are those that have been arested in the last quarter Some cases of the colera in Pitsburg Penn Col Benton Speech at Pitsburg on the 23 of April in faivor of the Great railrau from Mo to the pacific and a rehursal of his propecy 30 years ag that their would bee Sutch a Road. May the 11 Patrick Conrill Murderd his wife by throwing her down stairs the caus was jealowy the cotonfactory of keny Nugent was distroid by fire on the 11 on the columba railrode loss 10000 Great conflagrtion on Long E Island 11000 of land had bee burnet over toss of property 250000 the sun was grand yet terable [26] cholera prevails in Autauga county Ala to Satech anextent that the judge would not hold the cort their the Steemer New world on last trip up the river had 4 death of the colera. the steemboat Highland Mary of St Louice Struck against a Stump and Sunk near Cincinuti on Saturday Morning no Lives lost hur freight consisted of 800 bushels Wheet and 175 hides. the cholero is raging among the negro population at St Marys Ca few white people are attaced. the Gas Works at Rochester NY ware compleetly destroid by explotion on the 23 of April 1849 the Schooner John Randall from new Orleans for Sisal with a cargo of corn and bread was sunk by coming in contact with a Steamboat on the 14 instant [27] Milo Andrus Thursday 24 this dya I preach to a large congragation in the Hall Friday 25 met in counsill at the musachall done some buisness in relation to putting up som biles Saturday 26 Spent the day at home mostly Sonday 27 this day was our quarterly conference in Liverpool their was ageneral atendance from the country Bro Pratt preach in the foorknown of th after whitch the buisness of the conference was done Monday 28 this day went over to Seecomb to Bro Rosser and Spent the most of the week their Tusday 29 cam over to Liverpool on buisness Wensday 30 Spent the day in visiting the Saints Thursday 31 I preach in the musac hall in Liverpool had a fine congragation of Strangers [28] Friday June the 1./49 this knight was our counsill knight and it was agreed in counsill that we would build a font in the musac hall for the convienance of the peopple Satuday 2 this day returned from Seecomb with Mrs Andrus and Son Sonday 3 went to Nuton and fill an appointment that had been maid their preach 3 times babtised 2 at knight Monday 4 reture returned to Liverpool a distanc of 16 milds went to Bro Pratts found Brothers Heby Clark Dunn their I staid untill knight I was sick all knight Tusday 5 went again to the office still conti ne unwell Wensday 6 I am this day athome not well yet I spent the day at home mostly at 5 oclock [29] I went to the Station to meet a Sister that was coming from the country to work to Bro Pratts. Thursday 7 went over to the office and found Bro Louice Robins their and allso receivd a leter from N Miles of Quincy illinois I then went in company with Bro Robins to the Musachall to see something in regard to building a font for babising in after whitch we separated to meet again at the hall at ½ p 7 at whitch time we meet and Bro Robins preachd and I foloed him for about 20 mines I then dismiss the congragation Friday 8 my health is some beter than it was yesterday went to the the conncilat knight done the buisness that was before us Saturday 9 I spent the most of the day in wrighting etc Sonday 10 this day I went over to Charien in to Birkenhs to preach in the Macknees institution and preach 3 times went to the park [30] a long with bro French had a fine walk it is a butiful place Monday 11 this day I spent at home Tusday 12 Spent this day in viseting the Saints and Teaching them Wensday 13 this day wehad a cauld cons counsill to do buisness and to Set in order the branch in Liverpoo apointed bro Quillian presidlur over the Preasts and Teachers Thursday 14 Spent the day in getting redy to goto the isles of man Preach in the eavning Friday 15 this day Started for the isle of man at 11 oclock on bord the Steem Packet Zinweld arived in Duglass at 6 oclock the Same eavning had a pleasant passage took logeings with bro John Kelly Saturday 16 the Saints put up some bills notefing ameeting on the 17 Sonday 17 preach 3 times had good atendance in the eavning [31] I had an apponent from york Shire England but by the spiret of truth I soon put him to flight to his one Shame and but few to take his past we staid in Duglass untill friday the 22 preach on the eavning of the 21 and on the 22 we took the coach for Peel a distance of 12 milds the Road pass throu afine valy that looks well to the travler butiful Shade trees along the road this road pases St Jons church a place whare all the people meet to ratifie their laws once a year in July of each year We arived in peel about 12 oclock on the 22 of June Saturday the 23 the breathren sent the Bellman to notify the people that I would preac on the peerhead on Sonday the 24 I had alarge and attentive congregation preached to the Saints in the eavning [32] Monday 25 we went to vew Peel castle and to vew those old ruens the castle was built by the danes Peel was aciently called Holme Town it is in the Parish Kirk German 10 2/1 milds from from Duglass and 12 from Castletown and in 1841 Contained 2000 100 and 33 inhabitance the castle is situated on a Small Island a bout 100 yards from Peel Seperated by the Peel on Nab River whitch is very Shallow at the tow water the entrance to it was formerly by a flight of steps on the eastern side now almost completily decayed abridge has been recently erected across the River and the castle may allso be approached by afery boat the walls whitch are from three to four feet thick are built of clay and Slate and many towers are on the walls [33] The castle is Seposed to have been built by Thomas Earl of Derby in 1500 Some Wrighters say that it was built 1235 weleft Peel on the eavning of the Same day at 4 clock arived at Duglass at 6 Tusday 26 I went in company with bro Crosby to Ramsy had the Privalege of preaching to some Gentleman and ladies on the road in the coach arived their a bout 11 oclock the same knight the next day 27 we got some hand bills notifieng the peopple that their would bee preaching in the eavning of the sameday had a large congregation babtised 1 after meeting Thursday 28 returned to Duglass preach that knight of Friday 29 Spent the day in duglass had acounsil in the eavning Set things worigth Saturday 30 spent the day in Duglass [34] Sonday the 1 of July notice haven been given that I would bee in duglass that day the house or room was full and I preach 3 times gave some in strution to the Saints confermed 3 had a good day of it Monday 2 6 oclock in the morning I was cauld to go and babtise an other 1 after whitch weleft Duglass at 9 oclock in the morning for liverpool had arough passage boat sick got to Liverpool 5 in the afterknoan I have Spent my time in Liverpool preaching and de administer to the Saints up to the 13 whitch is Friday having preach 4 time during that time atended 2 counsils and Mrs Andrus and Milo Jr haveing boath been sick and one still sick I haeve had my hands full [35] Saturday 14 our little Boy continuy vary poorly and I spent theintire day in st takeing care of him Sonday 15 Started to Nuton about 4 oclock got their about 10 preached 3 times and then returned at ½ past 10 in the eavning found the boy worse Spent the knight in prain forhim and in the morning hee seemed better Monday 16 I am still at home takeing care of the Sick Tusday 17 I went to bro Pratt and eatwells then return home the boy begins to get better Wensday 18 went to the Musac Hall and babtised aman by the name of Wood that had a laim Arm and had been pronounced incura ble by them doctors he was administerd to and he said he found great relief and thank the Lord that he had found his peopple and his church [36] from the Hall I went to Birkenhead to preach at 7 oclock at the Mc Instat Instatution had a large and attentive congregation came home to Liverpool the Same knight Thursday 19. Spent the day in Liverpool viseting the Saints Wet to Meeting in the eavning and preachs Friday 20 This day was ourcounsill met dow done Sutch buisness as was braught before the counsill Saturday 21 Spent the day in Liverpool Sonday 22 Preach in the Musac Hall 2 metings well attended Monday 23 I Spent the day in wrighting Tusday 24 I was cauld up early to go and adminester to Bro Esherwood who was seiged withe the colera but before igot their he wa ded I steid and helpt to bury him I viseted 3 others that ware atacked with the same diseas Wensday 25 Went to chasher to attend an appointment has dome opposition [37] but all things went about wright Thursday 26 it is 12 monts this day Since I landed in Liverpool and I thank God for preserving my life and the Lives of my family that are with me and prey that those that are in the Great Salt Lake city are Well and I know ask God my heaven ly father in the name of his son Jesus Christ that he will preserve us all and bring us all to gather in 14 monts from this dat eaven so Amen It is now meeting time and I must goto the Hall and preach af ter meeting I babtised 1 Friday 27 this was our counsill knight after counsill I babtised 1 Saturday 28 Spent this day at home Sonday 29 preach e in the Musac Hall Monday 30 Spent the day at home went in the eavning to the Zologickal Guardins in company with [38] Guilbert Clemmants and Saw afine performance by the french ladys after whitch we had a vew of constantanople and the Splended fire Works that was grand I Tusday 31 Spent the day in viseting the Sick Wensday 1 day of August went to Birkenhed and preach in the ear eavning had good atendance Thursday 2 Spent the day in Liverpool preach in the Hall at knight Friday 3 met with the counsil and tryed 2 cases cut 1 oph Bro Kane maid Satisfaction Satturday 4 went to See bro Pratt on business Sonday 5 Preach in the Musac Hall in the morning Spent the day with the Saints in Liverp Monday 6 went to Nuton to attend a Tryal against the Presiding Elder Seteld all things to the Satesfaction of the partys [39] Tusday I came again to Liverpool to attend a Tract meeting reorganised the Society Wensday 8 went to Birkenhead and Preached in the eavning Thursday 9 went in company with Bro Pratt to the Liverpool flower Shoe and got badly wet to pay us for our troble Friday 10 went to See bro kent inregard to the Poor law of the Parishes Saturday 11 went in company with Mrs Andrus to Upholand Sonday 12 I preach 3 times and was taken sick in the knight Monday 13 I Was vary Sick all day with the bowelcomplaint got rather beter at knight Tusday 14 Was mutch better went about 2 milds to See Bro Swift Wensday 15 went from Upholand to Nuton Staid all knight to Bro Caminens Thursday 16 I preach at vidoct foundry [40] and apointed Bro Stocks to preside Friday 17 went to Robins now to viset the Saints Spent the day with them Saturday 18 I went to St Helens and Staid all knight Sonday 19 preach 3 times in that place Monday 20 Spent the day in viseting the Saints Tusday 21 We came to Liverpool and in the I after knoon went to bro Pratts and mett with bro Brist and Babet and bro Pratt cauld upon us to Set with him in counsill on emigration Wensday 22 I went to Birkenhead to preach to fill an apointment maid for bro Pratt had a large congre gation but when the meeting was a bout beaing closed the rable threw a ded dog through the [41] window with the entention of throwing it on my head but it went down on the floor and only hit me on the foot the stench was oufull their was ayong Woman that was Possess with the spiret of the devil and we was oblige to carry hur ougtst of the meeting after whitch we went to the place whare Shee was and laid our hands on hur the devil Was rebuked for a Short time then retur -ned again She said that Shee had obtained a Revilation from the Lord that Shee Was to prophecy in the meeting that knight Thursday 23 I preach in the Musac Hall after Meeting 2 babtised Friday 24 met in counsill at knight done the buisness that came before us Saturday 25 Spent the day [42] the daay viseting the Saints Sonday 26 this day was our quartly conference in Liverpool the fore Part of thi day was Spent in representing the Brittnenc in the if after knoon 5 ware conferm and 3 Elders ordained Several Preasts 1 Deacon after whitch mutch instruction was given on many Subjectes the confer closed after changeing the Presiding Elders of Nuton Branch and Upholand in the Spiret of union and Peace Monday 27 nothing of importance Friday 28 Spent the day in viseting the Sick in Liverpool Wensday 29 went to Meet the Sech Saints and after that went to Birken head and Preach in the Me instotn Thursday 30 went to See Bro Paul in company with Bro Wiley after whitch we went to the Hall and [43] Preached Friday 31 this day Started in company with J W Coward to Viset his friends in YorkShire a bout 100 hundred milds from Liverpool We Started ½ 10 and arived at this fathers at 5 the Samel day I will now give a Short Sketch of what transpired during my Stay their Whitch was 10 days on the Second of Septtember we held 3 meeting whitch ware well atended during the day it full to my lot to preach and Bro Coward bare testimony in the after known we had to his Eldest Bro and Wife whitch ware wellplease of ter meeting I was inst introdused to them and received and invatation to caul on them I thanked them and aranged to caul on the next Thrsday and allso to hold a meeting in the village whare they live on Tusday knight had a good time Bor Coward preach 2 ours and 20 mins to [44] and I bore testamony the next eavning I preached at Skellow Mill at the house of Jervus Writht had alarge congregation and the Spiret of the Lord bore testamon of the Truthe the next morning Bro Coward babtised 1 of his Brothers and one of his Fathers Servant Maids we staid untill Sonday the 9 teaching the peopple on Sonday the nuse got Spred far and near We had 3 meetings on Sonday I preached all the time the meetings ware crowded after the eavning metting I babtised 2 confermed them tho same knight 2 more gave their names in for babtism on Wensday tonight during the time of my Staying I had convers Sation with many respectable peopple who maid earnest enquings after the truth as it is in Christ [45] this part of England is what they caul the West Riding of YorkShire a butiful country it is to I was in the neighborhood where John Wesly was born it is a farming country and a good 1 to for England the face of the land is rovling the timbers fine forthis country the little vilage of Skellow is on the estate of Mr Cook esq who holds tho country for many milds round besides he has got many hundres of acres in a Park and Still ading to it the time is not far distant if things continues that thuas nobleman (Scoundrels) will have the Whole country in their Banks and the poor will have to hurt huiss forthem for the Sake of the head and pluck o God Streach forth thine Arm for deliverance to the poor of the earth and bring dow the haughty [46] of man and let him no that their is a good in heaven that regards the poor among men Skellon is about 5 milds from Doncaster and about 3 milds from Askern Baths I was kindly entertained by Sister Wright and Woberton the later a single lady I was treated kind by many others afew Words may not bee af miss about the Branch of Skellon 6 month ago bro Coward went to viset his friends and through the blessing of the lord and his dilagence he planted the gospel Seed and it has taken deep root and now there is 36 mem -bers their and many more believing bro Coward is a good man and trying to do the best that he can I left him on the 10 and came ot Liverpool got their ½ 5 in the eavning [47] during my Stay in Yorkshore Mrs Andrus Was vary Sick but when I got home She had began to get beter but is vary week yet but I hope in Christ that She may recover and Say father in the name of thy Son let the powr of the holy gost rest upon hur and restore hur to hur health and Strength again I got home on Monday the 10 of Sept Tusday 11 Spent the day at home Wensday 12 this day I was envited to Sister Robinsons in the eavning to meet a Party of breathren who had been engaged in getting a Wach for Me and in the Preasance of the Party Gilbert Clemance on behalf of the committee proceded to nomina te Bro Wilberg to take the chair it was cared after whitch he maid knone the object of the meeting [48] cauling upon Gilbert Clemans to procede to J present the Said watch Wach to Bro Andrus as a token of our asteem for him as a man of god after the presentation Whiet was in behalf of the Liverpool Saints Bro Andrus returned his thanks to the comity and thron their to the Saints and Said that as the lord had permited his Servant to Wair the squair on the Wright brest and the compass on the left So that he might Squair their one lives by the Squair of rightousness and the compass to devide to every man Justice So he would Wair Said Wach in memory of the Liverpool Saints whilst it Should run the meting then was Spent in Social Chat untill ½ to tho brake upt [49] ther names of the Commitee S Gilbert Clemants Thomas Hord William Robinson I would father Say that Sister Robinson provided a fine repast for the occation for whitch avote of thanks was given hur Thursday 13 I Preached in the Hall after Meeting 2 babtised Friday 14 I spent the day in viseting the Sick in the eavning went to counsil Saturday 15 this day was the apointed day for the excecution of S John Gleson Wiles at Kirkdale near Liverpool he came on the Scaffold at 12 oclock aM atended by two Roman Priests and after a Short Serimony he was hong in the pressance of a vast multitude of peopple I was their the 1 Site of the kind that I ever Saw he was hung for the murder of Mrs Hendeson [50] and family and hur Servant Girl Sonday 16 this day was Spent by me in Liverpool I preached in the morning Bro Pratt in the eavning 1 confermed Monday 17 Spent the day in Liverpr Teaching the Saints Tusday 18 went to Bro Pratts on buisness Wensday 19 my Sone Milo is Sick and I am confind at home at the pressant time Thursday 20 went to the Musac Hall and preached in the eavning Friday 21 met in counsill at the hall Saturday 22 Spent the day in teaching the Saints and in the eavning went to Bro Davises to See his Son who died at Zoeloch the Same day Sunday 23 I preached in the Hall in the Morning and Eavning Monday 24 attended the funral of Bro Davice Son and in the eavning Preach in the Park [51] Tusday 25 Spent the day in Liverpool Wensday 26 do in Liverpool Thursday 27 preach in the Musachall Friday 18 met in counsil Saturday 29 Started for Shrewsbury a distance of 60 milds from Liverpool got their about 4 oclock in the PM found the Saint well met with Bros James K Libbits Sonday 30 preached 3 times after meetings 2 came forward to bee Babtised Bro Libbits adminesterd Monday 1 October I went in company with bro Sh Tibbits to Asterly about 10 milds whare their had been an apointment Sent for me I preached after I got their 4 came for babtism bro Tibbits was appointed to babtise Tusday 2 went about 3 milds and preached to Mr Titleys Titleys Wensday 3 was engaged in picking Some Black buries to presurve [52] Thursday 4 Staid to Titleys it rained all day Friday Wensday 3 Staid at Titley it rained all day Thursday 4 we went a bout 14 mild to Bro Dudley in Montgomitlin Staid all knight with him Friday 5 Tibbits re turned to Asterly and I remaind at Bro Quay and Preached that knight Saturday 6 I returned to Shrewsbury a distance of 17 milds got their at 4 oclock road a mule Sonday 7 Preached 3 times in Shrewsbugy Monday 8 returned to Liverpool got their about 11 oclock Tusday 9 from this day untill Monday 15 I spent the time in Liverpool teaching the Saints and preaching the Gospel on the 14 I preached 2 in the Musac Hall during the above Spce of time I viseted the Sick and a adminesterd to them [53] Monday 15 Still in Liverpool I have Just receivd a leter from William Laug of Madina Madina Co Ohio baring date 11 of September 1849 bringing the nuse of the death of my father /1849 Who departed this life on the 27 of June at the advancd age of 75 years in the Township of Henrietta Lorain Co Ohio he was buried by the Side of My mother who departed this life on the 1 of Jan 1831 in the Township of Norwalk Huron Co Ohio in the 57 year of hurage She died a bout 1 year after the Gospel was restored by an angel they are entered in the church yard in Henrietta near My brothers House thus our ancesters are gone and their children growe up to Manhood & Womenhood 10 in number 4 Sons & Six daughters Milo the yongest Son has embraced the fulness of the gospel as reveald by the Lord in the Last days [54] in consequence of whitch the balance of the family have cast me out of their feelings but the lord bee thanked I feel to rejoice that I am counted worthy to Suffer for the truth Sake Monday 15 Still in Liverpool Tusday 16 met with the Saints in the eavning and gave Sutch instruction as the Spiret of the Lord directed Wensday 19 I was cauld to See a man out of the church who was Sick and had been under the cair of Several dockters none of whome could doo him any good he had a cancer in the roots of his tongue he has Since Testified that he is mutch beter Thursday 18 I went a cross the River Mercury to Claerub to See bro Ross Spent the day with him untill eavning then returned [55] to Liverpool to the MuSac Hall whare John Bows had got an apointment to Slander Joseph Smith and the Twelve the maine thred of his discores was the Story of Marthy Brotherton Bead Peck Sarup Son Avard and Dr Benet and Co with all the leys of others and those that he has maid himself & that that the devile has maid for him aftere he had gone his length he cauld a vot of the congregation if they Believe that Joseph Was a wicked imposter to hold up their hands the majorig in the affermitive the meeting then closed Friday 19 I met mr Bows again at the Hall after he had persued his usial corse of Slander for the Space of 1 ½ ours I enterd into discusion with him for 2 ours [56] after whitch their was not any expresion taken by trying the congregat Mr Bows is a notorias blaggard and a base vilan Saturday 20 Spent the day in Livapool Sonday 21 this day I preached 2 in the Hall in Liverpool Monday 22 Mr Bows resumed his Slang against the Saint Bro G D Watt replyed to him their was naught but confusion whe he was Speeking I hear take the liberty to Say in the Preasance of God that Mr J Bows is the greatest hipocrit that I ever Saw and May the Curs of his one doings follow him Tusday 23 Spent the day in liverp geting redy to go away Wensday 24 Started to St Helens preached at knight at that place left the Next day for Nuton got their at [57] 3 oclock PM preached in the eavning left their the nex day for Warington Staid all knight with Bro Evans left the Next day and came again to Nuton and met the Elders in counsill on the 27 and Set thing in order their Sonday 28 I Spent the day in Nuton and preached 3 times Monday 29 Spent the day in viseting the Saints Tusday 30 I preached at Orelean foundry Wensday 31 I went to Upholand by the way of Wigan got their at 3 oclock PM preached their that knight Thursday November 1 went about 3 milds and preached in the eavning at aplace by the name of Bilenge Friday 2 Went to Koby Mills about {illegible} 5 Spent the day in teaching the Saint Saturday 3 went about 2 milds to see Some of the Saint to give them some counsill about their duty [58] Sonday 4 Spent the day in Upholand preached 3 times babtised 1 had large and attentive congregation the Lord blest me with the Spiret and the Saints all rejoic and we had afine day of it Monday 5 Started for Liverpool at 9 oclock AM got to Liverpool at 10 AM found the family well and the rest of the Saints Tuesda whilst I was in upholand I went down I a cole Pit 500 feet to See how they get coles I think that I was as near hell as I ever Shall bee if it is beeneath I saw many feemales to work at the pit it looks like hard work to get along in Sutch aplace Tusday 6 I went to See Bro Pratt him on buisness I received a leter from Shrewsbury on this day bringing the nuse of an accident that hapend in that place on Saturday 3 of November it was as fowlous [59] E Elder Leid went to babtise a yong Women when he had babtised hur he is Seposed to have taken a cramp and they boath fell into the water and Leid was drownded the yong Women was got out by James Bishop he has not been found yet Wensday 7 Spent the day at home wrighting I all So went to the Market Thursday 8 I went to the Hall and preached Friday 9 met in counsil and done Sutch business as was braught before us Saturday Spent the day in Liverpool Sunday 10 I went to St Helens preached their 3 times during the day Staid their untill Monday in the offterknoon then started for Liverp about 2 AM Monday 12 got home afosa 4 oclock Tusday 3 went in company with Bro Cantwell to by some cloth for Some clothing to Wair on the Road home [60] Wensday 14 I am at home wrighting Some leters in regard to the buisness of the conference and allso makeing Some preperation about going home as the time is drawing neigh of our departure from this land Thursday 15 this day is Set apart by hur Majesty Quee Victory for a day of thanks giving to all Mighty God for removing the colera from hur relms but Stop Says the Spiret of God they may make long prais yet the Judgement of god will over take them in an our when they think not when their natiansial Show will have neglect the lord has Sent a messag of the gospel to the nations of the earth and the penalty is if they reject it is that the our of his Judgements is come and none [61] Shall bee able to acape it but those that flee to Zion O ye Slleeping nations hear the cryes of the Messengers of heaven before it is to late for you and you are like the peoppe in the day of Noah and allso like the sities of of Sodom aWake they that sleep and God will give you life Friday 16 the Saints had a meeting in the eavning and I was cauld upon to preach whitch on th 15 I did Friday 16 this day I babtised Bro Ross of Cea(illegible) was our weekly counsile met and done Sutch buisiness as was braught before yes Saturday 19 I was at home wrighting Sunday 18 I preached at the Hall in the morning and after preaching their ware 4 confermed in the eavning went to Birkenhead and preached in the Macknacs instatution [62] Monday 19 went to do Some buisness with Bro Pratt allso baught some things preparitory to starting hom I allso receivd from Bro Pratt as a gift ftz e [illegible] 126 I alls baught 1 dosen knives and forks at the price of 5 [shilling] each left Tusday 20 went of the River Mercy to [illegible] to See Bro Ross and receivd a Small Par of pickets of cabbage alls went to meeting afterward to Bro Tibbits had afine time among the Saints Wensday 21 Spent the day in getting redy Thursday 22 I this day was put in posession of a litle history Saying to bee a short history of Joseph of arimathem Saying that he came to england in the 1 century and that he was born about 4 years before the Nativity of Christ it is Said of him that he came to Glastenbury in Summesetshire [63] Whare he stuck down his Staff and and Whare is still Growing the noted White Thorn Which buds every Christ Mass in the Morning Blossoms at Night on the place whare he pitched his Staff in the Grounde he became a convert to the Gospel of christ at the age of 17 after the death of christ he led a solatary life about Six Months in commemoration of our Saivour crucifie it is still Said that at Glastenbury in Summersetshire that the white thorne still buds ivery chrissmus day in the morning blosems at noon and faids away at Night Thursday 22 Met at the Glusae Hall and after Meeting 2 came forward to bee babtised Friday 23 I went across the River Merzy to Trasamers [64] Thursday 6 Spent the day at [illegible] home Friday 9 this knight was our counsill knight Saturday 8 Spent the day at home Sunday 9 I preached in the musac Hall in the morning and in the eavning went to Birkenhead and Preached their Monday 10 I am at home Mrs Andrus is very Sick She has got a Sore foot Tusday 11 went [illegible] from this time untill the 25 I was preaching and getting redy to Start babtised 4 during the time allso preached in Birkenhead branch on [illegible] the 25 We had a Teaparty in Liverpoo about 500 preasant we had a good time from the 25 untill the 6 of January I was Still a getting redy and preaching on Sonday and Thursdy the family are Sic all the Lime [65] from the 25 untill the [illegible] 6 of Jan I preach 10 times babtised 6 and was engage in getting redy to start Mrs Andrus Sick all the time on bord the uncle Sam on the 21 of March I take up My Penn to record Some of the many events that have transpired Since I last wrote in the first place we Sailed from Liverpool on the 11 of January had 2 days fair Wind then an head one for 18 days during whitch time we had many hard Squalls of wind and Rough Sea whitch maid mutch Sickness wehad 5 of our Sails caried a way but after a long time the Wind changed in our faivor and then we got along well We came near a Ship Reck on the Pine [illegible] [66] we landed in Neworleans on the 9 of March after a pasage of 8 weeks we Started up the River on the 12 on bord the Uncle Sam we ware 14 days from their to St Louice we Stayd in StLouic 3 days then Shiped on Bord the Sacramento for Brunswic Mo we got their on the 1 day of Aprill we staid their 3 weekes then Stated on the Bluff we landed at the Bluffs in 20 days on our journy up we past throu the county of Colwell St of Mo by the place whare the Saints once lived when I contemplate the many hardShips that the church has gone through it causes me to marvel that So may have lived as has throu untill the pressent [67] Sarah Ann Milo borne in the State of Ohio Galey C Salsbury tounship in the year 1800 and 18 on the 9 of March Lavinia Mariah Sellew borne in fairfield Adams Co State of Illinois febuary 16 friday morni ng 6 oclock 1844/ Milo Andrus [illegible] by the seales, 193 March the 11. 1849 this day above writer Jane More came to our hous to live while hur father went to America to get means to send for hur and the rest of the family [68] 120 psalms 16 verce we have the [illegible] fowloing language when the lord shall build up Zion he shall appear in his glory he will regard the prayer of the destitute and not despise their prayer now my dear friends and breathren you can see that the virb build expreses action consequently the lord could not do this work with out revealing the place by whitch he would have us work in order to have it done in an exeptable manr we will just Say for the purpus of ilustras [illegible] 3 weekes then Started for the Bluffs we landed at the Bluffs in 20 days on our journy up we past throu the county of Colwell St of Mo by the place whare the Saints once lived when I contemplate the many hardShips that the church has gone through it causes me to marvel that So may have lived as has throu untill the pressent [69] Sarah Ann Andrus Milo Andrus Ju Born in Liverpool September the 30 1849 at Rupert Street 42 Febuary 10 this day weighed by the seales,193 March the 11. 1849 this day above writer Jane More came to our hous to live while hur father went to America to get means to send for hur and the rest of the family