Transcript for Milo Andrus Emigrating Company journal, 1861 April-May and July-August
Company No. 5
Milo Andrus Commanding
From Florence Nebraska Terty [Territory]
to Great Salt Lake City, Utah T[erritory]
A.D. 1861
Monday July 1st
Company No. 5 organized by electing Elder John D.J. McAllister Captain. John Taylor capt. of 1st 10. Daniel Grenig of 2nd 10, N[hemiah].W. Birdno 3rd 10, Jacob Hoffman 4th 10, Robert Shelton 5th 10, & James Evans 6th 10, Geo M Ottinger clerk. 337 men. Women & children , 72 waggons, 237 oxen, 93 cows[,] 14 Horses & 6 mules in the train. Evening Bros. Snow & Gates deeming it wisdom, appointed Bro. Milo Andrus, Capt of Company & Bro Martindale Serg[e]ant of Guard, Bro McAllister being released mutch to the regret of most of the Company as he had been their leader in Philadelphia for over one year during which time he had won the love & esteem of all who were so fortunate as to make his acquaintance. day warm though at times a pleasant breeze
Tuesday July 2nd
After noon at 2½ O Clock Rolled out of Camp McAllister (No. 1) Every body as busy as crickets. Steping out not
Wednesday July 3rd
Left camp No 2[.] between 10 & 11 O Clock A.M. Crossed Papilon [Papillion] between 2 & 3 O Clock[.] arrive on "Elk-horn" & encamped about 7 O Clock P.M—distance 17 miles day sunny & hot The Thermo at Elk horn Post Office at 6 O Clock P.M. 90° in Sun. Every body completely worn out with first day's travel & glad to rest. Camp No 3.
Thursday July 4th
Independence day. left Camp on Elkhorn between 8 & 9 OClock A.M. day fine. 'The Stars & Stripes' floating from one or two of the waggons—Passed through "Fremont City" between 2 & 3 OClock P.M. the city appeared to be enjoying their selv[e]s as good Union men should[.] Encamped on "Platte River" North side about 4 OClock P.M. wood & water plenty. Dancing in Evening [.] Dist travelled this day 16 miles. Camp No. 4
Friday July 5th
Rolled out of camp this morning between 8 & 9 OClock[.] day splendid though oxen suffered drea[d]fully from heat & flies. Encamped on "Platte" river 4 OClock P.M. distance mad[e] this day. 13 miles. Camp No 5
Saturday July 6th
Left camp No 4 between 8 & 9 OClock as usuale [usual]. Nooned between 12 & 1 OClock[.] Encamped between 4 & 5 OClock P.M. distance traveled this day 10 miles[.] while forming corell had a heavy storm wind rain & hail for over 1 hour[.] it rained in torrents. Camp. 5 6
Sunday July 7th
Left camp No 5 about 12 OClock M [noon] day warm. Encamped 7 OClock after travelling 10 miles. had meeting in Morning Bro Milo presiding. Camp No 7 on Shell Creek.
Monday July 8th
Left camp between 6 & 7 OClock A.M. passed through "Columbus" about 9 OClock A.M. Crossed "Loup Fork" in Ferry boat & encamped mile this day. Money collected for ferry Company $35.00[.] day very warm[.] Camp No 8
Tuesday July 9th
Left camp this morning about 8 OClock A.M. delayed. hunting for stray cattle [.] nooned after travelling 12 miles in 2 hours. Encamped on Platte between 6 & 7 OClock[.] Compelled to leave Sister Lemonn & team behind She having lost an ox. distance made this day 14 miles Some of the brethren likes the axletrees of their wagons. needing greasing. Bro Milo gave them a grand waking up this Evening in the Spirit of an excellent lecture telling them what they should & what they should not do. Speaking with the help of the Spirit—this impression was penetrating & beneficial to through out the camp. distance this day traveled 14 miles. Camp No 8
Wednesday July 10th
Left camp this morning between 6 & 7 OClock A.M. morning splendid[.] Nooned from 10½ OClock until 12 M. on "Platte" distance 9 miles[.] Encamped on Small creek between 6 & 7 OClock P.M. Camp Splendid[.][ wood not plenty—water good. Evening Cold[.] Miles made this day 20 Camp 9
Thursday July 11th
Rolled out this morning between 6 & 7 O Clock A.M. Nooned between 10 & 11 O Clock day very hot. Corelled between 6½ & 7½ O Clock. Rained he[a]vy until 8 P.M. distance made this day 18 miles. Night cool Camp No 10
Friday July 12
Left camp this morning between 6 & 7 OClock A.M. nooned between 10 & 11 OClock[.] Rolled out 1½ OClock P.M. Encamped on Wood River between 6 & 7 OClock, Raining a little after forming corell [corral] distance made this day. 18 miles Camp No 11
Saturday 13th
Rolled out of Camp about 2. P.M. as it was raini[n]g very bad in morni[n]g. the road was splendid the Cattle travelling briskly. Encamped between 7 & 8 OClock distance made this day 12 Miles
Camp 12
Sunday 14th
Left Camp between 6 & 7 OClock A.M.—arrived at Wood River Center about 9 OClock dist[.] made 2½ miles & Encamped in morning peopl[e] washing and fixing—afternoon Rainy. Afternoon meeting. Bros. Andrus & Martandale [Martindale] presiding
Camp 13
Monday July 15th
Left camp this morning between 6½ & 7½ Oclock. day pleasant did not noon to day. Made 21 miles and Encamped between 3 & 4 OClock[.] Meeting in several of the tens this Evening. [blank space]
Camp 14
Tuesday 16th
Left camp this morning between 7 & 8 Oclock. Nooned at 12. M. Rolled out between 2 & 3 Oclock. Encamped about 5 P.M. day cloud in morning Afternoon pleasant. Miles this day. 20
Camp 15
Wednesday 17th
Left camp this morning between 6 & 7 Nooned between 10 & 11. day cloudy. verry good rolling. Encamped between 4 & 5 P.M. dist made 20 miles. Capt Hooper's mule train passed us this afternoon [blank space] Camp 16
Thursday 18th
Left camp this morning between 7 & 8 OClock. Morning misty a heavy dew falling[.] Nooned between 2 & 3 OClock P.M. Left correll about 3. P.M. Afternoon awful hot & sultry[.] formed correll between 7 & 8. dist this day 20 miles. A heavy rain falling while forming correll which lasted until about 9 P.M. [blank space] Camp 17
Friday 19th
Left camp this morning about 8 A.M. nooned between 1 & 2 Oclock. left at 3 P.M. & Encamped on Platt[e] between 6 & 7 OClock, distance mad[e] 18 miles. Road verry sandy rolling verry heavy[.] day warm. Commenced raini[n]g about 8 OClock & continued until morni[n]g. Somewhat damping. The goods as wet as the Spirits of Several of the Saints
Camp No 18
Saturday 20th
Cleared off about 9 A.M. Camped moved about half past twelve. road verry heavy. rolling awful[.] Encamped about 4 O Clock P.M. on "Skunk Creek" dist made about 8 miles. Raining all night verry heavey. Capt. however mannaged to get up a dance between. showers. in the Evening
Camp 19.
Sunday 21st
Rain this morning. Every thing—damp & wet in side & out side of waggons. Cleared off about 9½ Oclock but was showery all day. Meeting at 7 OClock. Bros. Milo & Martindale presiding
Monday 22nd
Left camp this morning between 7 & 8 Oclock A.M Nooned between 2&3 <1 & 2> at "Cold Spring" dist 11 miles. Rolled out about 3½ Oclock & Encamped on North Fork of Platte River about 7 oclock distance made 20 miles[.] Road verry sandy & bad at places making heavy rolling. was visited by Indians soon after Correlling [corralling] [blank space] Camp 20
Tuesday 23rd
Left camp between 7½ & 8 OClock A.M. day warm. nooned about 12 Oclock found on road this way a Buffalo head containing the following enscription
"No 4 Company passed this Spot 17th of July 1861 all well and but one accident which happened to one of the sisters named Butler who was run over by one of the waggons [.] She is dying"
H. Duncan
Rolled out about 2 Oclock P.M. road this afternoon good at places. hard to cross several Slues [sloughs] over one of which we wer[e] compelled to build a grass bridge. Encamped between 7 & 8 P.M. dist travelled to day 15 miles
21 Camp
Thursday 24th
Left camp this morning at 8 A.M. crossed "Bluff Fork" & encamped about 12 O Clock. Celebration the 24th July this afternoon in grand stile (style) considering everything [.] Bro Milo having selected 2 old men 2 old woman 4 Young Men & 4 young Women from Each Ten. (There being 6 Tens in company) and appointing Bro Martindale Marshall they formed a line & marched through the camp & arround it. led by music (a violin & accordion). Marching & counter marching in good order & time for some time and finally forming in front of Stand. The company was addressed by Bros. Andrus & Martindale aboutt brin[g]i[n]g back to the reccolection of the people the sufferings of the Saints during the Early History of the Church & contrasting it with there present prosperity & happy condition. This was followed by several good & happy toasts and the meeting closed with prayer by Bro Martindale. in the Evening we had dancing & games in which the young & old enjoyed themselves in until nearly 12 O Clock. Camp 22
Thursday 25th
Seperated the company to day the 2nd[,] 4th & 6th Starting between 7 & 8 Oclock. Commanded by Bro Martindale the 1st [,] 3rd & 5th Ten Left camp about 10½ OClock[.] Encamped about 6½ P.M. on Bluff Creek. distance made 12 miles[.] Burried this Evening John Moss a native of England age about 50 years[.] he was burried about 1½ miles East of the Creek on a little Bluff 20 or 25 yards North of the road[.] we over hauled Bro Martindale about 11: A.M. who had stopped to burry a child named David M. Gamit age 3 years
Camp 23
Friday 26th
Left camp this morning about 10½ A.M. nooned about 1 O Clock. left again 4½ OClock. being detained waiti[n]g for a waggon that had stuck in sand[.] the road awful sandy & hilly dist 10 miles
Camp 24
Saturday 27th
Left camp about 8 OClock[.] nooned about 12 M day verry hot & sultry. Started again at 2 O Clock P.M. & correlled [Coralled] 7½ O Clock on Platte. Road good to day distance made 16 miles. Camp 25
Sunday 28th
Left camp this morning about 7 O Clock[.] nooned about 1½ OClock P.M. day warm—one mile from camp crossed a tremendous sand bluff awful work for oxen[.] formed correll on West side of Bluff between 5 & 9 Oclock as it was late before some of the waggons could get in[.] Dist made this day 16 miles. Camp 26
Monday 29th
Left camp this morning 9½ O Clock having been detained hunting for stray cattle[.] Bros Gates[,] Jones & Spencer with mules & waggon over hauled us this morning Nooned about 3 O Clock the day intensely hot[.] Rolled in about 5½ O Clock & Encamped with Martindales division. distn [distance] this day. 13 miles.
Camp 27.
Tuesday 30th
Meeting this morning. Bros Jones[,] Gates & Spencer presiding. Company starting together. Left camp about 10½ A.M. Nooned about 3 P.M. Rolled on again about 5 OClock. day awfull hot. Encamped about 7½ OClock[.] distance 15 miles. Camp 28
Wednesday 31st
Left camp this morning about 9 A.M. nooned about 1 O Clock started on again about 4 P.M. afternoon pleasant it being cloudy with heavy sand ahead[.] distance this day 15 miles [.] Encamped about 7 oclock. [blank space ] Camp 29.
Thursday Aug. 1st
Left camp this Morning 9½ A.M. Capt. Martindales company leaving about half-hour before us. nooned on "Platte" North side about 1 P.M. day pleasant commenced fording "Platte River" about 3½ OClock[.] All the waggons over by 7½[.] day warm no accident. dist about 7 miles [blank space] [Camp] 30
Friday 2nd
Left camp this morning about 9 OClock. Nooned about 12 M[.] Rolled out again at 4 P.M. & Encamped about 7½ OClock on Platte River Road [.] good day warm "Chimney Rock" in sights distance this day 19 miles[.] Camp 31
Saturday 3rd
Left camp this morning about 7½ Oclock[.] nooned about 1½ OClock[.] day most pleasing On nooning Sister Vincent was safely delivered of a fine Boy about 3 O Clock. Rolled in about 5 OClock & Encamped about 8 OClock opposite "Chimney Rock["] dist this day 18 miles
Sunday 4th
Left camp about 7 OClock & Encamped between one & two on Platt day warm distance travelled about 17½ miles. While forming Correll Sister Silver fell from a waggon and was dreadfully hurt [--] her arm & leg being broken and otherwise injured about the breast. Had a verry hevey rain during the night
Monday 5th
Rolled out of the swamps this morning up to higher ground & breakfast[.] Rolled again about 11 A.M. passed "Scotts Bluff["] & Encamped at foot of mountain about 6 OClock dist. 16 miles. Rain between 12 & 1 OClock this my date 34.
Tuesday 6th
Rolled out about 6½ A.M. day pleasant[.] Nooned about 12 OClock. Rolled on at 3 P.M. & Encamped between 4 & 5 Oclock at trading post[.] dist. this day 16 or 18 miles[.] Rain again during the night about 11 oclock. [Camp] 35
Wednesday 7th
Rolled out of camp this morning between 9 & 10 OClock Nooned from 3½ to 5½ OClock. Encamped about 7½ P.M. road hilly & Sandy[.] while nooning had quite a hevey rain & wind storm [blank space] Camp 36
Thursday 8th
Rolled out of camp about 7½ OClock[.] Nooned about 1½ PM[.] road good[.] Encamped on "Laramie Fort" about 8 OClock. Missed the road this afternoon & lost about an hours time[.] Road hilly & Sandy in some places rocky [.] dist 18 miles
Friday 9th
Left camp this morning at 9½ AM Nooned about 12. M Rolled on at 2 And Encamped on Platte about 6.P.M. Bro Martindales division having encamped at Same place about an hour befor us[.] dist 12 miles
Saturday 10th
Burried this morning June B Harris a native of "Deptford["] England[;] he died this morning about 3 OClock his age about 35 years.
Left camp this morning about 8½ OClock bouth [both] divisions twenty to gether[.] nooned for an hour & Encamped about 6 OClock Dist 16 miles. [blank space]
Camp 39
Sunday 11th
Left camp this morning between 8 & 9 OClock[.] Encamped about 10 OClock to give every body a chance to Clean waggons. A little rain at 12 OClock after noon at 5 P.M. meeting Bro's Andrews, Martindale presiding
Camp 40
Monday 12th
Left camp this day at 1 OClock & Encamped on "Platte" about 8 P.M. distance this day 15 or 16 miles passed "Horse Shoe creek["] about 4 OClock
[Camp] 41
Tuesday 13th
Left camp about 7½ OClock nooned on South side river Martindales division crossing over to noon. Rolled on at 2 OClock & Encamped about 4½ P.M. on N. Side "Platte River" dist this day 16 miles. [blank space] [Camp] 42
Wednesday 14th
Left camp at 6½ OClock[.] commence fording "Platte" about 1½ [P.M.] over hauling [overtaking] Martindale Encamped on N. Side Encamped after crossing about 3 P.M dist this day 17 mil[e]s
[Camp] 43
Thursday 15th
Left camp about 8 OClock bouth [both] Divisions together. Encamped 12½ O.C. two or three miles West Lo Prell [La Prele] Creek[.] dist this day 10 miles. Camp 44
Friday 16th
Left camp this morning 6½ OClock[.] nooned at "Box Elder Creek" about 10½ A.M. Rolled on at 1½ & Encamped on "Deer Creek" about 3 O Clock P.M. dist this day 24 miles.
Saturday 17th
Rolled out of camp 9½ O Clock[.] Nooned about 2 P.M. Rolled on at 4 O Clock & Encamped about 6 O Clock[.] dist. this day 15 or 16 miles Evening Bros Andrus & Martindale addressed the people.
Camp 46
Sunday 18th
Left camp about 7 OClock[.] Nooned about 11½ half mile below Bridge on "Platte[.]" rolled on about 2½ P.M. & forded the river & Encamped by 5 O Clock dist 17 miles. 47
Monday 19th
Left camp this morning about 7½ had a little rain before starting—Encamped at "Red Buttes" about 12 O Clock the Capt hearing of good grass ahead Rolled on at 6 P.M. & encamped about 2 OClock the morning of the 20th [.] dist this day about 30 miles[.] 48
Tuesday 20th
Raining this morning. Rolled out at 1½ OClock Encamped on "Little Horse Creek" about 5½ P.M. dist 10 mil[e]s[.] Had a cow killed this Even[in]g. fresh meat in camp
Wednesday 21st
Left camp this morning about 10 OClock[.] Stopped for an hour at "Independence Rock" about 4½ P.M. to Bless Sister Vincents boy. at 5 OClock 10 minates [minutes] Bro Andrus blessed the child name is Milo C. Bock[.] About 5½ 7½ encamped on "Sweet Water" one mile above the rock [.] dist 15 mil[e]s
Thursday 22nd
Left camp between 8 & 9 OClock [.] passed "Devils Gate" about 11 OClock[.] Nooned at 1½ P.M. Seperated the Company again. Capt. Milo's div. taking the lead[.] Rolled on at 3½ OClock & Encamped about 8 P.M. dist. 20 miles
Camp 51
Friday 23rd
Left camp this morning 7½ AM Nooned about 11 OClock Rolled on at 1½ P.M. & Encamped at 6 OClock dist 18 miles.
Saturday 24th
Left camp this morning 7 OClock[.] nooned about 10½ rolled on again at 11½ resting again at 2 OClock finding good grass Encamped for the night about 4½ Oclock dist 14 miles
Sunday 25th
Left camp 5 ½ Oclock nooned at 10 ½ A.M rolled on again at 3 P.M & encamped about 5 ½ Oclock dist 21 miles. Capt. Martindales division came into camp as our division was leaving.
Monday 26th
Left camp this morning at 7 oclock leaving the "Sweet Water" & crossing the "Devils Back Bone" nooned about 12 OClock. Rolled on again about 3 P.M. & Encamped Millers Creek at 7 O Clock dist traveled this Day 22 miles
Tuesday 27th
Left camp this morning about 6 O Clock Breakfast'd about 9½ A.M. Rolled on again at 12 M through the South Pass & Encamped at "Pacific Spring" between 5½ & 6 OClock—day pleasant[.] dist. 18 miles.
Camp 56