
Transcript for Milo Andrus letter to Brigham Young, 11 July 1850

Camp of Isirel Capt.. Andras [Andrus]
Company 115 miles East of Fort Larimie [Laramie]
July 11th 1850

President Young

Dear Sir having an opertunity of sending you a few lines we would inform you that our company consisting of 51 Wagons 206 persons are in good traveling order 115 miles East from Fort Larimie [Laramie] on the South side of platte[.] we are all well there has Been no sickness in our camp of A serious nature of long duration[.] we left the Missouri River on the third of June[.] have met with no axcident & are geting along well[.] We have passed the Graves of hundreds yet God has preserved us for which we felle [feel] thankful[.] the Company is commanded By Capt. Milo. Andras [Andrus]

Peace & Union prevail in our midst & we hope By the Blessing of God to reach your Valey in safty With sentements of Esteem we subscribe ourselves your Brethren in the Gospel

James Leithead, Clerk