
Transcript for Milo Andrus letter to Brigham Young, 8 August 1850

Camp of Isirel Capt. Andrus Company
Sweet Water 296 miles from Salt Lake City
Aug 8th 1850

Aug 8th 1850

President Young having an opertunity of sending you A few lines in advance of us By the hand of Mr. Kinkade we thought it Advisable to inform you that we are now within 296 miles of your City in Genaral good health & spirits in good traviling condition[.] our Cattle have stood the journey Remarcably well considering the scarsity of Grass since we left Fort Larimie [Laramie] & we anticipate to reach our destination about the First of Sept.--we think we <can> accomplish the Journey without any assistance, we travil slow & steady take Great care of our teams'& lay up on an average about two days in the week we have met with no serious accident[.] have lost But very few Cattle[.] the Lord has Blessed us & opened the way Before us & our present prospects are flattering[.] there has Been But one death in our midst las[t] night A Gold Diger died that was along with us--With sentements of Esteem for Brigim Young