
Transcript for Missionary reports, 1831-1900, Church History Library

Great Salt Lake City UT. Dec. 9 – 1865 Elder Geo. A. Smith Church Historian Dr. Bro. At a conference held in Calcutta Hindoostan in the fall of 1854, Bro. N.V. Jones presiding, Bro. Truman Leonard & myself were appointed a mission to the Bombay Presidency. On our arrival at Bombay per ship “Niobe” presiding Elder Hugh Findlay, with of course, our concurrence concluded we had better go still for the – farther west & if possible open anew field at Kuwachee in the Province of Scindh. Arriving at this place with an empty exchequer, we took a large room situated pretty centrally within cantonement limits. A very few days passed when we were summoned before the military captain of police & G.E. Ashburner, who without permitting us to make any statement whatever peremptionally ordered us out of the Cantonement & sent with us several Peons to see that we did his bidding instantes. He forbade our returning to camp on any bus business whatever Thus ejected from the limits of “civilization” & cast among the natives without friends or pennies & after making many futile at redress attempts at redress Elder Leonard went to Hydrabad North while I remained, studying the Hindoostranee language & doing what I could in introducing the Gospel to “civilians” & soldiers in a clandestine manner.