Transcript for Missionary reports, 1831-1900, Church History Library
Missionary Camp, East Kanyon Creek, 30 Miles from Great Salt Lake City May 9. 1855. Editor of News, Sir, We take this opportunity of making a short report of our prospects. We left Great Salt Lake City, on Monday the seventh inst at 4 o’clock, drove about 2 miles up Emigration Kanyon, and camped for the night. A number of brethren from the city in company. Tuesday 8th. At ½ past 7 on the move; – drove over the little mountain on the new route, through Killien’s cut off, and camped at the foot of the big mountain at 11 oclock A.M. At ½ past 1 o clock had a heavy hail storm of 15 minutes duration, with cold wind and some rain. The company all being present at 15 minutes past 5. proceeded to organize by electing Hector C. Haight Captain. Henry N. Miller. Captain of the Guard, Robert C Petty, Chaplain and John L. Smith Clerk of Company. Wednesday May 9. The company consisting of: Missionaries for England H. C Haight, Daniel Davis, John L. Smith, Robert F. Neslen, John Kay, David A Curtis. For Ireland John Scott. For Scotland William Muir. Cherokee Mission. Henry W. Miller, William Richie. Robert C. Petty, Washington F. Cook, and John A Richards. For Texas. William C. Moodie, James Cooper. Going to the States on businiz of their own. Stephen B Rose, wife and 3 children, Warren G. Childs, wife and child, Charles Whitehouse. Daniel Page. and L.L. Bedell. M.D. 10 men 2 women & 4 children. 8 wagons. 20 horses. 6 mules. Wednesday May 9. Prayers at 6 A.M. all on the move at ¼ past 7 top of big mountan at 1/2 past 9. arrived at this camp at ¼ past 2. Grass good. Weather cloudy. but warm and pleasant, All is good spirits. Bro. Leo Hawkins has accompanied us thus far. He returns in the morning. any further particulars you may wish he will gladly communicate. (2) Respectfully Yours John L. Smith H C Haight Clerk of Company Captain Much obliged, but I printed in Aug all that is important of the mission – just started for East, as they had got so short a distance. [can’t read] (3) Private Editor of Deseret News Present Missionary Camp East Kaynon Creek 30 Miles from GS.L City May 9 1855 Copy of A letter from H.C. Haight to Editor of Deseret News