Transcript for Missionary reports, 1831-1900, Church History Library
A Report of My Mission. On the 7th of April 1854. at a general Conference of the Church, helde in G.S.L. City. I was appointed a mission to the Western Islands. I left home on the 5th of May. Arrived at Parrowan on the after a pleasent journey through the Southeran Settlements in company with my fellow-Missionaries to the Islands. and a large escort to the Presidency and Twellve on one of their annual vissits South. I remained in Parrowan a few days visiting my Relatives and friends in connection with one or two of the Brethren. I left Parrowan on the in company with my Cousin J.N. Smith. br's. O.K Whitney. W.W. Cluff and o thers. for Coal Kreek, whence the Company had proceeded the day subsiquent to their arrival in Parrowan Here we spent the Sabath. On Monday we commenced our journey across the deserts. Our journey, across the plains, was prosperous & Blessed We arrived in San Bernardino on the 9th of June. all well and hearty. feeling much rejoiced at once more meeting, some of our old friends. After the lapse of several weeks, during which the brethren were engaged in acquireing means to defray their expenses accross the watters; We left San Barnardino in a cupple of waggons provided by the Brin. for the ocasion. And arived at the coast, on the evening of the [page 2 f0017_00022] 6th of July. In the afternoon of the next day we embarked on board the Southerner for San Fransisco. where we arrived after a disagreable voige of three days. Here we found Prest. P.P. Pratt – who had preeceeded us to this place_ and the Saints feeling well. We remained in these parts some two months. endevoring to repair an old Brig. for the perpos of our conveyance to the Islands. &c. in which we failed. A stearage berth was then procured on board the Clipper Vaquaro. Capt. Newel. in which 8 of us embarked for the Islands. on the 8th of September. We made the voige in 19 days. We remained in Honolulu Seviral days visiting among the Brethren and viewing the Sceneries of the Capital. We then received our appointments. the Island of Molokai was allotted to me for my place of study. on ariving at Maui I was taken down with the “Boohoo” feaver. in about two week I had so far recovered. that it was thought wisdome I should visit the Country or inland. where I immediately Sat about Studying the language. and remain ed some 9 months. during this time the Native Saints seem ed to feel ambitious to do as they were taught. And the work Seemed to be progressing as affectually as we could wish. thus it continued till the work of gathering commenced. about this time many became dissatisfied. and the work seemed to fall into a decline upon all the Islands. from which. it was beyond Our power to recover it. The Church numbered about 5000 at this time and notwithstanding numbers were added allmost dayly upon many of the Island the decreas from appostacy. was marked and rapid; [page 3 f0017_ooo22] Many want say, they had tried Calvinism Catholocism, and Mormonism. and all had failed to meet their anticipations. And Now they would return to the worship of the Sun. Moon. Stares. Thunder. Ligthen ing. Rain. Fishes. Beasts. Birds. Stones. Treas. Wooden ima ges. or the Volcano. all of which were worshiped anciently by the people. and which they say “have power to their Satisfaction. while all els has failed.” Allmost every individual had a god of his own. Still a spirit of tollerance and perfect liberty prevailed respecting the rites of neighbours and friends. I traveled in the Islands about three years. I visited all those inhabited, but two, and the great Stream of Moalten Lava that burst out upon the Sumit of Maunaloa in 1855. in company with others; where we stood for an hower, and dryed our clothes in the midst of a tremendous shower of rain! I left the Islands on the 7th of Oct. in connection with 6 others. on Board the Barque Yankey. Stearage – passage. miserable fare. 30.$. for San Francisco. where we landed in safety about the 1st of November. Here we found Prest. G. E Q. Cannon in good health and spirits, as also those remaining with him in the Office. and preparing. (by request, or counsel of the Presidency in Zion.) to start for the Valley as soon as possible. In hearing the counsel. I. (with Prests. S. Smith and E. Partridge) Sailed immediately for Santa Cruz County where I joined bro. C.C. Vandals company. bound for Zion. We reached San Bernardino. about the time the first emigration [page 4 f0017_00023] was moving out. I visited the family of uncle Don C. Smith. & used my endevars to persuade them to gather with the Saints. but in vain. I then engaged the drive team for bro. Cristminds family accross the plains. and reached home (G.S.L Co,) on the 24th of February 1858. I enjoyed myself well on my mission. and feel that my labours were crowned with a masurable degree of success. and met with. _ at least _ the app robation of my brethren of the mission. I have ever felt thankful for the Kinde providencies of the Allmighty, and ever hope to be found among the people of God. to live and dwell with them to share their blessings and recieve the portion allotted to the faithful. Joseph Smith Joseph F Smith's Account of his Mission Feb 24th 1858