
Transcript for Missionary reports, 1831-1900, MS 6104, Church History Library

[page 1] Logan, Cache Co June 17th 1877 Elder Orson Pratt Church Historian Dear Brother My Brother F.W. Hurst and I started on our Mission to Australasia on the 3rd of Nov 1875 in company with Elder Isaa Grod, who, on our arival in New Zealand appointed us to labour in that Country under the Presidency of Elder Wm McLachlan, We continued to labour under Bro McLachlan untill Feb 8th 1877 when he returned home, (we all haveing been released to return home by Pres. Isaac Grod,) My Bro and I not haveing the means we had to wait untill we received money from home we continued our labours after Bro McLachlan left and were the means in the hands of God of Baptizing eleven (11) persons and blessing [page 2] four (4) children, We left the New Zealand Conference in charge of Elder James Burnett Jr of Southbrook Canterbury [?] assisted by Elder John Walker the Saints felt well as a general thing and were using every effort to gather home We left Syttleton New Zealand May 4th 1877 and after a prosperous passage arived home June 6th 1877 Bro James Burnett wished to gather [?] but I told him to stay there untill be was released or the saints gathered home. Praying for the prosperity of Giver I remain Your Brother in the Gospel C.C. Hurst [page 3] June 17, 1877 Report of C.C. & F.W. Hurst’s Mission to New Zealand