
Transcript for Missionary reports, 1831-1900, MS 6104, Church History Library

[1] S.L. City August 6th, 1872. Report of a Mission by Robert Dickson to his Native Country Nova- Scotia, British America, by permission & sanction of Prest. Brigham Young, to visit his friends &c, to preach to them & all others who might be disposed to hear. Left G. S. Lake City, July 8th, 1871; went to Ogden, tarried 2 days on busi- ness, thence to Philadelphia to visit my wife’s friends, & transact some private business: tarried there 3 weeks: thence to New York, tarried there with a friend one day: thence to Boston, tarried there with my Bro., Newphew & Nieces 9 days: thence by Steamer 2 days & 1 night to City of St. John, Province of New Bruns- wick, & up St John’s River by Rail 80 miles, to see my Brother in law and oldest sister: tarried with them 4 days: thence down to St John again: tarried [2] there 2 nights & 1 day waiting for Steamer to Cross Bay of Fundy to Annapolis in Nova Scotia, 4 hours sail: thence to City of Halifax by Rail 80 miles: tarried there till 4 P.M. next day; thence by Rail to Truro, (adjoining Onslow, my native place,) about 75 miles: arrived there 27th September. Went forth immediately on my Mission, travelling around with- in a circuit of from 50 to 100 miles, visiting my relatives & old friends; obtaining the records of my numerous kindred & preaching to them diligently the Gospel of Jesus Christ from the time I arrived till the 17th of April ensueing; when I was suddenly & violently attack- ed with heart discase, & from which I suffered exeedingly up to a few hours before I started for [3] home, April 22nd. When I started from Truro at 6 O’clock A.M. had before me a journey of about 3000 miles, was hardly able to talk, or walk one square to the Depot. In my sisters home, April 21st, about 2 O’clock A.M., I was sudden ly awaked; & it seemed as though I could not possibly survive more than 5 or 10 Minutes; & in my extreme distress, (no Saints within about a thousand Miles of me of which I had any knowl- edge,) with all the faith & energy of mind that I could exercise, I called on God in the Name of Jesus Christ that He would not let me die there amongst the wicked. I was then instructed to administer to myself: I did so; & was relieved of my exceeding af- [4] fliction in less than 5 minutes still very weak but no pain; & immediately the Lord gave me an open vision: the vision closed, & in a few minutes was again renewed. Positive as- surance was thereby given me that I should arise from my sick bed and get home. & surely it has been ful- filled; the Honor & Glory I give unto God. Immediately after the vision, laid down & slept comfortably for about 3 hours. Awaked; arose, & in one hour was in the Cars on my way for S. Lake. Could hardly endure the rum-ble & jar of the Cars to ride about 75 miles to Halifax, A Sea port. Next day, took Steamer at 4 P.M. 400 miles for Boston: still very weak, got very sea sick, reached pretty freely which con- siderably relieved me. Could not eat any thing from noon the day I left Halifax, until Thursday evening at Boston, when I arrived at my Bros. house tarried there with my friends 2 ½ weeks; also at Trenton N.J. with friends 3 days, & at Phila- delphia 2 ½ weeks to rest & recruit to ena- ble me to pursue my journey. Arrived at S. Lake City at 10 Oclock, A.M. June 9th, 1872, very thankful to my Heavenly Father for my safe arrival, the fulfilment of the vision, the honor & glory I give unto God. Robert Dickson [5] blank page [6] June 9, 1872 Report of Robt Dickson’s Mission