Wellsville, Cache Co., June, 19, 1878 Hester Joanah Campbell not having time while with the company of Saints which arrived June 13th to report myself, at the historian office. Prest Joseph F. Smith of the twelve apostles suggested that I should inform you by letter hence I endeavor to do so. Being called to a mission to Europe, April During Conference A.D. 1876. I commenced to fulfil the Said call and ordination, on the 27 April 1876. arriving at the destined place of Labour June May May 27. with the honored company of 25 Elders from Utah. after Labouring 2 years – 2 days I was joyfully released and arrived home June 15. 1878, with Earnest prayer for the truth to cover the Earth as the Prophets have fortold, that the Lord may qualify his Priesthood to prepare the way for his coming, is the prayer of you Humble Bro. with Love and grattitude to all engaged in the holy covenant. I shall call and see you 2nd of July if all is well, and any further information I will be pleased to give if necessary. my address is as a bove your Bro in the Lord Louis Howell. June 19, 1878 Louis Howell’s Mission to South Wales.