
Transcript for Missionary reports, 1831-1900, MS 6104, Church History Library

(page 1) Feb. 8th 1876. Isanti, Isanti County, minnesota, February the 8th 1876. Orson Pratt A.M. Dear Brother! I hope you will forgive me for taking this liberty to write to you and let you know my present circumstanses, In the first plase I am happy to inform you that i enjoy good health and feel well and rejoese in trying to perform the labor or prirvilege plased upon me as a Missionary of the Gospell of the Son of God. I have traveled on foot about 8 900 miles and holled 54 meetings and done the talking and singing mostly alone, so you kan se herby that your word iss virryfyed i am bond to ack= nowlege that i rearlised that the blessing of the Lord has been uppon me att all times and under all circumstanses My labor has been mostly among the Skandinawians, ocasienly a German but have formed aquintense with good manny Amerikans and english and have holled some meetings in that Language to theer satisfacktion on the 23rd of last month i had a meeting in the Courthouse in the City of Cam Cambridge. Mr. A. B. Odell Brother in Law to Old Enoch King in Utah not heard from his sister sins 1856 in Iowa seem to be decent people allso wiseted Mr. John Berry in Minneapolis Brother in law to Bp. Edvard Bunker Santa Clara Mr. Berry iss born the same year as Pres.P Brigham Young and was verry well aquintid with Prophet Joseph Smith as well as Brigham and he testefeyes that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was a prohet of God C. C. & ----------- been with the Saints and Prophet and was att the trail of Josephs Assasins and said itt was all a humbug. But he said the Blod of the Prophet was fresh on the floor of Cartage jail CC ------------c------- He allso showed me some Newspaper from Nawoi And allso a Coopy of the 6 plates found in the mound in Kinderhook Pike County Illonois the 16th day of April 1843 they are full of Hierglypheis the plates 4 inches in lenth 1 and ¾ inches wied att the top an 2 inches and ¾ wide att the Bottom found of Mr. Robert Willey Times & Season and Quincy Whig Mr. Berry is a strong Spiritualist and he can not see the Gospell to day But Mrs. Berry feels verry humble and we song and kneel done in prayer togather I conclud by asking forgifnis for poor writing. And recive my kind Respeckt And please allso give the same to the first Presidense Your Choury Chorum the preseding Presthood and the Latter day Saints in general, I am Respecktfully Your Brother & fellow Coolaborer in the New and Everlasting Covenant. B.P. Wulffenstyn P.S. I holled two meetings in the City of Anoka one yerterday and one the day before and wesited the Office of the Editors and they were all werry kind and polite, and to night a mee timg 16 miles from there in the Contry and last Sonday i was in the County jail (upside down text in the margins) in the City of minniapolis and song and preached to the prisoners and keeper CC ------ And may God bless you is the prayer of yours B.P.W.