
Transcript for Missionary reports, 1831-1900, MS 6104, Church History Library

Fairview June 4th 1877 Elder Orson Pratt, Dear Bro In obedience to a call made at the last October conference I went on a mission to the States leaving Ogden on the 15th of November 1876 I labored under the direction of President D. M. Stuart in St Louis Mo, Iowa, & Illinois. I was alone most of the time until February when I joined Bro S G Wing at Clayton Ill, we were generally successful in obtaining houses to preach in Adams, Pike, & Green Co’s Ill, with fair congregations, who gave very good attention, but they come out hear us more for curiositiy than a desire to learn the plan of salvation, and in Hancock & Pike Adams Co’s they think they know more about Mormons than what we do ourselves. We held from 2 to 5 meetings per week in February March and fore part of April. Babtized 2 persons in Green Co, we could not get houses to preach in at the towns without money, which we had not, and as our labors were in in the Country among farmers who as spring advanced were too tired to turn out to night meetings and has the houses were mostly engaged by other denominations on sundays, we were released to return home, I arrived in S L City on the 24th of April 1877 fetching with me B B Lewis & wife J.P, Killpatrick and wife B, Killpatrick and Hettie, Killpatrick. six persons. I went to the Historians on the morning of the 25th but too early to find anyone to report too, I should have written before but I expected to have been in S L City before this. with kind regards to all, I remain your brother in the gospel Philip Hurst Fairview Sanpete Co. Utah