
Transcript for Missionary reports, 1831-1900, MS 6104, Church History Library

[page 1] Memoir [1833-4] of Horace Cowen Writen By his hand an account of his travels and ministry I was baptized into the Church of Christ in May AD 1831. I was ordained in March the 12 day AD 1833. commenced traveling the 23. Kirtland, Ohio 1833 [page 2] Preface An abrigement abriged from the journal of Horace Cowen who was ordianed a Priest under the had of Sid ney Rigdon in Kirtland Ohio March the twelfth AD 1833 a brief acount of his travel and ministry to Both New Hampshire where he was ordained an Elder under the hand of Lymon Johnson on the eight of September, AD 183[3] and also an acount of his tra vels and ministry trip to this date the 6 of January AD 183[3] [page 3] Memoir of Horace Cowen Hiram March the 23 this m= orning I let holm on the exp= ress purpos of preaching the gospel of Jesus that the mo= rning of the reserection and the redemption of the Saints draweth nigh and the hour of his coming is nigh. this day I traveled to kirtland with Brother Luke where I tared till the 26 then joined in the M= inistry with Broth Zerubabill Snow and startarted on a m= ission into the Eastern country we journeyed two days east to Springfield church in Penn.. where we arived the 28 day then journeyed to Elk crick there we heald the first meet= [page4] Memoir of Horace Cowen ing in the evning on the 1 day of April we also heald another in the evening of the 2 we hade very abusive congre= gation they made so much dis= turbance that they broke up the meeting. we then journeyed to the line of York State wher[e] we heald a meeting on the ev= ning of the fourth. From then= ce we journeyed to Westfield in the State of New York. Su= nday the 7 this day we heald two meetings one in West-field and one at Portland Harbour we also heald another meeting at the place last mentioned on the evning of the 8 from thence we journeyed to villano= va Chautauque County where we heald a meeting on the 11th [page 5] Memoir of Horace Cowen and we also heald a meeting in Perrysburgh on the 12 ult. where we Baptized one. The 13 we heald another meeting in the same town The 14 ult we heald a meeting in villanova and baptised one from this we visited the people from hous to hous heald two meetings in the cours of the weak one in villanova and one in Perys= burgh. The 21 this. day we healde an apointment given out at a chool hous for the PM the Methodist in order to keep us out apointed a class meeting at the same place but one of the neighbouring farmers gave us leave to preach in his Barn we eccepted of the ofer. we hade a large congretion we visited the [page 6] Memoir of Horace Cowen people till the 24 during which time we heald one meeting bap= tized three. From April the 25 to May the 2 we heald five m= eetings Baptized two. from May the 2 two the 14 we heald six meeting Baptized eleven The 14 ult this morning we bid the Brethring fare-well and started for the East after having labou red more than one month in this part of the vineyard and baptized eighteen Persons and we left Brothers Amasa and William Cahoon labouring in this region of country. We went to Lodi where we h= eald three meetings and hade some conversation with the Pr= iests docters and Lawyers and the Lord gave us words and wisdom [page 7] Memoir of Horace Cowen so that we confounded them. From thence we traveled to Bufflo where we arived the seventhteenth of May we serched diligently in the City to get a meeting but the people would not hear truth therefore we Left them took our journey east down the canall on the tow path. The 18 this morning we called on a Baptis deacon in order to get a meet= ing but the pious man turned us out doors. then we journeyed to Tonawanta where we heald two meetings from thence we journeyed to the falls of Niagary. here we heald one meeting in the Episcapel chapel. from thence we journeyd [page 8] Memoir of Horace Cowan to yongstown where we heald a meeting. The 23 we heald a meeting in Luistown The 24 we heald a meeting in yongstown we also heald a meeting on the 26 in the same place and in the evning we hade a m= eeting at the village at the head of Lake Ontario. And from thence we journeyed to Lock Port from thence to R= ochester from thence to mendon where we held two meetings June the 1 day we left mend on and journeyed to Water= loo from then to Udica from thence to fort-Edward from thence to Rutland where we heald one meeting from the= [page 9] Memoir of Horace Cowan ce to Bath in New Hampshire where we arived the 12 of June at Brother Orson Johsons Here Brother Snow and I parted af= ter having traveled together for about two months and a half during which time we heald th= irty nine meetings three of them in Pennsylviany thirty five in the state of New York & one in Vermont we also bap= tized eighteen persons in the State of New York in villanova and perysburgh townships. The 14 of June I joined in the Ministry with Brother Sep= hen Burnet The 15 this day we baptized one and heald a m= eeting in the evning Sunday [page 10] Memoir of Horace Cowen the 16 we heald two meetings Lymon New Hampshire. from the 17 to the 23 we heald fi= ve meetings Baptized four and from the 23 to the 28 we heald five meetings Baptized Seven from the 28 of June to the 8 of July I heald two meet= ings with Brother Sephen and one with Brother Aldrich I now seperate with him after traveling together for most one month during which time we heald fifteen meetings four= teen of them in New Hampsh =ire and one in Vermont we also baptized twelve persons Seven of them in Littleton New Hampshire and five of them in Watterford vermont. [page 11] Memoir of Horace Cowen The 8 of Juley Brother Aldrich and I joined in the ministry From the 8 to the 1 day of A= ugust we heald fiftheen meet= ings and baptised two in coalbrook New Hampshire the we journeyed East to Ereld August the 2 we heald a mee= ting in Erelod in the AM. this after PM. I left Brother Aldrich here and I journeyed eight miles east to what is called the Letter B, in Maine The 3 I preached at four O,clock this PM. Sunday the 4 I preached three times and the people ware uterley confou= nded Monday the 5 Brother A= ldrech came here to day. the Sab= [page 12] Memoir of Horace Cowen ath preseding Brother Aldr= ich heald two meetings. Tusday the 6 we Baptized nine per= son among whome was a ba= ptis Elder and while going to the water one of the sisters spraint her ancle and in the PM. it hade become much swellon and very painfull and it came to pass that we called on the Lord for her & it was restored instantley & the swelling went down imead= immeaditley. From the 7 of August to the 2 of Septem= ber we heald twenty meet= ings and Baptised twenty three ordained one Elder by the name of Daniel Bean we also ordained one Teacher by the name of Benjamin Sweat [page 13] Memoir of Horace Cowen we heave Laboured in this place better than four weeks and have laid the foundation for two churches one in Erreld New= H= ampshire and the other in the Letter B, State of Maine. we then journeyed to Bath and here we remained with the Brethering till the 25 during whictime I preached to the world three times and Brother Aldrech four times we then started on a mission to the south.went to dochester and here we heald four meetings The 3 of October we took our journey to the south and traveled to Bra= dford church in Massachus= etts heald five meetings on our journey here we meet Bro.. Joh Boynton and Evan Green [page 14] Memoir of Horace Cowen and we counseled and thought it wisdom that Horace & Evan should join in the ministry and bend our cours towards Kirtland we acordinley don so previous to Brother Aldrich and I parting we heald three meetings together. The 17 this day Bro,, Aldrech & myself seperates after having traveled together more then three months during which time we heald fifty nine m= eetings and Baptised thirty four. we heald thirty five meetings in the State of New Hampshire eighteen in Maine two in Vermont three in Massachusetts & one in Lower Canaday we baptised two in coalbrook [page 15] Memoir of Horace Cowen in New Hampshire and we baptised twelve in Erreld New Hampshire and ordained a Teacher among them. and we baptised twenty in B, State of Maine and ordained an Elder among them. Horace Cowen Hazen Aldrich The 23 of October Brother Even Greene and my Self started in compney for Kirtland ohio. we journeyed about seventy miles to the town of wendell Franklin County where we laboured about four heald thirty four meetings Baptised Six orda= ined a Priest and the second of December left them and st= arted for Kirtland traveled [page 16] Memoir of Horace Cowen to the Church in spafford New York heald two meet= ings then journeyed to the church in hector here I left Brother Greene and journey= ed alone to Villanova in C= hatauqua County where I heald three meeting then journeyed to Kirtland w= here I arived the 6 of Jan AD 1834. From the 23 of March to the 6 of January I with my several companions have heald 153 meetings and Baptised 70 Persons; in New= Hampshire we heald 49 meeting Baptized 21; in Vermont hea= ld 4 meetings Baptized 5; Maine 18 meetings Baptised 20. in Lower Canaday one meet= ing: Pa 3 meeting in the state [page 17] Memoir of Horace Cowen of New= York we heald 41 meeting Baptised 18 Persons and in the State of Mass= achewsetts we heald 37 meetings Baptized 6 Persons. The End [page 18] Mr. Whitney Sir Pleas excuse my poor spelling and my poor simple Language for I have done as well as I new how and the best can not do any better I have writen it according to my memo= ry and understanding, therefore it is left with you to revise it according to your mind Horace Cowen of Hiram Portage County Ohio