Transcript for Missionary reports, 1831-1900, MS 6104, Church History Library
21 May 1879 Report of Amos Maycock’s Mission To the United States North. Ogden. May. 1877 To Elder Orson Pratt, Sen. general church Historian Dear Brother Having returned from the Mission to which I was called at the last October Conference I Beg leave to Present the following report. I left Ogden city on the 15th of Nov. last. in company with Bro D.M. Stuart. & other Elders going to Different parts of the United States. Acting Under the Direction of Elder Stuart I first visited my Wifes rela tives living in Rush Co, Kansas, here I held two Meetings, Being the first Mormon Elder in that section of country, From here I went to St Louis to visit A Brother & Family living there. I remained in the neighborhood of St Louis About A Month, Visting my old acquaintances & Preaching whenever opportunity presented, either in Public or Private, From here I went to the West ern counties of Missouri to Assist Elder George Hackett. We Labored mostly in Bates & berzon Counties. Elder Hackett having a large cir cle of relatives there. Some of whom believed our Tes timony & Intend Joining our church. Together we done a great deal of fireside Preach ing & Bore Testimony to the truth of the Work of God & done all we could to remove the Prejudice from the Minds of the People concerning our Doctrines. Untill about the first of April, when I was released to return home. Respectfully Your Brother in the Gospel of Peace Amos. Maycock,