Transcript for Missionary reports, 1831-1900, MS 6104, Church History Library
Left Nauvoo 27th of January 1845 in company with Br Alaxander Williams. arived at padduea Ky on 7th of Febuary. from Thence we proceded to dresden in Tennessie. There we devided our labour Br Williams took the State of Alabama while I took Teinnssce I proceded to the different Churches in that State. Called on the Brethren in that Cuntry for there Tithing Received Some property in Gibson County amounting in all to about One hundred & thirty dollars which I left in the care of Br. J.M. Bark Received Some in Benton County about Eighty Dollars & also some in Rutherford County and a Small amount of Money abuat Twenty Dollars Took a Steeme boat at Nashvill and left for home arived in Nauvoo the 2nd day of April – 1845 – J.D. Hunter April 2nd 1845 J.D. Hunter’s report of Mission Filed Nov 18. 1845