
Transcript for Missionary reports, 1831-1900, MS 6104, Church History Library

Feb. 21st, 1872 Alex Stalker giving an a/c of his mission Ogden Feb/ 21st 1872 Robert Campbell Esq. Dear Brother I take this means of reporting to you my return from my Mission to the United States. Trusting it may prove satisfactory. I have been greatly blessed in my labors and through the blessings of God. I have been the means of allaying a great deal of predjuce. And correcting much misrepresentation. And disabus- ing the public mind as far as I have had the opportunity. I have also baptized five new members. One of whom an Episcopal Method- ist Minister. I ordained him an Elder – giving him the oversights. All are making preparation to gath- er up to Zion this Spring. Others were beleiving, who to health and other conditions preventing immed- iate baptizm. My labors were con- fined chiefly to Kansas and Missouria but preached some in the State of Iowa. Left Omaha on the 1st of Febuary arriving at Laramie City on the evening of the 2nd was detained 12 days became acquainted with a resident of same place. And before leaving baptized him into the Church, his name Peter Peterson a Tailor And doing a good business pro- poses selling out and gathering with the Saints as soon as poss- ible. The detention above refered to And continued over a period of 19 days in consequence of the Snow Blockade over a portion of the U- P.R.R. my health generaly Good and I have been as much benifeton from my mission as perhaps as any one, hoping this may prove Satisfactory. I Subscribe, myself Your Brother in the new And everlasting Covenant Alexander Stalker Franklin Cach Co. U. Terr.