
Transcript for Mitchell, Susannah Huston Matlock, Journal, May-Aug 1854

Council Bluffs May 29 th 1854 I have now left the my home to travel to the far west enter the in company with Mr [Benjamin T.] Mi[t]chell[.] camps & all are strange faces to me as we enter the rain beats down in torents[.] we moved on Sowly for a few miles[.] camped where I was interduced to my new [-] friends that I was to travil with[.] they appeared rather distant at first but I soon found them more agreeable[.] the first night that I came into the camp I was compelled to sleep with an old maid, luckey for me that I did not See her[.] they saved me the trouble by puting me to bed in the dark[.] my bed companion appeared very sociable in [.....] conversation and conversed very freely, but oh horible when daylight made its appearing and shone upon the sleeping form of the sleeper[,] her misareable visage[.] with one bound I left the bed wagon sleeper and all[.] I never slept with her since [-] but no more on this uninterestinesting [uninteresting] matter—we traveled on through rain and storm until we arived at winter Quarters[.] here we had one of our wagons broken[.] had to go back and get on a [...] ex made[.] had to wait until June the first[.] it was a pleasant morning

June the lst that we crost the river under captain Micheal [Mitchell] he beaing a moral man as well as a good man[.] took comand after we crost which was on a steam ferry[.] we moved on a few miles and camped[.] found strawberries[.] all well and in good spirits

2 came to the elk Horn[.] here I saw Mrs Bailey[.] I visited her cabin[.] she gave me some liquer for bitters[.] here there were some fears of the Indians troubling us[.] kept up a strong g[u]ard

3 crost the Elk horn all well and in good spirits

4th camped at on the banks of the platte river

5 still keep moving[.] all well

6th camped at the loop [Loup] fork[.] here the wind blew a gale[.] the dust flew and the ladies were forced to remain mostly in the wagons[.] here were allso two companies camped one on each side of the river[.] they had been robed by the indians one man killed but they still had means enough to travel on[.] both companies united and traveled on together[.] they divided after they got out a from danger[.] here we had to keep out a strong guard[.] we had a mist of rain here on the in the evening[.] here we had to remain until the 8[.] [Almon W.] Babitts company overtook us here

8th crost the river[.] babitts company camped with us for a few days

9th a fine morning[.] as we came into the camp the wagon that I rode in came near turning over

10th a fine morning but cloudy at noon[.] overto[o]k another train

11th all well and in good spirits[.] canped on the plains[.] had no wood

12th the weather clear and pleasant[.] camped at wood river[.] here I met with Dr Clark[.] his hospitible hospitable here here we remained until noon koo cooked and washed[.] moved on six miles[.] camped on a small stream

14th moved sixteen miles[.] camped on a small stream but little wood[.] I visited Mrs. Merittes[.] a[ll] well

15th camped at a small stream[.] a storm came up as we got into camp. The mosquitoes are very bad here[.] we saw buffalow

16 started[.] before breakfast came on a few miles[.] came to a creek that we could not cross[.] stoped and built a bridge[.] a shower

17th a fine morning[.] crost the bridge[.] camped on the banks of the platte

18th camped on the platte. a shower at night[.] after the shower the musquitoes were so bad that we were obliged to open the ends of the wagon to let the wind blow them out

19th a fine morning[.] moved on to a cold spring[.] had a Picknick party after in the evening[.] Mrs [Jane Dixon] [.eper] [Pepper] and her daughter Lucrecia bot and myself took a walk on a high hill where we could see to a great distance Mr [blank space] camp lay near us[.] at dark there came a storm[.] the wind blew very hard

20th camped at a cold spring[.] our teams strayed off[.] had to wait until late the next day

21 found our teams[.] Mr [blank space] company past us[.] moved on crost the north fork of platte[.] camped bettween two ranges of blufs

22 crost the second range of bluff[.] very warm[.] camped at a cold spring

23 a very warm day[.] camped on the banks of the platte river

24 a cloudy morning[.] camped at castle creek[.] here we remained until the 26[.] had preaching on the Sabath

27 moved on[.] camped on the platte[.] a little trouble concerning family affairs

28th past ancient bluff ruins[.] camped on the platte[.] rain in the evening

29th a cloudy morning[.] misting rain noon[.] a little more agreeable[.] we we meet with indians[.] we camp opiset to chimney rock[.] no good water[.] a shower of rain

30 a fine day[.] cloudy in the evening[.] camped at spring creek[.] past Mr [blank space] company[.] all well

31st traviled over sand[.] the wind blew the sand flew[.] scorching hot weather[.] more pleasant in the evening[.] camped on the platte at a pleasant place[.] here we have wood[.] past a Trading post

July 1st pleasant[.] started very early[.] past a trading post[.] stoped to bait at a shady grove[.] it seemed swe[e]t to sit under a shade once tra traviler imagine yourself traviling acrost th a plain two hundred miles the sun scorching hot the <wind> blowing the sand flying seming like it had came from a hot oven and then coming to a shady grove how pleasant it must seem[.] the horse team have arived and we are waiting for the ox teams to come up[.] we have six horse teams and nine ox teams[.] Mr Babitt overtook us here[.] moved on[.] camped together on the platte[.] pt spent the sabath day[.] had preaching

3 start early on our [journey.] saw many companyes on the opisite side of the river[.] past fort Levensworth [Levenworth.] some of our company went acrost to the po office[.] here we began to assend the hills[.] it was up one and down the other[.] came to a cold spring[.] camped the gras bearing scarce for our teams[.] we started before breakfast came seven miles to the river

4 The gentleman of our company went to the top of a very high hill fired off their guns[.] the grass beaing scarce we left before breakfast[.] came on to the river[.] stoped until late in the after non noon traviled late[.] canped at alder clump[.] trouble among the neighbors

5th still keep moving[.] the road seems more pleasant not so hilly but more sandy[.] traviled late at night the night beaing pleasant[.] the moon shone brightly ame <there beaing> to that no water came to the platt[e.] camped for the night

6th started before breakfast[.] trailed four miles[.] took breakfast[.] water not good grass scarce[.] traviled a few miles further[.] came to river[.] better feed for teams[.] turned teams on the other side the river

7 here our company seperated[.] part staid back a fine cool morning[.] the road rather rough[.] the after noon road bad steep decents over hills and shaggy rocks[.] came to the river[.] camped grass scarce[.] all well

8th a cold cloudy morning travild traviled on a few miles[.] here we found good <a little> grass for our teams[.] <wild currents> the <wind> blows hard[.] went on further[.] came to a green [stru...] grove on the river[.] stoped took tea[.] went a mild [mile] further on account of wa. grass it[.] Mrs Pepper and myself remaind behind to bake bread[.] came up to camp with Mr Briggs[.] it was a beautiful moon light night[.] Lucr Luct Lucrecia[,] William and myself went to the top of a high sand hill[.] we were in sight of the river[.] it was delightful

9th sunday morning[.] slept very late[.] got breakfast[.] traviled on through sand[.] a very warm day[.] camped at the river[.] got some fresh buffalow meat[.] the evening did not pass of[f] very pleasant as my little boy was very much threatened by a man cald [called] himself a gentleman he had been fi[gh]ting with his little boy but when night came the moon shone with so much luster that myself Mrs Pepper and her daughter went to the river and threw pebbles in[.] had a long conversation & C

10th started on through sand over shoe mouth deep[.] stoped at noon under a shade by the river[.] traviled late at night[.] [c]ame to the bridge

11th Stoped till noon[.] started on over sand hills[.] Mr higbees horse gave out[.] camped at the river[.] crost our tea[m]s over the river[.] an other camp near here[.] I felt very unwell

12 traviled on to where we left the river here we crost our teams again[.] Staid until noon[.] started travild very late at night stoped at a small stream[.] came to Mr Francis teams[.] left

13 started before breakfast to hunt feed for our teams[.] left the road a peace[.] staid until noon[.] crost over to the road[.] crost a deep revene[.] one of the wagons turned over[.] came up to a camping place on a small stream[.] here we burned sage bushes for wood[.] we had a dha hard shower of rain

14th came to independance rock[.] stoped to noon[.] went to the top of independance <it>[.] here we had buffalow meat for dinner[.] left and went on to the devils gate[.] camped for the night

15th visited the devils gate[.] this is a deep spring between the rocks[.] here the sweet water runs through[.] the loud moans assend high as she serches her way through the craggy rocks, moved slowly along until noon[.] camped[.] the wind blew a gale here[.] you could see a long range of the rocky mountains in the distance[.] the sweet water creek swept silently by[.] the rest of the company came up

16th this is the sabath day but necessity drives us to washing[.] we done our washing and bak[e]ing in the evening[.] I had a little lesure[.] had quite a play with L and W racing round the wagon

17th traviled on[.] many dead cattle strewed along the road [.] past rocks with names engraven on them[.] trailed on many miles[.] came to a trading post[.] camped at a beautiful place a level bottoms covered with green turf[.] here the lofty rocky mountains rise before us the small cedars peeping out between the craggy rocks[.] it threatens rain[.] the heavens are spread with dark clouds[.] I hear the sound of a turtle dove while I am writing[.] I am waiting for the ox team to come up

18th came in sight of snow on the tops of some mountains at a distance[.] stoped at noon not beaing able to reach water the same day[.] again we camped for the night[.] an other company camped close by

19th trailed twenty miles[.] nothing of importance transpired[.] a fine day

20th traviled on[.] baited on sweetwater[.] traviled over hills and rocks past strawberry creek[.] came to a branch of sweetwater here Mrs Beacher was taken sick

21st Mr Francis staid here on account of a lane on[.] the rest of the company went on[.] came to a trading post at noon on sweet water[.] traviled on[.] camped on a high ridge

22 a fine warm day[.] here we reach the summit of the south pass pass[.] the passific [Pacific] springs [- - - - -] here we went up four miles and found a cold spring[.] camped

23 I leave Mrs dicksons and went go with Mr Beachers[.] sabath

24 a fine day[.] travil on[.] mrs beacher is very unwell[.] camped on big sandy[.] a beautiful camping place[.] plenty of willows

25 a long days drive[.] camped on sandy

26 came to green river camped five miles below the ford[.] traviled 14 miles[.] came to

27 traviled 17 miles[.] came to hams fork[.] here Mr pearson has his trading post[.] rained fearce

28 a cloudy morning [.] rain in the evening and night

29 a pleasant day[.] meet Mr Tyon camped at fort [-] <bri[d]ger> Mr Gillet

30th a fine day[.] the sabath traviled[.] another company ahead of us[.] Mr oneal in it[.] a hail storm in the evening[.] traviled up hill[.] late at night camped on a high hill without wood and water

31 came to bair [Bear] creek[.] stoped and Cooked dinner[.] a company past us[.] cattle & C [P..y] had a pleasant camping place but no wood[.] I was very unwell

Aug 1 past the same[.] pleasant morning but cloudy[.] in the after noon camped in the canion [canyon] near Mr. Sargent's company

2 a pleasant morning[.] trav traviled twelve miles and down the canion slope for noon traviled a few miles further to the foot of the canion here we turned up a few miles

3 a fine morning[.] here we had a rough roads[.] a wagon turned over[.] stoped in canion creek

4 turned up the mountains[.] a very rough road