
Transcript for Monson, Christene Olivia Larson, Autobiographical sketch, in Genealogical Charts and Biographical Sketches of Members of the L.D.S. Church, Ogden Stake, 26 vols., 3:32

After working and Praying and gathering means I was able to emigrate to Utah, leaving April 18 th 1863[,] leaving my mother one Sister and two Brothers [.] my one brother Carl joined our faith and went with me, I shall never forget how my dear mother wept and wrung her hands when we parted, but I had a testimony of the gospel and nothing on earth could stop me from going where we could worship God according to the dictates of our own consicience.

We landed in New York after eight or nine weeks on the ocean, we then pursued our journey fror New York to Florence where we rested 11 days[.] here the Oxteams meet us and we journed from there, walking the biggest part of the way footsore but happy, Singing the Songs of Zion as we marched along, arriving in Salt Lake City Utah