
Transcript for "Movements of Disaffected Mormons," New York Daily Times, 11 July 1857, 2

Movements of Disaffected Mormons.
From the St. Louis Republican.

A steamer from Omaha reports the arrival there of sixty Mormons who made their escape form Salt Lake City about the 20th of April. They report that many persons were dissatisfied with their position there, and would abandon the place so soon as the presence of United States troops gave them an opportunity.

From the Quindaro (Kansas) Chindoran.

A party of several hundred Mormons, just from Utah, and en route for the Southern part of Kansas where they propose to settle, passed Fort Leavenworth on Tuesday. They are heartily sick of the tyrannical rule of the Mormon leaders, and were fearful if they remained of suffering violence during the anticipated conflict between the United States Government and the Brigham Young, oligarchy.