
Transcript for Murdock, John, Autobiography [n.d.], 104, 108-9

I here bought a mule and horse and obtained a fitout.

Nov. 16th in company with bros. A. Lyman and C. C. Rich and company; we commenced to journey for Salt Lake City being 18 of us in company beside bro. Lyman's wife.

24th We had arrived at the agosha or Saleratus creek 200 miles from San Bernardino where we met a company of Elders from 30 to 40. going on Missions. 9 or 10 for Australia[.] Bro. Farnham and Bro. Wm. Hyde to preside over the Australian Mission. And I gave Bro. Wm. a letter of recommend as follows.

Journeying at Saleratus creek Nov. 24th 1852.

Beloved Brethren and Sisters—composing the Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S. in the British Australasian Isles—greeting—receive Bro. Wm. Hyde as myself: For he is some of the first fruits of my labors in the Minestry; and I claim him as my own Son in the gospel. I have full confidence in him both as to carracter & ability: minister to his wants as you did to me and God will bless you John Murdock Elder

25th This morning, Bro. Richard Ballentyne with others of the Missionary company, very reluctantly gave me the parting hand: Tho they were in good Spirits for their mission and I blessed them in the name of the Lord. We had been here two nights and one day, and we arrived at Coall creek in Iron Co. Decr. 6th

And I was very we[a]ry, and I stayed here two nights. And on the 8th I rode 18 miles a lone to Parowan: But was not able to persew the journey with them, and remained with the Church here for a time to gain Strength.

. . . Now I am returning twenty five thousand miles travel Australia where to I did go. My mission on those far Isles to preach the plain gospel Even at three score years anew (previous lines are part of a poem written by John Murdock about his mission)

After visiting and preaching with the Church in Parowan till Jan. 5th 1853, I again renewed my journey for home in company with two wagons and four brethren. Bro. Urban Stewart carried my trunk. And after a tedious six days travel through snowdrifts arrived at Filmore 96 ½ miles from Pariwon.

I arrived on the tenth but left the teems 12 miles back on corn creek; but they came up next day.

We remained here till the 17th, resting the teems. At which time they moved on, and

on the 18th I started with my horse and mule, traveled 12 miles, overtook the teems at cedar springs. We traveled 3 miles further and camped in a Snowdrift, and melted snow in our coffeepot and frying pan to give drink to our animels.

19th. Drove five miles to round Valley and found good feed.

20th drove fifteen miles to the Severe river and watered freely for the first time in three days. And we then drove about 8 miles and camped.

21st I left the wagons to go on to Salt creek it being 20 miles. I road two miles to Chicken creek. And found a camp of the brethren; and my son Orrice with a wagon and horses cumming to meet me. We then hanted till bro Stewart came up, and Orrice took in my trunk. We then persewed our journey home being 80 miles

where we arrived Sunday 23rd after an absence of two years lacking 47 days.

I found my family in Utah Valley, near dry creek 30 miles South of G.S.L. City enjoying tollerable health: But my youngest Son Brigham had died 19 days before my arrival day Jany. 4th. 12 Oclock at night, of but 4 day sickness of scarlet fever: Being three years, four months, and fifteen days old.

25th I went with my son Orrice to G.S.L. City stayed overnight with Elder P. P. Pratt.

26th Visited President B Young and some others of the brethren. . . .

When I started on my mission to Australia I left the principal part of what little property I had with my son Orrice; and he was to take care of my family; . . .

After a tedious passage of 125 days on the sixth of October I arrived in San Francisco, and on the 26th at San Bernardino.

Nov. 16th Started with Elders A Lyman, C.C. Rich and Company for G.S.L. City.

I arrived in Parowan Dec. 8th But found I was not able to continue my journey with the company, and stoped till Jan. 5th 1853.

I again started with Urban Stewart who carried my trunk; and three other brethren, and after a very tedious travel through snow drifts

on the 23rd Inst. I arrived near Dry creek, Utah Valley where I found my wife and family in tolerable health, all that were alive.

My eldest son met me 80 miles out: But my youngest had died 49 days before I arrived, of four days sickness. He was three years four months and fifteen days old. I had been absent two years lacking forty seven days, had traveled about 25,000 miles by land and sea: Having done my duty and no more. And tho I should never have the opportunity to again bare my testimony to him, I feel my skirts are clear from blood of this generation. I went as far as I could, preached all I could, and when I could go no farther, I sent others according to Book of D. and C. sec 4 [verse] 10.

I thank my Father in Heaven, that he has strengthened and preserved me to again return to my family and friends, on my native land of Zion; where I desire to dwell with my brethren the Saints; and do what little good I can in my great weakness of body, and trembling of limbs, until I can enjoy what blessings are for me to enjoy in the house of the Lord, built in the top of the Mountains; and from henceforth dwell where ever my Father in Heaven pleases is my desire March 18th 1853 John Murdock