Transcript for Myers, George, to Brigham Young, 8 Sep. 1855, in Brigham Young, Office Files 1832-1878, reel 33, box 24, fd. 8
An extract from the journal of the P.E. Fund Saints while crossing over the plains under the Presidency of Elder R Ballantyne. The roll call over at five o clock A.M. the Blacksmith & nail maker working for the Camp, untill the Bugle sounded for morning Prayer, The saints assembled and sung Jesus mighty King in Zion, Prayer was made by Elder Fletcher after which the President made a few remarks, and calld for Volunteers to make a fire every evening in the Carrell about seven O clock, so that they whole Camp might have the privilege to meet together, in the Capacity of a prayer meeting to call on the name of the Lord. Camp moved out at twenty minutes before Ten O clock, A.M. and travelld over a pretty good road untill half past Two P.M., Then encampd for the night on the Dry Sandy. Just at the time the first of the Train came upon the Camping grou[n]d the salt Lake mail was leaving there; with Dr Bernhisel Delagate from Utah as passenger while at the same time the waggons from the vallies were coming down hill into Camping ground, which causd the hearts of the whole Camp to rejoice in meeting with there Brethren on the plains, but more especially for the watch care which were manifested toward them by the servants of the Lord in the Vallies of the mountains in sending for our Comfort the good things of the earth, a distance of over 200 miles, Toward evening President Ballantyne and council Sat down with there brethren from the Vallies to a good substantial supper which was provided for the occasion, while Elder Henry Clegg playd a few lively Tunes on the Dulcimer
About seven O clock, P.M. a large fire of Brush were made and a public meeting calld after which the saints sung redeemer of Israel, Prayer was then made by Elder [William] Glover, President [Richard] Ballantyne arose and addressd the saints for a short time by saying Brethren & Sisters, I feel to rejoice this evening in seeing these my Brethren from the vallies of the mountains, especially when I consider, that they have came out here, without consulting there own interest, to serve you and I, he thought the saints ought to feel, that the Authorities in the mountains had a watch care for them. he then gave a detail of the living of the Camp from the time the[y] left Mormon Grove untill the present and what we would require to subsist on untill we reachd the Valley, he then spoke of the companies which were behind us naming the date the[y] left the Grove and what they would likely need &c an[d] strongly exhorted the Brethren from the mountains to go on to meet them even to the last company and in so doing they would be blest. A few similar remarks was made by Elders Glover & Myers. after which Elder Ballantyne invited the Valley Brethren to express there feelings
Bro Grant <Campbell> President of the company, said Brethren an[d] sister[s] I wants to return with one yoke of Cattle and Two of the boys will go on with the balance of the Cattle to the last company if required.
Bro Jonathan Moyes, said I left home with the council of the Bishop[.] I had but three yoke of Cattle when I left home and one of them was lost coming through the City, I am willing to go on to the last company, but if this company wants my flour which is here and at Bridger they can have it, also the help of my Team.
J Buckland <next> arose and said Brethren & sisters, my circumstances were such that I was not able to leave home, yet I am willing to go on and meet the last company, but there are Two Yoke of my Cattle bad, and one of the boys that is with me will return with those two yoke and they can be used for the good of the Camp, he closd his remarks by calling upon the Lord to bless the Camp
List of Those who are going on to meet the trains <also the amount of Flour & number of Cattle>
Keys Ward
600 lb of Flour[,]one waggon[,] Five head of Cattle
Jonathan Moyes
John Bennett
Brighams Ward
1000 lbs of Flour[,] one waggon[,] Five Yoke of oxen
Wm H. Perry
Wm F Shafer
North Ogden Ward
700 lbs of flour[,] one waggon[,] Five yoke of oxen
Samuel Dean
John Montgomery
Eleventh Ward GSL City
one waggon[,] five yoke of oxen
John Danby
James Boyack
South Weber Ward
150 lbs of flour[,] three yoke of oxen
John R Heath
Bishop Smiths ward Centreville City
600 lbs of flour, one waggon, four yoke of oxen
Jacob Cook
Henry R Cleveland
North Kanyon ward
1000 lbs of flour[,] one waggon, three yoke of oxen
James Buckland
James May
List of Those who are returning with the Camp
Ogden City
one waggon here, and Two left at Bridger[,] Nine yoke of oxen
John H. Delmetre
Washington Clarke
Henry Wilson
John Ross
North Ogden Ward
one yoke of oxen
Grant Campbell
Lyman Blodget
City Bounteful
one waggon at BridgerTwo yoke of oxen, but the waggon left at Bridger
George Summers
Hilton D. Hammond & E J Robinson of North Cotton wood ward are going on to the Pacific Springs with 750 lbs of flour, Four Yoke of oxen and two waggons, and if they can dispose of there flour intends to bring Iron Back
They [The] Business of the meeting being dispensd with, It was proposed by Elder G Myers that we have a Dance, Seconded by Elder R. Ballantyne, Carried unanimously, and in a few minutes about a Dozen sets, were amusing themselves in a Mormon Dance to the music of Bro Henry Clevelands Violin. the Dance was kept up until Eleven O clock P M after which the meeting closd by singing my home in the west an[d] prayer by