Transcript for Naisbitt, Catherine Hagell, Autobiographical statement relative to her emigration to Utah in 1865, in Utah State Historical Society Cache Valley Chapter, Historical resource materials for Cache Valley, Utah-Idaho, 1955-1956. (MS 8306, Reel 27, item 3
…there would be no trains sent from Utah as had been the custom other years, that only those that had the means could go on, Father was advised to send me as he had not susficint to take all, it was a sad parting and I wondered how the little ones could get along with[out] my help. it would fill a book to tell of their struggles while there, so will close the chapter, suffice it to say sad & weary I ploded on when only half way accross we found ourselves out of provision with snow nearly a foot deep, we were delayed on the road on account of the oxen not being broke to the yoke. Prest Brigham Young hearing of our predictment sent mule trains with food, the first arriving when we had given ourselves for lost they took on the sick & old the younger crowd having to wait untill the last[.] we arrived in S Lake 15th Nov, thankful to sit down to a table …