Transcript for "Names of Persons who started with the Train from Mormon Grove, who did not come through with it," Historical Department journal history of the Church, 1830-2008, 9 November 1856, 35
1 Porter Rockwell left at Ash Hollow with own train
2 Thos. Sutherland left Sept 3rd 23 Miles above Kearney with Squire Babbitt & 1 man (name not known to me) belonging to Babbitt’s train[.] Killed by Cheyennes Indians.
3 Christian F. Neilsen, Svede, left camp at Little Blue 25th of August in a fit of insanity, found his way to a Trading Station & returned to the States.
4 James Taylor of Windsor, England, was run over & killed 29th of August, he was buried near the road on a creek 36 miles below Kearney[.] He was aged 18 years (in church)
5 G.W.A. Graydon, of South Carolina, left at Big Blue, Aug 20 & went with a company to right Gent. Lane (not in church)
6 Wm Leaman of Virginia, left camp August 15th having become tired of the journey (not in church)
7 Clark D. Krew of Penn[sylvania] was sent from camp Aug 15th for raising disturbances & disgraceful conduct (not in church)
8 Abraham Heartt of N.Y. being discontented, stampeded 28th of August & joined Gilbert Garish’s train, then close by us—aged 64 years—(not in church)
9 James Rishton, of England, returned to Laramie, Sept 24 being dissatisfied with train regulations, he said he was not able to do his duty, aged 23, (not in church)
10, 11 & 12 Jens Swansen of Denmark having become very sick, he ret[urne]d to the States with his wife & child from 3rd fork of Grasshopper Creek on 11th August in a wagon that came out to the train on business—