Transcript for "News for the Plains, Salt Lake, and Sacramento City," Frontier Guardian, 8 August 1851, 2
Two gentlemen from Sacramento City, arrived in this town on the 26th ult. Mr. D. T. Nichols, is a resident of Illinois, and passed through this place last season, on his way to the mines; he has all the appearance of a gentleman, and a good citizen, and says that he did very well, during his brief stay in the great El Dorado of the West His companion Mr. Robb, is a citizen of Davis County, in this States. A few of their company left Sacramento on the 4th of May, the balance left on the 14th, by way of Salt Lake; and all met at the latter place about the 6th of June, and left on the 10th. They represent matters and things in the Valley to be in a very prosperous condition; the crops looked remarkably well, and as a general thing the citizens of that place enjoyed very good health; but money was rather scarce.
We glean from the Sacramento Transcript of May 1st, handed to us by these gentlemen; that Dry Goods, and Groceries are at a very low ebb in that section of the country. Pilot Bread is sold at eight cents per pound; Coffee from fifteen to seventeen; Mould Candles ten cents; Raisins three dollars per box; Sheeting from eight to eleven cents per yard; and other articles in proportion.
This paper as usual, chronicles the full sweep that Judge Lynch has in that Country; lynching is the order of the day there, and rioting, theft, &c., the order of the night.
Mr. Livingston, of the firm of Kinkade [Kinkead]& Livingston, merchants, Salt Lake, arrived at Great Salt Lake City, between the 6th and 10th of June, well. Mr. Nichols states, that they met a company of Michigan emigrants near the base of the first mountains, this side of Salt Lake, getting along very well,-no sickness among them. A second company they met sixty miles this side of the Valley; they also represented themselves from Michigan. Holliday's [Holladay's] mule train was met by them at Greene River; the animals looked very well, and seemed to be improving. Kinkade [Kinkead]& Livingstons's they met about the second crossing of the Sweet Water, their cattle were very much jaded down, and fatigued; this train had to get fourteen yoke of cattle from Fort Laramie; and besides, they expected an additional recruit from Weber River; after all, they only traveled from six to ten miles a day.
Hon. A. [Almon] W. Babbitt's company were met twenty miles above Fort Laramie, on the North side of the Platte; Babbitt himself, and the officers of Utah crossed at the Fort, to the South side; Mr. B. had one of his wagons broke down, an he was under the necessity of leaving four horses at the Fort.
Captain [John G.]Smith, with a company of Saints comprising of one hundred and fifty wagons, they met fifty miles above Fort Kearney; this company crossed the Loupe Fork on Saturday the 12th June,- made but very little headway till then, in consequence of the bad roads, and their endeavoring to head some of the larger streams, which proved ineffectual. Mr. Smith's company were then, six weeks out from Kanesville.
President Orson Hyde, and his express company, were seen at a distance, on the same day that our informants met Capt. Smith and company, fifty miles above Fort Kearney, progressing on their journey with alacrity and speed. Monroe's train of Merchandise for the Valley, was only fifty miles this side of Fort Kearney, and breaking down every day. They broke twenty axletrees, on the way from Bethlehem, on the Missouri River; a distance only of one hundred and fifty miles. Mr. Monroe had gone ahead of his train, to procure if possible other wagons at the Fort. Here is another specimen of the wagons made, or rather Man-u-factured in St. Louis. Whoever had the contract of making these wagons, ought to have his name, and place of residence published to the world; so that a mark might be put on the CAIN, to distinguish him from the rest of mankind.
What can be more provoking, than to be imposed upon? And the imposition made manifest, at a time and place; when and where, no redress can be had? We leave the injured parties to answer. It is rascality in the extreme, the manner in which the emigrants have suffered this season, though the vile transactions of men, who claim to have a little honor left; but whose works too clearly evince, hollow-heartedness, dishonesty, and fraud in their most obdurate form.
Emigrants, hereafter should beware, where they purchase their wagons; our mechanics here, say, that they can furnish any number of wagons, if timely notice is given, and half the amount advanced, so that they can procure stock, and other articles necessary for the undertaking. They are known to be responsible men; and their capabilities stand undoubted.
Messrs. Nichols & Robb, say; that the roads, and grass are remarkably good this season on the plains, and that the streams, especially the Platte are unusually