Transcript for "News from Atchison," The Mormon, 18 August 1855, 2
News from Atchison.
Arrival of the Mail from Utah.
We have received a letter this week from Bro. Daniel Spencer, then at Detroit, Michigan, on his way to Liverpool via Boston, per steam packet, which was to leave Boston on the 15th inst. We are somewhat disappointed in not seeing Bro. Spencer again before his return to Europe, but suppose it is all right; we wish him a prosperous passage to his field of labor. Bro. Spencer left Atchison, K. T., on the 6th inst. He informs us that the last of the Mormon emigration left Mormon Grove on the 3rd inst., under the supervision of Bro. Milo Andrus, who has gone with them through to the valley. Brs. Erastus Snow and Charles Basset left the same day to go through in company with the U. S. Mail Co. Br. Orson Spencer is appointed to fill the place vacated by Br. Snow in St. Louis. Br. Hart is made President of the Conference, in place of Milo Andrus.
The U. S. Mail from Utah passed Mormon Grove on the 3rd inst., on its way to Independence.
No news here by the Utah mail yet, Aug. 15th. Where is it?