Transcript for "News from Elders," Deseret News, 3 October 1855, 5
ARRIVED, on the morning of Sept. 28, the fifth company of immigrating saints, Moses Thurston captain.
—On the evening of the same day Prof. O. Pratt and Surveyor General J. W. Fox returned from a professional trip to the point where latitude 42 crosses the emigrant road east of Green river. After ascertaining and marking that point they came back to the east, or left bank of Green river, and there determined and marked the intersection of latitude 42 degrees north, the boundary line between Utah and Oregon.
It was found to be some 5 miles NORTH of the Kinney Ferry, and some 60 rods NORTH of posts that [?]yan (since dead) put up with a view of establishing a ferry in Oregon, as he erroneously thought.