Transcript for "News from Fort Laramie," The Mormon, 18 Aug. 1855, 2
News from Fort Laramie.
A telegraphic dispatch from St. Louis, Aug. 10th, informs us that news had been received from Fort Laramie, per correspondent of St. Louis Republican, that all was quiet in that region.
A telegraphic dispatch from St. Louis, Aug. 10th, informs us that news had been received from Fort Laramie, per correspondent of St. Louis Republican, that all was quiet in that region.
Capt. Foot's Company of Infantry had arrived.
Col. Howe's dragoons were met fifty miles of Fort Kearny. The road was lined with trains, and those attending them were all well. No Sioux Indians were seen on the route.
Cholera was prevailing with great fatality at Fort Riley. Major Ogden was among its victims. Several companies of troops, and a large number of mechanics were there. Numbers had abandoned the Fort and taken to the hills.