Transcript for "Notice to Our Emigrants," St. Louis Luminary, 14 April 1855, 82
To save having to answer a thousand times, what may be answered at once, we would say to all our emigrants who intend crossing the plains, that, first, every male capable of bearing arms, must be supplied with a good rifle or other fire-arms, and at least one-half pound of powder and two pounds of lead, or shot and balls.
Every person will need to have, when they leave Atchison, one hundred pounds breadstuffs, and a few pounds bacon or dried beef, and as much sugar, tea, coffee, and dried fruit as they calculate to eat during a three month's journey over the plains.
All P. E. Fund passengers, including the $40 passengers, will have breadstuffs, meat, and the usual allowance of groceries furnished them at the point of outfit, but any one may add any articles of luxuries to their supplies, which they choose, for their individual use. Independent emigrants will be supplied with flour and bacon in sacks ready for the journey, at Atchison, by giving us their orders in season.