Transcript for "On the Plains," Salt Lake Daily Telegraph, 24 Sep. 1864, 2
Messrs Wm. Howard, Saml. Kahn, John Y. Greene and Wm. Streeper, of this city, were at Cottonwood, west of Kearney, on Thursday, all well and journeying together for this place.
Mr. John Hindley, with Jennings' last train was at Julesburg and E. Shurtliffe, with one of Godbe's trains, was at the same place, on the same day. Messrs N. P. Crandall and Nephi Packard had passed there two days before with trains for Walker Brothers.
Mr. John Overton, with another train for Godbe is this side of Sweetwater. Mr. Adam Sharp, with a train for Ransohoff & Cos. was at Ham's Fork on Thursday evening.
Capt. [William S.] Warren's emigrant train is expected to arrive here about the 2d of October, and Capt. [Isaac A.] Canfield, who has been not far distant from him, may be looked for shortly after.
As far as we learn, the goods and emigrant trains are coming along well, and our best hopes for their safety are not likely to have been groundless.