
Transcript for "Orson Hyde's Terms of Transportation of Goods and Merchandize from Kanesville, Iowa, to the City of the Great Salt Lake in Utah Territory," Frontier Guardian, 7 Feb. 1851, 2

Orson Hyde's
Terms of Transportation of Goods and Merchandize from Kanesville, Iowa, to the City of the Great Salt Lake in Utah Territory.

No goods received to be forwarded unless boxed, baled, or sacked in a good and safe condition. To insure their transportation through this coming season, they must be delivered at Kanesville, before the last day of May next. The owner's name should be plainly marked upon them. "Salt Lake City, UTAH, care of Orson Hyde, Kanesville, Iowa,"

One hundred pounds or under, at the rate of fifteen dollars per hundred. Over one hundred pounds, and not exceeding ten hundred pounds, twelve dollars and fifty cents per hundred. Over ten hundred pounds, and not exceeding five tons, at the rate of eleven dollars a hundred; and over five tons, ten dollars and seventy-five cents per hundred.

The transportation of this freight must be paid in advance at Kanesville, together with the charges upon them; and should goods be unusually bulky, the price of freight would exceed the above quotations. The goods will be forwarded in good wagons with double covers, placed in the hands of good and steady teamsters, who will take all reasonable care of them, but damages arising from unavoidable accidents must be sustained by the owners of the goods, and not by the carrier; as transportation is one branch, and insurance another. Good and commodious storage will be in readiness by the opening of navigation, and Mr. Hyde will be ready to receive goods by the first boats.