Transcript for "Our Immigration," Deseret News, 28 September 1854, 313
Began to arrive on the 19th, and since then have continued to come in almost daily. The timely assistance furnished from the settlements, and the favorable weather will probably enable all the emigrants to reach here without encountering any severe storms. Still those who are between Weber and Green rivers, and especially some who may be still farther back, would doubtless be highly pleased and benefited by meeting some of their relatives and friends with provisions and a few fresh animals to help them out of the rough end of a tedious journey.
Having no hired news hunters, being too busy to hunt it all ourselves, and captains of companies neglecting to report their arrival, the number in their company, and the conditions and whereabouts of our rear companies, we can only state, from incidental information, that Elder Job Smith and company arrived on the 23d, and camped near the Jordan Bridge, and that A. P. Fields' and Jolly's [Washington L. Jolley's] companies have come in.
If the Captains wou'd report themselves at Governor Young's office, immediately after their arrival, we could keep track of the yearly influx, and they could learn at once where many, if not all their company would find employment, and shelter thro' the coming winter.
A slight frost visited the lowlands on the morning of the 20th inst., doing no injury.