Transcript for "Our Immigration," Deseret News, 7 September 1864, 393
OUR IMMIGRATION.—Capt. J. S. Rollins [Joseph S. Rawlins] telegraphed from Sweetwater bridge, 332 miles east, Sep, 1:—"Train in fine condition, traveling all right, and doing well."
Capt. W. [William] S. Warren telegraphed from Horse Shoe Creek, 466 miles East, Sep. 2:—"Train passed this afternoon, all well. Canfield is close behind."
Cap. John Smith telegraphed from Deer Creek, 411 miles East, Sep. 2:—"I am here with 20 wagons, Scandinavians; have lost 20 cattle. Can we get help?" This is an Independent Company," and any who have relations and acquaintances in Capt. John Smith's company will confer a favor by sending them some 10 or 12 yoks of oxen. We have not received any list from this company, and of course cannot inform our readers who are in it.
Elder H. B. Clawson telegraphed from Plum Creek 36 miles this side of Kearney, Sep. 2:—"9 a.m., train passing, all in first rate spirits." These, Captains [William] Hyde and [Warren S.] Snow's companies, are probably traveling together, as they were when previously heard from, and are the last of our this season's immigration, Elders Joseph A. Young, H. B. Clawson, Jos. W. Young, H. S. Beatie, W. C. Staines and perhaps Richard Bentley and some others are accompanying these trains in private conveyances, and will probably travel with them until the region of Indian troubles is passed, when they will leave them and come ahead.