
Transcript for Overland travel 9th company diary of 1852

[Written by Josephus Hatch, the company clerk]

Organized by Ezra T Benson President of the Church of Lat[t]er day Saints in Pottawattamy Co. Iowa[.] Emigrating to the great salt Lake Utah.

Having cal[le]d a meeting according to appointment on the 13th of June 1852 and organized the 9th fifty. oficers as follows[:]

for capt of said fifty
Isaac M Stuart capt of 50[,] 8 in family[,] 11 oxen[,] 8 cows[,] 3 horses[,] 30 Sheep[,] 2 Waggons [,] 6 loos[e] cattle

1st 10. capt Peter Tidwell

Capt of the g[u]ard John D parker[,] 5 in family[,] 4 oxen[,] 2 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 1 Waggons [,] 0 loos Cattle

James D Allen[,] 9 in family[,] 14 oxen[,] 7 cows[,] 3 horses[,] 40 Sheep[,] 2 Waggons[,] 7 loos[e] Cattle

Waldo Littlefield[,] 7 in family[,] 4 oxen[,] 6 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 1 Waggon[,] 0 loos Cattle

Isaac Allen[,] 4 in family[,] 4 oxen[,] 4 cows[,] 1 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 1 Waggon

Peter Rank[,] 7 in family[,] 0 oxen[,] 1 cows[,] 6 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 0 Waggons[,] 10 loos Cattle

Oliver James

Josephus Hatch[,] 7 in family[,] 8 oxen[,] 4 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 2 Waggons[,] 0 loos Cattle

George Daverson[,] 3 in family[,] 2 oxen[,] 2 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 1 Waggons[,] 0 loose Cattle

Franklin Allen[,] 6 in family[,] 4 oxen[,] 2 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 1 Waggons[,] loos Cattle

William Weeks[,] 3 in family[,] 4 oxen[,] 2 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 1 Waggons[,] loos Cattle

2d ten capt
James W Welker[,] 7 in family[,] 4 oxen[,] 3 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 1 Waggons[,] 1 loos Cattle

William Stoker[,] 7 in family[,] 4 oxen[,] 2 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 1 Waggons[,] 1 loos Cattle

John Welker[,] 3 in family[,] 0 oxen[,] 3 cows[,] 2 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 1 Waggons[,] 3 loos Cattle

Jacob Welker[,] 5 in family[,] 6 oxen[,] 3 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 1 Waggons[,] 2 loos Cattle

Joseph Brite [Bright] [,] 7 in family[,] 6 oxen[,] 3 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 6 Sheep[,] 1 Waggons[,] 3 loos Cattle

Michael Stoker[,] 3 in family[,] 4 oxen[,] 3 cows[,] 1 horses[,] 15 Sheep[,] 1 Waggons[,] 0 loos Cattle

John Mck Daniells [Mc Daniel][,] 10 in family[,] 6 oxen[,] 4 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 1 Waggons[,] 0 loos Cattle

Elexander [Alexander] Davis[,] 1 in family[,] 0 oxen[,] 2 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 0 Waggons[,] 0 loos Cattle

Joseph Dustin[,] 6 in family[,] 2 oxen[,] 4 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 1 Waggons[,] 0 loos Cattle

Edward Davis[,] 4 in family[,] 2 oxen[,] 2 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 1 Waggons[,] 0 loos Cattle

3d Ten capt
Absalem[Absalom] Smith[,] 8 in family[,] 15 oxen[,] 7 cows[,] 4 horses[,] 25 Sheep[,] 3 Waggons[,] 11 loos Cattle

Lorenzo Babcock[,] 4 in family[,] 0 oxen[,] 2 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 0 Waggons[,] 0 loos Cattle

Shamus <Nathaniel> Childs, [,] 2 in family[,] 4 oxen[,] 1 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 2 Waggons[,] 1 loos Cattle

George Sherry[,] 6 in family[,] 0 oxen[,] 0 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 0 Waggons[,] 0 loos Cattle

Andrew Shupe[,] 9 in family[,] 6 oxen[,] 8 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 17 Sheep[,] 2 Waggons[,] 0 loos Cattle

Moses Gay[,] 10 in family[,] 8 oxen[,] 8 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 18 Sheep[,] 2 Waggons[,] 10 loos Cattle

4th capt
James M Chadwick[,] 8 in family[,] 9 oxen[,] 3 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 2 Waggons

Philip L Smith[,] 4 in family[,] 9 oxen[,] 4 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 1 Waggons

Thomas E Smith[,] 4 in family[,] 4 oxen[,] 4 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 1 Waggons

JamesSamuel Mackey[,] 7 in family[,] 3 oxen[,] 2 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 1 Waggons

James Lewis[,] 7 in family[,] 3 oxen[,] 7 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 42 Sheep[,] 2 Waggons

John Murrey[,] 3 in family[,] 2 oxen[,] 2 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 1 Waggons

Moses Childs[,] 9 in family[,] 5 oxen[,] 3 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 1 Waggons

John N Harper[,] 4 in family[,] 0 oxen[,] 2 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Sheep[,] 1 Waggons

5 Capt
James D Miller[,] 13 in family[,] 16 oxen[,] 3 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Loose Cattle [,] 3 Waggons

William Robertson[,] 3 in family[,] 4 oxen[,] 2 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 2 Loose Cattle[,] 1 Waggons

Charles Thomas[,] 9 in family[,] 12 oxen[,] 9 cows[,] 1 horses[,] 3 Loose Cattle[,] 3 Waggons

John Harlick[,] 7 in family[,] 8 oxen[,] 6 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 2 Loose Cattle[,] 2 Waggons

David Muir[,] 5 in family[,] 0 oxen[,] 0 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Loose Cattle[,] 1 Waggons

Thomas Muir[,] 2 in family[,] 4 oxen[,] 2 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Loose Cattle[,] 1 Waggons

John Muir[,] 3 in family[,] 4 oxen[,] 2 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Loose Cattle[,] 1 Waggons

[blank space] Workman[,] 12 in family[,] 4 oxen[,] 2 cows[,] 0 horses[,] 0 Loose Cattle[,] 2 Waggons

[blank space] Price[,] 3 in family[,] 4 oxen[,] 2 cows[,] 1 horses[,] 0 Loose Cattle[,] 1 Waggons

June 20th 1852 Crossed the Mosaurie [Missouri] River all in good health and camped one Mile from the ferry

June 24 campt on Papun [Papillion] creek creek[.] all in good order

June 25th crossed the Elkhorn all in good health without accident the wether fine camped on the west side

26th went to a place cald liberty pole and camped 3 miles north[.] that night rany cotinued till 11 o clock next Day

27th Traveld till we came to the river again and camptd

28th pased Brother Snows company at Shell creek 10 o clock and camped at the river again having traveled 12 <miles> This Day[.] all well at presant

29 came to the Loop [Loup] fork and camped

30th crosed the Loop and campt 1 mile from the Ferry

June 30th 1852
Received of Capt Isaac M Stuard payment in full for crosing the ninth company over the ferry at Loop fork


J. D. Miller


June July 1st came to the Loop again and campt al well

July 1st camped again on the Loop goo[d] weather for traveling

2d campt on a high bluf one mile from the Loup river[.] capt Woods company past us this evening[.] had some sick in his company

3d campt where there is No wood nor water[.] started from this at 5 oclock

July 4 came to perrary [Prairie] creek and got breckfast. then caled by the capt. the company together and enacted a Law regulating the guard gard in said company

Section 1st if any one is found asleep while on Duty the penalty to be lashed upon the naked back acording <to disgresion> of the pesiding oficer in said company[.] pased by a unanimous vote 2 excepted

July 4th crosed pararie creek and traviled to wood crek[.] came up with Mr Jollys company and others. campt up the creck about half a mile[.] Setup a blacksmith shopand repaired some waggons

July 5th Staid one Day and two nights[.] the morning of the 6th a thunderstorm with hale and wind blue down some tents blew off some wagon covers did no other Damage to us. all well at this time[.] union prevails there

July 6th came ac[r]oss wood creek and traviled to the old camping ground on plat[te] river 16 Miles thence north <South> west 5 miles to a point on wood creek and camped[.] had some rain with heavy thunder

7th at the above point a case of colura [cholera] accurd[.] James D. Allen was attacted [attacked] with collara [cholera] one Oclock in the morning <of the [this date]> and Died at one pm pm he was buried at the above point[.] we then came on and camped on the above creek about 5 miles up

July 8th came to the head of Grand I[s]land broke one waggon wheel had to repair it[.] all tolarbly well at this place

July 9th a thunder Storm and hale [hail] the sise [size] of a hens eggs came withit[.] staid here all Day

July 10th past <met> some Emigrants from Calafornia [California] and stopt at Elm creek to bate our cattle and take in wood[.] camped on the South side of Buffalo creek.

Sunday the 11th Staid and held a meeting preaching by Brother Shoup and others[.] a heavy rain fell here last night

July 12th Stopted at the plat 1 oclock[.] Saw the first heard of Buffalo at this place campt near the plat not much wood here more Buffaloo

July 13th pleasant at this time[.] 4 of the cows mising two of the men went back after them to Elm creek found two of them two lost[.] other misfortunes this day Miss Hatch in getting out of a waggon was nockd down and the wheel of the waggon ran over her thighs and wrist[.] wee think it broke no bones[.] She is almost helpless at present

July 14th this morning kiled a Buffalow and staid here till 1 oclock[.] came on and camped near to the plat and a bluff[.] capt Stuard [Stewart] quite un well[.] Miss Shoup[e] sick[.] very rainy to night

July 15th came to skunk creek took Dinner found good water. camped for the night at the cold Spring. here a mis Dificulty arose between Isaac Allen and his teamster Mr [blank space] Pierce[.] the case was broat before the several capt[.] the desision was that Isaac Allen should give Said [blank space] Pierce provisions enough to carry him to fort Laramy [Laramie.] the above was consented to by both parties

July 16th came to the plat suposed to be the last place for wood

July 17th staid here this Day[.] all well at this place[.] here killed a buffalow

July 18th crossed mud creek and a small creek running from the bluff[.] here the bluff comes to the River[.] cmpt [camped] near the River[.] some sick at this place

July 19th this Day pased the sand hills and thru small streams of water

July 20th came to seder [Cedar] bluff 1 oclock stoped to feed not much grass but good water[.] At Rattlesnake creek a dog attacted Mr Stoker and bit his wrist badly[.] the dog belon[g]ed to Isaac Allen[.] a Debate took place which lasted but a short time[.] the result by all was to kill said dog[.] they amediately did the Job up well. the above Allen camped away from the company

July 21st came to woolf creek at the sand hills[.] crossed over and camped about 200 yards[.] some contension here at this time[.] think it [c]an be setled[.] all tolarably well at prasant

July 22d <1852> came past Christial [Crystal] streem [stream] and bluff campt near the plat where the bluff came near the River[.] all well and in good spirits

July 23d campt near the plat good traveling to Day[.] Remain well

July 24th came to the plat 12 o clock[.] no sand to Day

came this afternoon to hills or bluffs that came down to the river[.] look like ruined temples or forts[.] caled Rattlesnake bluffs

July 25 Sunday[.] staid here all Day <reparing waggons and shuing oxen>[.] Several sick here with colure [cholera] morbas [morbus]

July 26 some sick[.] James M Shadwicks Son left on foot for the next camp ahead

July 27th came thru sand[.] bad Road. camped 12 oclock on the bank of the River

July 28th pased chimney rock at 12 camped on the bank of plat[.] hot weather[ hard roads plenty of grass here and good water

July 29th staid here to repair waggons and set tire

July 30th

July 31st 5th ten came up with us at this place[.] waggons out of repair

August 1st here yet at spring creek drawing wood and setting tire

August 2d Still here at spring creek setting tire and repairing waggons

August 4th here we are yet setting tire and burning coal

August 5 having finished for the preasant our blacksmithing we go on and camped near the plat again[.] grass here is good. came 20 miles to Day

August 6 came throu bad road saw the first Indians past fort Lar

7th past fort Laramy [Laramie] 11 oclock and came on the north side of the plat over the stoney hills and camped on a little flat in the bend of the river

8th came over hills and rocks this Day[.] poor feed for cattle[.] all well[.] about 25 miles up from Laramy[.] camped near the river

9th came over rough roads[.] no grass

10th came to the river again[.] good grass[.] 3½ Days from Laramy all well

11th came over hard roads[.] camped on the river no grass[.] talk of Dividing

12th Divided the company and left the 4th and 5th and came on about 8 miles[.] found the bones of a man today killed as we suppose found him on the south side of the river[.] plenty of good grass. all well at this place

13th pacd Woods company and camped by the plat[.] poor feed for cattle

14th camped on the plat again[.] good grass across the river[.] saw some Indians today

15th Sunday stay here to day[.] killed a buffalo

16th came on threw Sand and bad roads[.] no grass

17th killed a buffalo[.] came on 12 oclock and camped

August 18th stay here to repair waggons and set tire[.] sent to the mountain to make tarr

August 19th here yet setting tire[.] grass tolarably good[.] all well

20th came to the upper crossing of the plat and camped[.] very little grass

22 12 ocloc came on till about 12 oclock broke an exeltree to Miss Bri[gh]tes wagon[.] took till 12 oclock

22d started came on and pased the Eleventh company found good roads[.] left the road bluffs on the left camped at the end of an old ruined wall[.] no water no grass alcklie [alkali] plenty

23 George Davenson [Davison] left and went ahead[.] caus[e] not known at this time[.] returned before night. came to a clear brook 300 yards south of the road and camped at about 2 oclock P M, lost our cattle[.] found them Down the brook about 7 Miles[.] all well in camp[.] killed a fine Buffalow

24th traviled through sandy road and <camped> on Sweet water [Sweetwater] one mile south of the road

25th stay here to Day to get Sularatus [Saleratus.] good grass. Lost one sheep

26th lost one ox and one sheep[.] came on passed rock Indapence [Independence Rock] 10 oclock pased Devills [Devil’s] gate 3 oclock [.] passed a house at half past 4 camped on sweet water 1 mile ½ north of the road[.] poor feed for cattle

27th lost one ox here by poisionous Alcaly [alkali.] came through sandy road and camped on the sweet water[.] very little grass lost one ox today <lost one ox 27th>

28th came throu sand and rocky road and camped again on swet water in the sand[.] lost one 2 year old[.] no grass here hard on cattle

29th <camped on sweet water> lost one cow by wolves this morning[.] bad roads little grass

30th lost a sheep by wolves[.] camped on sweet water [.] lost one cow here

31st poor feed broke a wagon sand board came on to a branch of sweetwater and camped[.] no feed here went down 3 miles found some

Sept 1st camped on a branch of sweetwater[.] good road and grass plenty[.] came to the upper crossing of sweetwater to camp[.] good grass here

2d came over the summit and camped at the pacific springs

3d camped on little sandy no grass good water

4th came to big sandy and camped some grass[,] good roads <& Indans> & water

5th camped on big sandy ½ mile south of the road[.] no grass

6th camped on green river[.] stay here tomorrow

7th stay here all day[.] more Indians[.] some rain

8th here yet good grass[.] met some trains from Salt Lake

9th came on 6 miles and camped near a trading post

10th 12 oclock [illegible]