Transcript for Owens, Lucretia Proctor Robison, [Reminiscences], in Roberta Flake Clayton, comp., Pioneer Women of Arizona, 451
Great Grandmother Robison, especially, was still anxious to gather with the saints in Zion, so with a feeling of reluctance on the part of most of the family, after ten years, they disposed of their property in Crete and started for Utah. One of Grandmother’s brothers, Alfred, refused to go with the family to Utah, so it was with sadness in their hearts they left him alone in Illinois.
Grandmother Owens wrote about the trip as follows:
“Left Crete April 12, 1854. Started for Utah across the Plains with fourteen in family. With three ox teams and one horse team. We had no trouble in any way. No sickness or Indian trouble. Perigren [Perrigrine] Sessions was captain. We had fourteen wagons in the Company. There was no loss of cattle or teams. The Company laid over Sundays and generally held meetings. We arrived in Salt Lake City October 5, 1854, all well. We camped southeast of City. Father [Joseph Robison], Mother [Lucretia Hancock Robison] and brothers went into the City and paid tithing. President Young told Father to go settle in Fillmore, one hundred and fifty miles south. Father moved into Fillmore. The people were living in a fort, as the Indians were on the war path. Father bought a home, also bought wheat and built a granary.”