Transcript for "Jessie Belle Stirling Pack, autobiographical sketch", DUP Pioneer History Collection, Page 3-4.
We were on the boat 2 days and 2 nights getting from St. Joseph to Council Bluffs, where we stayed 3 weeks waiting for ox teams to come from Utah to take us on.
"Before the tents were up there was a severe storm There was no shelter, and we just had to duck under the canvas and hold it over our heads. During an awful crash, I looked out. Two men were talking over their tents and luggage, and when the lightning struck they fell. It didn't storm very long, and when it stopped I rushed out. I had some olive oil, and I poured it on one man. His neck was all blistered. Pretty soon he was better, but the other man was dead. Then I found that my feet were all blistered.
The next day they swelled up, and I was in bed a week with them. Even now when it storms, it effects my feet and makes them swell and ache.
"We left Council Bluffs Aug. 15, 1862, and arrived in Salt Lake Oct. 20, 1862 after traveling all the time. We would travel all day on the plains and if we could not get to water, we would travel all night. When we would camp, we would gather up buffalo chips and wood where we could and build our fire and cook a little bacon. Then the boys would get their fiddles, and we would clear off the brush and dance and sing Scotch songs. Then we would sing hymns and have prayers and go to bed. We had to make our beds right on the ground, and if in the morning when we wake up there was a snake in bed with us we's just kick it out.
"Brother Horten [Horton] Haight was captain of the company, and Ward Pack, Sr., assistant captain. We usually traveled about 15 miles a day, walking all the time. The teams and oxen were for provisions and people not able to walk. We had plenty to wear, but only one sunbonnet, but made that last. The men had flour and bacon and a little tea. Everybody got rations.