Transcript for "Passing Through," Deseret News, 11 September 1861, 156
Hon. Geo. Turner, of Portsmouth, Ohio, Chief Justice of Nevada, passed through here last week on his way to Carson. Hon. H. M. Jones, of St. Louis, Mo., one of the Associate Judges, accompanied by his lady, arrived by the same stage. The Chief Justice stopped a couple of days in the city, and the Associate and lady, after a day's rest, resumed their journey westward.
Apparently Nevada has had some serious consideration at the White House. The New Territory has respectable judges to start with, and that is more than some other Territories could boast of.
Simonton, the army expedition correspondent of the New York Times, in '57, passed thro' here last Wednesday. The recollection of his former slanders suggested a continuous journey. He made no halt "guilt makes cowards of us all."