
Transcript for Peirce, Hannah Harvey, [Journal], in Earl Harvey Peirce, Robert and Hannah Harvey Peirce, 1847 Pioneers [1990], 51-53

on the 7 th of April 1847, Eli Harvey Peirce left Winter Quarters in company with the Presidency and part of the Twelve besides brethren as Pioneers for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints.

On the twelth of June, we left Winter Quarters.

14 June 1847 crossed Elk Horn

19 June 1847: leaves Elk Horn in Company of 666 wagons and camped on the Platte

26 June 1847: cross the Beaver

28 June 1847: pass'd the Pawnee village which last summer was said to contain 4,000 inhabitants but was mostly burnt by the Sue [Sioux] Indians.

30 June 1847: Ariv'd where the Antelope graze.

1 July 1847: Cross Luke [Loup] fork

3 July: came in the trail of the Pioneers.

5 July: found a board on which the Pioneers had computed the distance from Winter

Quarters 217 miles.

14 July: Cattle broke from the Carell last night and from this time the fifty divide.

17 July: the cattle broke from the Carell of Second 50 where the South Fork unites with the main Platt[e].

23 July: the travel is through a dandy country, the Siou[x] Indians is in our midst.

25 July: Phenios Young and other Pioneers meet us.

31 July: Encampt opposite Scotch (Scott) Bluffs.

3 August 1847: Sister [Esther Shaffer] Ewing died

4 August: Some of the Battallion and General Korney met us this morning.

12 August: Encampt where Sister [Mary Adeline Beman] Nobles child was born, and where of cattle stray'd to fort John, Tar manufactured at this place. leaves on the 19th and assend the half miles hill, here the company

left our ten behind on account of our cattle not coming up

23 August: cross the Platt[e] of the upper ferry.

27 August: Pass Saltpetre springs.

28 August: the buggy tongue (broke) and the cattle stray'd, some of the company travel on and others left behind untill we found our cattle.

30 August: Pass Independence Rock and cross Sweetwater

3 September 1847: Met Clayton and others perhaps 18 waggons returning to Winterquarters with ox teams.

7 September: the ground white with snow

8 September: Eli Harvey and two others came to where we were encampt, left that place and in a short time our cattle took fright and many waggons run away. President Young and Kimble and others met us. 2 nd 50 close by us.

9 September: Last night 45 horses stole from the companies. Meeting in the evening, preaching by President Young and Kimble. hymn sung composed by Eliza R. Snow for the occasion.

Hail Ye Mighty men of Israel
Who the Promised Land have found
The Eternal God has bless'd you
You have stood on holy Ground

Praise the Lord, We are glad to make you
Welcome, Welcome on the way
Yes Oh Yes with joy we greet you
Pioneers of Latter day

A choice land of old appointed
For the House of Israels rest
You have found and consecrated
Through your blessings (?) we'll be blessed
Praise the Lord

Holy free and unpolluted
Will that land for us remain
.While the sacred laws of justice
There the Saints of God maintain
Praise the Lord

Go your way to Winter Quarters
Go in peace and safety too
There the warmest hearts are beating
With the hopes of seeing you
Praise the Lord

We will onward to the valley
Speed you[r] way make haste and come
That ere long with joy and gladness
We may bid you welcome home
Praise the Lord

11 September: Cross dry Sandy, encampt on Little Sandy

15 September: Crossed big Sandy, 200 miles from the valley

16 September: Cross'd Green River, here Capt (?) [Robert] Peirce requests to be released from the 50 and was allowed to travel with his ten as he pleased.

21 September: Pass'd fort Bridger, here we bought a yoke of oxen, cow and calf.

23 September: Camped on the Muddy

25 September: Cross the Bear River.

26 September: Sister [Carolina Van Dyke] Grant died, we arrived at cash Cave a large rock with an entrance inside which forms a large room

28 September: Cross Webers fork

29 September: Enter Pratts pass, encampt on Cannion [Canyon] Creek

1 October 1847: Left the carriage and ox and pass over a mountain and encampt at Willow Spring

2 October: Pass a mountain and arive in the valley of the great salt Lake