Transcript for Perrigrine Sessions Emigrating Company, Journal, 1857 Jul-Aug
Friday July 31st. This morning buried the bodies with prayer at the grave by Captain Sessions and left camp at half past seven; nooned in a canyon after about 15 miles drive, met several emigrant trains with large herds of cattle. In the afternoon made about 12 miles and camped about one-half mile from the river. Distance 27 miles.
Saturday August 1st. Left camp at 7 a.m. Travelled about 15 miles and nooned. In the afternoon made about 14 miles, crossed the North Fork of the Humboldt and camped about 4 miles therefrom, passed some 60 or 70 emigrant wagons on their way to California, driving large herds of cattle from Missouri and Arkansas. This evening after prayer it was decided by unanimous vote to hold meeting in the morning and travel in the afternoon. Distance 29 miles.
Sunday August 2nd. Held divine service this morning. Remarks by Elder Sessions, [Theodore] Curtis and others. Left camp at 12 N. and travelled about 15 miles[.] camped near Haws’ Bridge. Emigrants report several murders committed by the Indians on ahead. this evening after prayer the company voted unanimously to travel by the Goose Creek mountains instead of Haws’ cut off as had been proposed. Distance 15 miles
Monday 3rd. Left camp at 7 a.m. Traveled about 15 miles, crossed some of the head waters of the Humboldt, nooned and in the afternoon Travelled over very hilly roads and camped about 10 miles east of the wells, met some 30 emigrant wagons mostly from Mo. Distance 25 miles
Tuesday 4th Left camp shortly after 7 drove about 16 miles and nooned, no water, but dug a well and got a small supply. small creek we afterwards ascertained to be about a mile distant. in the afternoon drove about 6 miles & camped. distance 22 miles
Wednesday Aug 5. Left camp at 7 a.m. Travelled about 13 miles and nooned at some springs a few hundred yards to the left of the road, in the afternoon made about 3 miles and camped at a chalky spring instead of going on to Goose creek as first intended. some emigrants we met report that they had killed 5 indians who had shot their horses and stolen about 11 head of cattle. distance to day 16 miles.
Thursday Aug 6th. Left camp shortly after 5 a.m. passed Rock springs and Goose cr[eek] Cañon and camped about a mile from the mouth thereof, met many emigrants to day with wagons and immense herds of cattle mostly from Missouri. in the afternoon had lectures on polygamy by Bros Baker and Sessions. distance to day 20 miles.
Friday 7th. Left camp at 7. travelled about 14 miles and nooned on Goose creek. in the afternoon made 7 miles and camped near the summit of the Goose creek mountains, taking the cut off. grass and water first rate, and the road much better than the old road. Distc [Distance] 22 miles
Saturday Augt 8th. Left camp a little before 7. crossed the summit of the mountain, and after travelling 20 miles, nooned on the Raft river where the road crossed the river[.] in the afternoon made about 6 miles and camped. this evening after prayer the company voted unanimously to go to deep creek on the morrow. distance 26 miles.
Sunday 9th Held a testimony meeting this morning at 6 a.m. remarks by Bros. Price and others condemning the practice of swearing among the members of the company. well received. Left camp about 7. crossed Raft River twice, travelled about 13 miles and nooned on the right of the road at the first creek east of the Raft. in the afternoon drove to Deep creek. several animals giving out during the trip. arrived there after night. distance about 40 miles.
Monday 10th Left camp a little before 8 travelled about 12 miles and nooned at Hensley’s springs. Bro: Baker, Hunter, Sister Call and Theodore Curtis here left the company contrary to the counsel of the Captain. in the afternoon made 7 miles and camped on the hills near the road. bunch grass first rate, but no water. Leonard Wines was here duly elected chaplain of the company in place of bro: Curtis who had left. distance 19 miles.
Tuesday Aug 11. Left camp at Daylight. watered at Blue Springs, breakfasted about 2 miles beyond and camped on the Malade. Distc 30 miles
Wednesday 12. Left camp about 7. reached the ferry on Bear River and crossed by 11 a.m: travelled about 4 miles and nooned. Captain Sessions here gave leave to the company to disperse and travel as suited them best. on motion of bro: Wines a vote of thanks was tendered to bro: Sessions by the comp[an]y for the able and gentlemanly manner in which he had conducted us throughout the entire journey. Compy accordingly dispersed.