Transcript for Peter Sinclair journal, 1853-1854, 167-270
Sund 9 [July 1854] fair[.] Composed the following this morning after
My Soul delights to be subject to the head of any organization in this church tho it would appear to be against my gentile feelings. afternoon went and saw bro George Lee who was hurt with the waggon[.] he is getting better[.] killed a snak as I went, 3 feet Long, returned to camp[.] Learned that no found passangers was to go with the independants[.] had a short drill[.] tonight was on guard over the cattle from 11 PM to 2 am[.] fine night heavy dew[.] a Niggars tent up at camp selling whisky and sundries a bro? Stagering with drink at 1 PM
Mon 10 fair[.] drilled at 5 AM. In camp today the bugle sounded for a meeting after sunset by order of President Empey who superentended the meet[in]g. the particulars of which was for the Independants to go out as fast as possible—all to remember their God & their Covenants Elder Rob[er]t Campbell by permission Moved that the Independants should be no longer known by that name but by ordinary passangers. Carried.
Tusd 11 fair[.] 5 am drill’d[.] President Empy having Lost his Mare I offered to go and seek her[.] was sent[.] travilled all day, very warm, got no word about her
Wed 12 fair[.] brought our rifles to the drill this morn[in]g for the first time[.] I offered to seek Empys Mare again. was sent[.] got word of her[.] My feet hurt today with walking[.] assisted some bro to move out this evening some 6 miles[.] on guard over the cattle from 2 am to 5 am[.] fine night[.] O what a pleasure to see the Sun rise hide the stars, take of the Light of the moon and not only so but Lighten all around and warm as well it reminds me of the fulness of the gospel, covering the sparks of civilization with their pretences to religion takes off all rightful claim of ther bosted Gospel blaze[.] Light & Liberty with thir would be wisdom and refinement which by the Light and Power of the gospel is all shown to be a vain assumption. Yea the Gospel embraces all its good yea all truth. Some of which they have strewn thro their forms hoping to mak it stand but as the gospel embraces all truth and shows that no error can exist among her (the gospel) laws, thus poor Secterianisms is[.] pretences is Laid low her Mystery reve[a]led and she is left in the back ground for a time a real babal! of Confussion!! thus what before us thoug[h]t of a Little by some is now clearly shown to all who will look by the light of the gospel. Wisdom is Justified of all her <children>
Thur 13 fair[.] 5 am drilled with rifles[.] went to McGees Park above Kansas to take up some Saints the Last of this years emigration[.] arrived at camp at 11 PM wearied and feet sore[.] bro Empy went as I got the information and found his mare today which makes me glad
Frid 14 fair[.] feels wearied today but My Joy is great at finding My self among the Saints of God on our way to Zion on this My birthday according to date in the church of Jesus Christ[.] truly I enjoy this day feels to bless and praise the Lord. My Soul feels exceeding joyful in <the> work of the Lord[.] My strenth is in my God who has been my helper and has continually blest me by aiding me and sanctifying every trial and affliction to my good. have patiense to all ye Saints of God and all things [.an] work together for your good if ye fear God and keep yourselves unspoted from the world [.] Maintain your integrity[.] try and Save your fellow creature but don’t debase yourselves as Many do of this world. Some moving out today as well as the two previous days[.] put our Luggage in our wagon today[.] even[in]g went some two miles with bro Empy to fetch home some oxen—got them to camp
Sat 15 fair[.] money short[.] filing up yokes afternoon[.] Left the camp that is straight up from Wesport and in sight of it on a rising a Little out from the woods a stream of wettar on each side but only having two yoke of unlearned oxen and having a heavy Load we only got about ¼ of a mile out being still in sight of the other Camp no hills intervening[.] we spent the evening comfortably[.] sent the oxen down to the Main herd[.] bro Greens waggon was beside us[.] he was in the same predicement
Sund 16 fair[.] spent at our tent felt wearied[.] wrote the following on sleep
Sleep, Truely I must speake to the[e] that we our friendship may retain
My debts I truly like to pay but not to pay it over again
Now honostly thou must confess that I have paid thee well thy due
when I sit down to rest and read why slyley they attach renew?
Thy charge is hard I do maintain Consider thou how my time goes,
and how much of ittimethou dost <claims> thro theyday then why my eyes close
Remember thou am in a school and time is preisous unto me
if I do not all gods laws learn with pleasure This face cant see.
And when that I have lear[n]t the same in practice I must put them all
Salvation thro Christ work out or then I’ll get a greater fall.
My debts then I will freely pay[.] be Satisfied then with thine own
or am a Sluggard men will say and in me will my Mastar frown Sleeps defence
Well friend in My defence I’ll speake perhaps am not so much to blame
when both sides of the storeys heard thou knows it does not look the same
First its long before thou comes to be and then the weather is so warm
with going thou art wearied out then earley that large flies doth swarm
And they and me are so bad friends we’ve enemies ben along
No sooner doth the day light come than they fly, crawl, and raise a song
That when am Scarsely got half thro they do me start with such a fright
that suddenly am forced to leave but, Soon comes back to claim my right
And friend remember some time back even when thou was so very ill
how many messages thou sent for me, to come and take my fill
Yea, Many a long and weary night when thou would sleep and wake a while
thou earnestly for me did wish the passing hours even to beguile.
But now thou has so many friends even in the Church that thou art in
all brought by that enlivening sp[i]rit which is to bind both me and kin
But as thou are I do thee good I think am not so much to blame
thou knowest I but as servant am and in this place sleep is my name
Evening I heard that a bro from a distance was to preach in camp. So I went down and found that he was against the Mormon Leaders saying young Joseph was prophet and President of the church the rest being imposters he did not preach it being quite dark[.] President Empy wisely at such a late hour ordered all to their tents and conversed a Little with the old man.
Mond 17 fair[.] Moving generally about the Oxen then went with Sister [Cecelia] Johnston And bought and brought home a cow then got our oxen and went out to camp passing bro Campbells about two miles[.] My soul rejoices as we March Zionward and views the land which the Lord has blest for the gathering of his Saint and on which he hath said the wicked shall not dwell
accep Me for thy service all my day O Lord for I delight in thy Law
Tuesd 18 fair[.] 5 am at drill I delight to attend what ever is the order of the camp in righteousness also to Learn every useful thing. Lord help Me cheerfully to serve thee in all things
At leasure felt to write the following[.] I’ll take my pencel in my hand and few lines I’ll write <about the prophet> as the spirit <of the Lord> shall indite[.] Of all the men thats on the earth that does profession Make he that doth truth and virtue teach of him I’ll mention make. For When he practices the same hence his good fruits doth show we must then say the tree is good Jesus and truth says so. O! greatly blest then is the man hows [whose] fruits prove him to be among the nobles of the earth favour’d of heaven he’ll be[.] Yea, such an one the Lord will choose his will for to make known even to his Saints and all the world to perfect those in one. How will to reson lend an ear and all the truth obey and they shall know thee sent of God even as did Jesus did say[.] For tho John Testified of him as all the prophets did yet listen O ye people all what he himself hath said My testimony not from men tho they have spoke the truth but he that doth my farthars will Shall draw his Spirit forth By which he’ll know my doctrines true also from whence I came effects showing the cause is true hence all may know the same[.] By this criterian all may know even who my servants are down to the last ages of time this is my promise sure. Tis written he who comes with forms and does deney the power quickly from such turn ye away has an imposter sure.
But he who for the power contends as all the Saints have done
and preaches the pure gospel too have faith in such an one.
For certainly has sent of god when he doth testify
the Gospel is now as it was embrace it or you die
Who seeks not praise from this vain <world> but Gods whole declares
who does not shrink no not from death so he the way prepares
For Gods Kingdom to beprepared<built up> s in purity and power
who hard doth strive to lighten up gross darkness that doth sour.
Now as I know of such an one his praise I will spread forth
as of the great ones of this earth hes one of noble worth
Yea I will speake in praise of him for praise to him is due
how Left his all at Gods command which false men never do.
He stem’d the frowns of wicked men and vile hypocrecy
he overturned false Priest crafts power also vile bigotary.
How firm and strong has planted truth and the ensign did raise
to gather all the Saints of God on earth in Lattar days.
The will of God he has revealed and many things made things <known>
made which all the learning of this world and histories, had not shown
And while the Lord him greatly blest the wicked did rage sore
And basely they did him betray then Laid him in his gore
But preveously he did arrange that Gods work should go on
which made the wicked sore afraid when his wisdom was known
This worthy Man was Joseph Smith A Prophet of the Lord
who thro the mercy of our God the gospel hath restored
even in its fulness and hath Laid yea the foundation Strong
of Christ Kingdom, which ore [o'er] the earth shall qu[i]te extend ere long.
Then in his place bold Joseph Smith doth praise and thanks deserve
why in this <days> did first plant truth then watch’d it to preserve
From devils and from them who strove to thro it down
but it has stood and still shall stand when they are over thrown.—
at noon I went some miles and fetch home bro Leo Lees oxen he being still weak from the effects of the crush of the waggon—at drill at even and on watch from 11 PM to 2 AM night[.] fine Lightenings flashing at the edge of the horison which <is> the <case> almost every night
Wed 19 faire[.] at drill I am still made Left hand man[.] while in drill volonteers was call’d for to seek bro I V Long who in coming from Wesport with another bro Lost their way and he grew faint[.] the other came home weak having received a wound to his hand by his gun bursting. I went with others several mills but did not find him. I was going off again when Capt Taylor ordered all to get ready for starting but the bro that Left him recovering a Little with others went and found him[.] we had pass’d him close so that he heard us but was not able to rise nor cry[.] we started in the evening (Campbells camp being by before) and went a few miles in wattering the catle[.] 3 yoke went off[.] I was on guard till 11 PM[.] all the waggons did not come up and there was a few at first Parrirs [prayers] when we Left
Thur 20 8 AM sent with others to look for the stray cattle (one yoke found at day brake) we did not find any[.] at 2 PM we had a slight shower with thunder every day but cloudy with thunder[.] 7 PM the bugle sounded for a muster when the guards was set and volonteers called for to go and fetch up the other waggons (18) bringing teams with them[.] I volunteered[.] night Looking fine
Frid 21 fair[.] Morning got the teams ready and went and fetched up the wagons[.] afternoon working about camp[.] evening the bugle calld us to muster[.] we was drilled[.] the guard set[.] then Elder Taylor made some appropriate remark followed by Elder Courters [Dorr Purdy Curtis] then dismissd us and releived guard
Sat 22 fair[.] 3 AM on guard till 6 am[.] the order of the time past is the cattle was formed in a square close to the camp and a sufeciend guard over them and the camp with a Sergant of the guard over each watch[.] all has numbers and occeasionally begening at No 1 each in turn calls on his own number stating the circumstance as all is well & etc so all hears how his neighbours are and if needed renderers assistance and call for help informing the sargants while on guard and contemplating on the goodness of God—the order of his Kingdom and the Conduct of the Camp which is most all strangers to me and with some few exceptions behaves well. but most of us having room for improvement the contemplation Led me to compose the following on Order
Order, heavens first Law, and which all intelegences do Love,
of thee I’ll speake with feeling warm for of thee I greatly approve.
Yea, when the Just stands at the head and he appointed by the Lord
then gives good laws which are obeyed great comfort them that does afford.
Then of thy power, is it not great when wise commands are quick obey’d
Yea such Communities is blest their enemies are sore afraid
Then Order who’ll not thee respect? O! who will from thee
turn away? the one that feels to do the same in no community should be.
So order in thy praise I’ll speake for thou art powerful also good
and best of hapines thou brings thy authors thee eternal God
Then Order in Gods Kingdom take thy set, and Justly it Mentain
Then all good spirits will be blest and bad ones will not long remain
drilled this morning and after I spent most of the day in turning yokes and yoking up the lose cattle, a heavy thunder storm threatned but all pasd by us to one side[.] an ox died in the herd to day and one was drowned at the wattering place a few days ago[.] the remainder of our camp came up to day[.] our camp formed three lines S & N and a Little before sundown the bugle sounded a muster when we was but in order our excelant Capt Smith then after all names taken and called over we were formed in ¾ of a square that is with open front. when Elder W Taylor came foreward who after preleminaries moved that all that was to weak or too Lazy to do duty shoul fall in front there did so. I presume it would ben beter to remaind in the ranks as weak people would not ben asked to guard. he then called a vote from the rest if they would release those three from duty[.] all hands up[.] President Empy with others then came when he addressed us in a Saint like style stated he would Like to make Taylor & Courtis Capts or Presidents as the[y] were both good however the camp he said had to be organised and the[y] had ben call’d for that purpose[.] he moved that Taylor be preside[nt] and Courtis <asist> till we get clear of the [.uth.] then the camp deside between Taylor and Courtis[.] unanimously carried[.] Then several neassary [necessary] motions was past and carried unaninionsly[.] any which was that we should give the heads our faith and show it by our works—that we accept and sustain bro <Robt> of the guard, bros Ebenezer Gilles, Jos T Hadly, John Alsop, & Benjamine Green Capts of Tens[.] they also act as Serjants of <the> guards. Serjants of the guards[.] and bros Wm Pitcock, David C Williams, and John Hambling
Capt’s of tens (wagons) and Elder G Clement Bugle man and historian and [blank space] Dales to take charge of the Lose cattle. that the bugle sound at 4 am to rise and all able to rise—again at 9 PM when all shall retire to rest that’s not on duty, any person found outside Camp without permission from the Sergant of the guard is in danger if seen—that no person on duty shall come of[f] without permission[.] that when the bugle sound a muster those that does not come up (if able) shall serve double duty[.] any person having a charged gun or pistol with a cap on in the wagon shall be on guard half of a night for the first offense and whole for the second etc[.] that any person fireing within fifty yards of the camp do the same at the same time counceled not to fire except neassary that [blank space] and that we move of[f] next morning as fast as possible the first ready to form the first ten & bro gilles being first Capt to move[.] Counseled to do all in our power to progress on our journey for we are the Latest emigrants that ever (to their knowledge) crossed the plains. then prayed for the blessing of God on the camp when Capt Smith set the guard and sent the rest to their tents. I enjoyed the meeting with a Sister seeking a cow not coming home led some of[f] to seek her[.] she was from Jersey
Sund 23 fair[.] the Sister that was missing was found on the parrie[.] today we yoked up and went in the first ten[.] at 8 am the rest not coming up we was asked by Capt Gilles to send a man to assist them[.] I went at 9 am and run and wrought so hard and having no food from sun that at sun down I felt rather weak and was several miles from camp but coming to a wagon that was at a stand I got a drink and some bread which strengthened me and helped them till they halted for the night[.] I then went thro helping the needful as I went and arrived at Camp at a half past 8 PM and gave the Capt the inteligence about those behind[,] to some this would appear to be a couris [curious] spent Sunday but let such wonder while I state I enjoyed it better than ever I enjoyed a Sunday in the sectarian world while Listning to a sermon about the Children of Israels travils because I only spent time then hearing about the people of the Lord while now My time is spent doing and acting the same according to the commands of God[.] the difference is now I am serving the Lord—then I was hearing about others doing it and surely it is better to serve the Lord than only hear about it
Mond 24 fair[.] 5 am at drill before we began two englilsh brethering manifested a spirit [..ady] and [..wise] contention to that pitch that I felt indignant at the spirit manifested[.] I was asked by Capt Gilles to assist in fitting up the spare yokes did so, the Camp at this time formes an ovel a little open at both ends that is S & N the wagons put so that the chains is fastned to each wheel to prevent the cattle from getting out for they are in the ovel circle at night, all the wagons is now up at midday and preparing for a fresh start[.] we started at 4 PM with wagon 3d ten in Capt Gilles company[.] got Smo[o]thly on and halted. at 12 am[.] a few wagons stoped by the way for the night[.] I felt to rejoice greatly in the work <of the> Lord’s and in going home to Zion. this day
Tusd 25 fair[.] our Camp this time forms a Semicircle open to the S [.] Morning spent in general camp Life herding catle from 1 PM to 4 PM[.] Composed the following today
America, is this the name that thou had got in lattar days?
Well be it so, a passing glance let me take o’re thee if thou please.
And as I pass please let me speak of thee and thine when e’re I like
and as I pass I pledge myself only to say whats fast and right.
And if you please I’ll pledge myself to Let experience tell the truth
so if you’l grant I’ll gratful be as am enquiring after truth.
Granted. Experience come forth and tell the truth as thou hast seen
for certainly thou it traviled much so please speake of where thou has been.
Begin as early as you please and tell the truth but don’t say more
Cause to this people and this land I wish to speake when thourt got o’re.
Well friends I certainly am glad that I am asked to speake a while till
I relate what I have seen even truly to please as its your will
So of this land I will first speake and give a hint of all the rest
for God [--] and sent man then that there he might be greatly blest
But Soon Man did Gods pure laws break and then grew harsh to one another
then wisdom Said the earth divide and part man far yea far asander.
And many more plans wisdom said that reighteousness on earth might be
but man harsh man did so rebel and wicked grew as you shall see.
The Lord them chastned many a time even them to bless and do them good
but Seeing wickedness prevail o’re all the earth he sent the flood.
Which swept away all but a few which reighteous were and their he savd
cause they obeyed his reighteous will while all the rest had from him strayed
But after all O! strange to say wickedness so strong did reign
that to some lands God had preserved[.] He Save did lead som holy men.
Among the rest was this same land a choice and blest and goodly land
which since the flood the Lord had hid till from bab’ls tower he led a band
of Godly men across the Sea,
then seaing wickedness prevails from Cannans [Canaan’s] land of Josep[h’]s seed he led a branchof Josephsaying do ye well
Then I’ll you bless with every thing that you do need, and grant also that if your seed does what is right from this land they shall never go.
But those that will not me obey Shall not in sin on it remain
And liberty shall here prevail for I the Lord decreed the same
So when these people did depart from Israels God he them forsook
when they despised his son when Sent his blessings for a while he took
From them, thus Long in darkness, they did dwell, in which time by his spirit
the Lord, did work on some from far to come and this good land inhabt.
Then did the nations from a far them sore harase, which made them form a constitution large and good
God them inspir’d to do the same. Here then from all lands men could <come> and worship how or what they may
So that they did the states laws keep and let the constitution sway.
And for this cause many did come from distant lands and settl’d here
which made the states numerous and strong so that their enemies did fear.
But listen now to what you’ll hear.
Some strange news I must tell to you
yea it showsit showsthe nations honore <gone> and vereily it is quite true.
The Lord that made this land and blest the emigrants that to it came.
by clearing them from foreign yokes and from the natives Just the same.
When He reveld his will to them and sent his angels them to bless
and rais’d up prop[h]ets and them sent to proclaim truth and righteousness
Altho this land belonged to God against him now they did rebel
and turned against the gospel plan then <of it> many lies did tell.
Yet many here the truth obey’d and many came from other lands as God required, then numbers herein moabsdid rise in lawless lands ’gainst them.
Then to the rulers they applied as law required, but hear ye this from high to higher they applied until they came to the congress.
But all a deaf ear to them turned ‘Cause they obeyd the living God
and to the laws did so adhear that they wish’d them to be the rod
But when the same was not enforce’d their enemies so savage grew.
that the prop[h]et they betrayd then murdered him and Hyram too.
The Illenois [Illinois] faith was pledged that in her charge they should be safe
Yet treatcherously she did them stay while the congress did sit and laugh
Then after this they did kill more then rob’d and drove the rest away
in winters storms, to seek a home in Indian lands where best they may
The Lord them led and did prepare a place for them at great Salt Lake
where they now go from many a land which makes their enemies to shake
So now dear friend who let me speak I have got thro and told the truth
Now please stand up and speak your <mind> then I will go and search more truth
Experience accept my thanks for what you’ve said, Now I will say
that am Just come from Orkney Isles engag’d <in> the work of Lattar days
And this same land as God hath said it shall be blest in lattar days and all that dwells upon the same shall do gods will and sing his praise
And those that have slain gods servants with those that now will try the same
and all that laughs at such base acts[.] I say they greatly are to blame.
And those that will not now repent and satisfy the saints of god
I now will lend an helping hand to clear this earth of such a load.
Americans now Let me take a passing glance across this land
I do you thank, and plain will say you’d better make your actions stand
For if you dont you may expect that Justice will lay to the line then every <one>
thats brok the law will be cut-off yea every one
Then every one that has done wrong or many will dare to do the same
will under Justices laws be brought and they will have themselves to <blame>
And be asure’d I will assist to Straight enforse all Justice laws
So farewell friends for I must go to hasten on my masters cause.
We halted all this day
Wed 26 fair[.] on guard from 1 am to 4 am[.] numerous Litnings flashing bright[.] we started at 7 am in Gillies comp[an]y[.] third ten Marched pleasantly till 1 PM when we halted for the night our Camp form an ovel open at both ends[.] tents of course on the outside of the wagons and them form so as to keep in the cattle at night[.] our Camp numbers [blank space] wagons three yoke in each[.] found waggon and a number of lose catle. number of souls[blank space] having Elder Empy Taylor & Courtis from the valley in our company. I may add that an English sister whose partner and one child died at Kansas Buried her last child last week[.] I made a coffin for it, good health prevails in camp thank God—our tent or ten was made up with Alexander and Robina Gleen bro & sis also in the church and a Mrs Isabella Jack all from Scotland
Thur 27 fair, fine breeze and sky cloudy at times and thunder roling[.] Started at 9 am[.] traviled pleasantly till 6 PM when we camped as before chosed[.] Little rushe today. I suffered some Little in walking from the effects of a stroke from an ox while yoking[.] O Man why will thou be so cruel when so little hurts thee. We saw a company of Luggage waggons after us[.] today the tens changes alternatly so the first is on guard then goes last so that the rest is on duty before them
Frid 28 fair[.] started at 9 am crossed big rushie at 12 PM then after crossing the woods halted 1½ hours then traviled till Sundown[.] our camp as before only cattle outside[.] Little or no wattar for our teeams—on guard from ½ past 7 to 10 then went till one <am> for a brother
Sat 29 fair[.] started at ½ past 8 am and traviled pleasantly till sundown[.] only I and several others suffered a little with thirst wattar being scarse[.] I also felt very much for our teams for want of wattar[.] I saw two stop on the road one died at once the other dropt walking and was Left at camp[.] wells had to be dug before we got wattar and but little then and none for our poor teems tho as in general we are camped by the woods but most of the brooks is dry and the road that warm that I tried to walk barefooted but could not for real heat—but thank a fine fresh cool breeze modified the heat every day[.] O tis a pleasure to a Saint to see over 60 waggons in a train going to presant home of the Saints and to see to many marching at the side of them[.] A wagon foar wheel broke at camp by too sudden a turn. I am sorry for it.
Sund 30 fair[.] after giving a Little sup of wattar we started at 7 am Leaving Some to repair the wggon[.] we traviled pleasantly till 12 PM when we came to a brook with plenty of wattar[.] we unyoked our teams and gave them drink then went 1/6 of a mile and camped but some camped among the woods at the brooke and another after wheel of a waggon broke against a tree the other one is all ready for the road[.] at sundown 21 Luggage Six [T.ea.s] teams went by us[.] on guard from 6 to about 10 PM
Mond 31 fair[.] asked to go on guard again before brakfast—kept longer on the last night than right and just asked to go again[.] I refused but after consideration and speaking to our noble Capt Smith tho I had no right[.] I went for three hours[.] while on guard I composed the following
Thou Silvery has come again to cheer us while we’re on the way
by lightning the long dark hours where seting sun has closed the day
Yea truly thou does make us glad when thro the night we are on guard
for by the light we plain can see whate’re may go back or forward.
And that much trouble doth save us for by the comfort light affords
which makes us highly thee esteem and praise thy makers, even <Lords>
the Lord hasten thou that time when to us it shall be all day
when earth shall be clestialised and thy pure glory o’re it sway.
And grant O Lord that I may dwell on earth, when by thee it is blest
and that the reighteous every one on it may have their promised rest
the bank of the brook being steep and soft in the bottom we had some defectuality in geting them from the wattar[.] this evening after trying long in vain I went in the wattar and mud above my legs and drove them out. The broken wheel was repaired this evening and the waggons from the woods brought up to camp
Tuesd 1 fair. started at 9 am and traviled pleasantly till we came to the first wood at which was a farm and some wattar in a brook thro which some of our camp passed some rough stones[.] being there a waggon hinder wheel was broken[.] bro Empy found a better road thro the bush so we and the rest behind went thro the new road[.] we was stoped a considerable time at the wattar before Empy found the new road[.] a child died in camp before we started this Morning[.] we halted at 3 PM[.] only travild about 5 miles[.] this evening bro Courtis Called us together (Elder Taylor being ill) and he and bro Empy made some remarks[.] Suiting the position we are in our Camp does not altogether please them at present and indeed there is great room for improvement[.] I felt a pain <tonight> in my right thigh in the place the cow struke me
Wed 2 fair[.] our camp started at various times to day as we are close to Coal or Kansas river[.] we went across in a flat boat taking two wagons and four yoke of oxen at once[.] there is a warp across the river and blocks on the same that slides having ropes from each to the boat so placed that the courrent when strong makes her to cross speedily. in the absence of which the assist by seting with shars[.] I saw the first Indian with a bow and arrow that ever I saw today[.] I suffered Severe pain in my thigh today and attentad to go in the waggon not being able to travil[.] we only traviled two miles and camped 2 fourlongs from the river[.] another hinder wheel of a wagon broke today—the ramainder of the cattle waded the river[.] my turn on guard from 7 PM to 9[.] I went but suffered Much with the pain in my leg[.] lightnings flashing tonight
Thur 3 fair[.] My leg very sore not able to go on guard this morning[.] good health as a general thing in camp[.] My Soul rejoices in the work of the Lord today[.] I enjoy our Journey like a pleasure trip[.] never felt happier[.] hopes it will increase till I enjoy the feliely of the redeemed[.] My Heaven is in this church and my hapiness to see her interests prosper. My whole Soul is in this work and I hate the Spirit of Murmer[.] it is a poison in the camp of the saints wage now against O ye people of the most high[.] Turn from meaness O ye Saints and remember ye are the nobles of heaven the children of the Living God[.] Flee from uncleaness and prepare yourselves for the Society of the Angels of God[.] Purify yourselves that the Holy Spirit may remain with you and prepare you for the society of all the intiligences between yourselves and the God of the worlds[.] O remember your noble progenitors and condesend to no groveling thing. cultivate your mind and exalt your views. abstain from every evil and grasp after perfection then your fathar will bless you[.] his spirit remain with you and you shall spend eternities with the gods[.] O Lord preserve me in thy fear that I may ocoupy that post which is thy will I should. I may remark that the guards is ordered to carry loaded rifles while on duty lines suggested while walking about camp at the first parrie on a Sabbath day but finished today
O Sabbath thou art come again and shows us how fast time doth fly
doth Saints on the much contemplate and on what thou doth tipyfy.
Thou first doth show the seventh of time which answers to the Jubilee
that every seventh year came around and did include each Sabbath day
That did pass by in all that time, but forward go and you shall see
still multiply the time by seven then you have a grand Jubilee.
Which even whole seven years doth include this comes round on the year fifty
thus when six thousand years goes by bring a thousand years of Jubilee.
When on this earth the Saints shall rest and all things then shall be restored
which for thousand years have but wrong the chief restorer is the Lord.
Then soon this earth shall be made new and thorouly clestialised
the reighteous shall receive their crowns and dwell on earth with him they prised
Even God the Lord who did them form and did them save from every ill
Yea he shall dwell and reign o’re them his glory shall the new earth fill
I view of this O Saints of God how should we prise each Sabbath day
and how should we ourselves prepare that we may dwell in endless day.
Lord me assist I then beseech that I my talants well may use
that on the new earth I may dwell when thy glory shall light defuse
Composed the following while thinking on the few Saints in the Orkney Isles:
Now Dear brother William this few lines <I send>
with very warm feelings I just leave them <kind>O brother be faithful all gods laws observe
than a better Master you never did serve
Magnify the priesthood your called to wear
the duties of it deard [sic] brother revere
then you shall be blest and <shall see>
Gods power which he will exhibit in this the Last day
And dear Sister Bella a true Saint of God
if you so continue you’l have your aboade
‘Mong those noble woman who faithful have been
hence each one is blest with the station of Queen
Your family also will be by your side
if you train them aright, and make it your pride
to teach them gods law and it to obey
and sets good examples and for them will pray
And dear Mother green to you I will say
that you will have strength equal to your day
Yea sister you shall be blest from above
if unto the end you faithful do prove
Now William and bella and mother again
this few lines I wrote while camp’d on the <plain>
Please when you get this accept of my love
and remember our system has come from above.
And be asured Saints in it I rejoice
Yea far before others I glad would it choice
for it sprung from the Gods, the rest did not so
it leadeth to bless while they Call to woe
Now beloved Saints may peace from the Lord
be multiplied to you and comfort afoard
so now I will close when I you remind
to flee unto Zion that peace you may find.
Thunder and a slight shower at Mid day the broken wheel is repaired[.] I am confin’d in tent today with my leg[.] we halt all day[.] the blacksmiths bellows is fixed up
Frid 4 fair[.] Still not able to walk on my Leg[.] Several wheels that has got slack with the heat is repaired by taking in the hoop and other neassaries[.] I am sorry that I am not able to assist today[.] the great heat is drying our wagon wheels some but the fine breze modifies it for us[.] at 3 PM we started and camped closs at a hour after sundown[.] I had to ride this evening[.] we are closs at Coal river
Sat 5 fair[.] starded at 7 am[.] went over a long wooden bridge at 10 passed a fine settelment of some extent containing a little village a Church a draw well and numerious corn fields &c[.] (The Cathiloc [Catholic] Mission)
halted near the village and wattered and gave our teams some grass at 2 PM[.] started again at ½ past 3 and crossed another wooden bridge and camped closs by an hour and a half after Sundown[.] I rode in the wagon all this day[.] my leg feels some better my comerades goes on guard tonight[.] this is the second turn I have not attended[.] wrote the following whiled riding in the wagon
Dear Father I tel Mother[,] Sis[,] brothers also and the rest of my friends that are too and fro while crossing the plains and thinking on you this song I compos’d with a heart ever true
To my dear brother Charles I dedicate this
when he does it sing don’t take it a miss
but mark you well friends what it doth disc<lose>
for it shows my feelings to both friends & foes
and this plain I speak as you quickly shall see
because I abhor vile hypocr[as]y &cbr/>hence all that this fears the felings can scan
that I cultivate to my fellow man
In general as brothers I look on them all
the rich and the poor the great and the small
So when I do hear the sore oppres’d cry
My blood it runs cold and my heart Weaves <a sigh>
Also when I see the oppressons thy watch
that into his power the poor he may catch
I much do him pidy [pity] but Justice doth cry
put him from this earth or in the struggle <die>
So if I have got friends truth has made them so
if any foes—cause from truth they did go
My friends are those that love consistency
embodied in truth on their side I’ll be.
Tho they should be few and sore oppressed
for their good I will stand while live [in] <my brest>
this is my feeling and I them freely tell
concerning all people that on this earth <dwell>
Dearest friends while I crossed fair Britons <Isle>
and plowed the atlantic many a long mile
then up the rivers many hunders again
and now not a few across the fine plaine
While traviling o’re these and thinking on <you>
I often have wish’d to know how you do
and now as I pleasantly pass o’re the plain
I think on you all again and again
And is very sorry that you’r not with <me>
I enjoy the same pleasures and gods goodness <see>
But as your not here nor intends to come
I wish you as well as you can be at home
For I am as well as I wish for to be
till I arrive at great Salt Lake Valley
Of you who is willing to that place to come
If I have got any you’ll not want a home
Now farewell to Hoy and my friends that <are there>
also my aquaintainces that I hold dear
accept my best love for I wish you all well
tho I chose in distant countries to dwell
Now My dearest friends while on earth I do rove
tho you may forget I’ll dutiful prove
Success to the Sinclairs I feel to prepose
with love to them all this song I now close
Sund 6 started at 8 am[.] crossed two woden bridges and a Large brook (over which there had been a bridge but carried off now) by which we camped a little before sun down[.] the sky grew heavy[.] thunder roled[.] and bright Lightnings flashed and slight showers occasionally passed till after midnight[.] My leg is better[.] I am able for duty, felt well today[.] while walking the following reflections crossed my mind—We are professed Saints going home to Zion to the upright and pure in heart) of which we should be the noble sons and daughters—we are late in the Season and instructed to sumon up all the strength and energy we posess to get safe thro. in this camp I believe there is strength enough of teams and people to go to Zion if united and properly used but as many rides and burdens their teems when they are able to walk it not only weakens for want of their own but opresses the strength of the rest—such things betrays a spirit that I don’t covit and which Saints should shun it being beneath there true dignity, spirits will manifest themselves—grant that all may do it speedily. Another thing makes murmir to See people come so fare [far] to serve the Living God—to learn order and how to exalt themselves—to increase their own f[e]lecity and Glorify their God who believes (or professes so) in the gathering together—and in uniting faith to bring down blessings and to offer praises and return thanks so forgetful of their God—neglectful of those depending on them—careless of their office and honor of their Salvation—exaltation and their oranisers [sic] Glory and I am sorry that our tent is so neglectful in waiting upon the Lord—Collectively I am well apointed in every other respect but morns over that coldness as a servant of God I have spoken about it. but gives way to order. The night is some cooler now—
Mond 7 fair[.] starded at 8 am[.] went out of the right road short after starting to the left the lenth of our train so that the[y] all had to turn right round[.] traveled all day over gentel riseing and slooping hills small and numerous[.] halted at 1 PM[.] gave our teams drink and a rest in which time some Americans Came to Camp Looking for runaway niggars—we also met a number of ment [sic] and one woman on horse back driving som loaded mules with them this morning[.] we started at 3 PM then camped one hour after sundown
Tusd 8 fair[.] started at 7 am[.] halted ½ hours at M[id]day then traviled till sundown[.] I enjoyed this day well conversing on the things of the Kingdom
Wed 9 sultry with a light shower[.] fine afternoon—On guard over the cattle from 1 am to 4—started at 8 am—Camped at 12 pm after crossing a large running brook[.] Some wheel hoops to be trimed with several sundries before we start[.] spent this afternoon splitting and getting wood burned for charcoal[.] most of the bro idle or off sporting partly occasioned I presume for want of a proper organization and the same enforced good health prevails in camp—except Capt W[illia]m Taylor who is very ill.
Thur 10 fair[.] a halt all this day to repair wheels and sundries[.] I spent this fournoon in preparing the char and bringing it to the blacksmith (James Stuart)[.] rest of the day spent in sundries. Composed the following farewell to my native Isle today.
Now farewell to they where long I have wandered
With thy fine heathrie hills andthycool springs <so clear>
And thy burns that runs pure to the salt briny ocean
And beautiful bays with their shell fishes rare
To thy high ruged crages where beats the proud ocean
Where hundreds and thousands of fow[l]s makes a home
With birds in great numbers who nests there also
And sheep not a few thro the same <places roam>
Farewell to thy wonders even the [d…rfie] <Stone>
And Old Man of Hoy with several things more
Which thou doth contain even all thru the Island
Which I will pass o’re to show some things more
From thee can be seen the sun and the <moon>
From the german ocean set up their first edge
Then see them both set, fine, in the atlantic.
Is truly inspiring to poet and sage.
Farewell to the Islands that lies in the front
To fair Stromness town and the currents so fair
Thru which passes ships of all kinds in great numbers
Which cheereth the Islander that dwelleth there
Farewell to thy people among whom I dwelt
Till the good news from heaven did call <me away>
Then without a sigh I left thy shores <fair>
To build up Gods Kingdom in this present <day>
Frid 11 fair on guard from 7 Pm to 10[.] faire night but musceties [mosquitoes] troublesome
Frid 11 fair morning[.] went to work at char and then on guard from 7 to 10 in which time waggons was brought to the stream with Elder [Robert G.] Taylor and another sister who is sick was rebaptised[.] at the same time wrote the following—
Well murmer thou art not a friend
Tho thou professes to be so
For those that takes thy counsel most
Doth trouble make where ere they go.
Even Justice cant them Satisfy
But all day grumbling they will go
Anoying all that doth them hear
And sinks themselves to endless woe
They will even sit and Legislate
As if they all good plans did know
And when God doth them counsel right
They’ll shake their head, Say, I don’t know
And they’ll not only disobey
But councel <others> so to do
Yet tho they thousands turn aside
They cannot turn aside one heart that’s true
So murmer I will thee disdain
And thy adhearers every one
For I will Gods order respect
This councels keep yea every one
If thee and thine doth trouble me
When I have bid you keep away
I”ll give you something you shall feel
Will make you mind what I do say.
While I sit hear upon the plains
A herding of the teams
Under circumstances like these
Pleasure to me it seems
When am on guard by day or night
I View the passing seconds
And meditates on pure law
Which his wisdom proclaims.
Then going home to Zions land
A kingdom to prepare
Even for our king the Lord of hosts
Whose presance shall be there
YI do haste to Zions land
With a heart full of joy
To help the righteous to protect
The wicked to destroy
Lord strengthen me even all my soul
Thy pure law to defend
With work and sword gainst every one
Who dares ‘gainst it contend.
Pay good attention O My soul, to all thy ways
Enter not in where murmur dwells, nor near those <who>
Turns from the order of Gods Kingdom, and insults
Even those that God has sent to guide the samy till <he>
Returns to bless his Saints, and lay the wicked Low
Since thou art favour’d of the Lord, to dwell on earth
In these last days, and also does the priesthood bear
Never give head to wickedness, but mend thy ways
Contenually, abstaining from whats vain and wrong
Leaning upon the Lord who has thee blest then shall
All thy ways prospers and perfect thou shall be <made>
In Gods Kingdom, and shall be, heir to eternal Lives
Rush on my soul and gain that crown, and happy <be>
I may here remark that Capt Taylor has ben <confined> to his waggon for some time and Elder Courtis [Dorr Purdy Curtis] with President Empy Leads the camp—started about 2 PM[.] bro Owen and his Wife parted today[.] it is stated she is that cruel that he cant Live with her. they have one child[.] O what a state this world is in. but thank God the day of restoration has begun[.] we got our aft hind wheel strained and three spoges [spokes] broken today but so arranged as to travil till night[.] crossed a little brook at Sundown and camped[.] I went to the wattar with our team and foolishly Like the rest kept the chains on them so when the went in the wattar the[y] twisted so that I was afraid some would be chooked[.] I rushed in the wattar to my middle and with a struggle cleared our team—
Sat 12 fair[.] repaired with help both our hind wheels and tow others[.] a waggon tongue also made this morning then in the afternoon started crossed big blue and camped closs by it
I may remark that a few days ago a husband and wife (in the Church) stoped at a farm closs to a brook—the[y] came from england. I am sorry for them but feels to pray that all the useless branches and Leaves may quickly fall from the vine of God
Sund 13 started at 8 am[.] I saw the first Wolfe I ever saw, today. we strained a wheel the same <one> as before but not so bad for by Lashing it we intend to proceed, halted for diner—the sky soon got cloudy and suddenly a stroum of wind and dust speedily followed by loud roling thunder bright flashing Lightening and heavey torrents of rain[.] the cattle being a little annoyed by the same[.] I was asked to go on guard till the storm passed, did so and enjoyed the scene very much in adoaring the power that controled the elements[.] meditated on the comfort such Manifestations would afoard to the faithful Saints and the terror such would bring to apostates and ungodly men and on the delemina that <the> careless will find themselves in when the day of reckning comes, the Storm Lasted about an hour and short after we started and Camped at Sundown the Sky kept cloudy[.] some few drops of rain and soft road was the productions of the afternoon—As thunder purifies the air, so, the different scens thro which the Saints passes has a tendency to purify them by showing themselves and others in their real characters which they themselves did not exactly know till passing thro trying circumstances—hence it is written ‘whome the Lord Loveth he chastneth’ indeed he trieth and purifies such (his Saints) till he maketh them perfect Like himselves who, will not say that this is Santifaction[.] help me O Lord to Santify myself from every inperfectons
Mond 14 fair[.] This Morny we had a visit from 8 Indins one aperantly a Cheif[.] Near noon before we started, we met two—fours of Indians on the road one of which gave Empy three yoke of oxen they had found—belonging to some of our head companies—Camped at Sundown and presently fifty Indians came in sight marching to our camp[.] some of them we had met[.] being with there us[.] a drill to night (Indians presant) but I was on guard till 10 PM[.] the Indians slept a few yards from camp[.] tonight I felt keenly for the Stout and portly Sons of Joseph[.] those who has the Spirit of God can imagine what my feelings and reflections were. the Indians wore a bufloa [buffalo] robe or a blanket hung about them with a little arrangement for descency
Tusd 15 fair[.] on guard from 3 AM till 6[.] started about 8 AM[.] met a few Indians today and a Mule team[.] halted for dinner at the of a wood[.] I spent this fornoon very pleasantly in conversation with bro Alexr Oft [Alexander Ott] a Man of refined Manners possesing the Spirit of God. My heart m[o]urns [illegible] see som faithful be walking with their bare soles thro their boots and myself reduced to one pair hence cant help them except by changing cloths for some which I intend to do that the most may be supplied. I feel Indignant when I perceive some <with> five pairs in their boxes preparing for the futre while some worthier than they <is> in need but thanks to thy name O Lord the blessings of the reightious in all things is near yea begun[.] an Indian Chief and some men at camp—I was not a little surprised to find bro [blank space] Jones in camp on his way to babylon[.] droped the work of the Lord (which I believed the first time I spoke to him and yet believe that he was never engaged in) and gone on a mission I persume to prepare souls for hell! and Just after dinner to my Joy bros Erastus Snow and Orson Spencer of the quorm of the twelve on Missions[.] Snow to St Louis and Spencer to Sincinate [Cincinnati] to organize stakes of Zion—bro [blank space] Lunt to England two other bros in their waggons and an American[.] we was not a little refreshed by their presence and the intelegance they brought from the valley and the other camps that preceded us it was concluded by common consent to camp for the night together[.] an Ox that got his Leg hurt kill’d this evey[evening.] drill’d and then an acceptable precious and instructive meeting[.] the Indian chief mentioned with 6 men present. next the speakers aperantly enjoying the Spirit of the meeting by invitation of bro Empy[.] after a hymn being sung bro Snow engaged in Solomn prayer then bro Spencer followed by bros Snow, Courtis (of our company) and Lunt delivered Lenthy discourses Composed of truth the Spirit of God feeling exortations—explanation, experience meekness and Love[.] Jones got some of his bones a little rubed but had not Courage tho presant to clear himself of his black dies[.] I enjoyed the meeting with all my Soul and not a little cheered (tho with [mi..yled]) to be siting beside some of our red bro Listning to the apostles of this dispensation[.] Lord hasten their redemption
Wed 16 dull with slight small rain till past noon[.] Snows company Left this morny [morning] also Jones[.] the Indians slept a few yards from the tents[.] two yoke of bro Welshers cattle run some distance off and the camp hitched up[.] I took a hearty race to bring them up to camp &c[.] Camp under weigh—halteded for dinner then started and went ¼ of a mile when the camp was stoped on account of an axel being broken[.] on guard from 6 PM to 9[.] still Indians about camp—a few slept at camp all night—
Thur 17 fair[.] on guard from 2 am till 5[.] a drill this morn[in]g but I was asleep—Camp started at 10 am[.] a halt for dinner then—camped at 10 PM passed hunders of Indians today and met two mull teams a number of mules and near twenty men from California
Frid 18 fair[.] started at 7 am passed a grave bearing date June 7/54[.] after a halt for dinner traviled till sundown[.] a child from England 11 months old died today—Came to blue river and <camped>
Sat 19 fair[.] Started at 7 am and went pleasantly along the bank of blue river all day with the exception of a halt for dinner and to wattar the teams while watering this morng the cattle crossed the river and was wandering thro the bush[.] Seeing which I waded the river and was followed by bro Piteck [William Hazelgrove Pidcock] and drove them all back, anumber of waggons and a large herd of cattle passed us this Morng passed another new grave date June 9[.] was on guard while halting and from 10 pm to 1 am
Sund 20 fair[.] on guard at 7 am halt this morning to repair some wheels our weak one among the rest[.] a Sister about 20 years of age from Jersey died today, started at 2 PM and camped at Sundown[.] our road today Left the bank of the river but came to it. at night after I had retired to rest the bugle called all the Saints to a Meeting[.] it was 8 PM[.] I gladly arose and was refreshed to hear the Saints sing praises to their King. bros Courtis & Empy not only just speake as the circumstances required—which truly gladned my heart but they moved that at the sound of the bugle at night we all meet for prayer and to get instruction relating to our movements from time to time. I am sorry to add that Capt W[illia]m Taylor is still very low[.] We occeasionally hear from Campbells Company thro travilers and by his Leaving writtings on bones and wood in particular plases that is where we must pass through
Mond 21 fair[.] started at 7am and continued our plesant march along the bank of blue river where we got numbers of plums and fine grapes but alas short after dinner there was a hind wheel broke down all the spogs [spokes] but one[.] gone thro the sagacity of Capt Gilles [Ebenezer Gillies] the wheel was lashed to a spar and being down hill most of the way the wagon was brought to camp[.] the broken wheel being dragged, at camp there was an axel broke too which is a great misfortune at this late season[.] attended meeting this evening and is truely glad of the opportunity—Grant O Lord that it may inspire this camp to attend to family and private Prayer
Tuesd 22 fair[.] this Morning anumber of wheels was repaired as well as the one that broke down[.] I assisted to what I could with a willing heart[.] started at 2 PM and camped an hour after sundown[.] I was on guard the first three hours[.] went to the wood for some plums and after taking satisfaction and Making for the train I overtook bro Clements and some sisters walking along the river bank with whome I spent a plesant afternoon while overtaking our Ten—two Mail waggons passed us today and bro Empy found three oxen[.] I may add that yesterday I saw the first buflow but at some distance
Wed 23 fair[.] on guard from 3 to 6 started at 6 am[.] a cow missed this morning and after dinner an ox died[.] camped a Little before sundown[.] we saw several Buffolo today; attended meeting I have lately Learned that bro Dale Capt of the Lose herd Married on Sund evening to Sis Jane La Clarque from Jersey
Thur 24 fair[.] started at Sunrise and after traviling two miles saw the timber on the plat[t]e river saw numbers of Bufflo—and met a number of travelers on foot and a few on horse. then came to Fort Carney [Kearney] at 3 PM[.] heard from the several companies before us one of which had Lost above an hundred head of oxen, we went about two miles past the fort and camped at Sundown at the south bank of the Plat[t]e river[.] short after Leaving the fort bro H[ugh] Johnston fell out of the front end of the wagon and both the aft wheels passed over him doing Little hurt owing to the softness of the soil at that place
Most of the Americans says that we will not reach the Valley this season but our God is the Lord of hosts he will prosper us.
Frid 25 fair[.] started about 6 am[.] some hunters sent out this morning and none else allowed to go so that hunters might not be afraid to fire at any convenient time, President Empy rode out and shot a fine Bufflo at halting time (we generally halt an hour and a half or two hours for dinner.) the meat was divided so after camping for the night at sundown by the bank of the river, we had some of our new beaf for Supper <attended meeting> as I do at all times except on guard—and indeed I enjoy them very much[.] I spent this afternoon very profitabaly in company with bros Clements & Owens and some sisters
Sat 26 fair[.] only at diner time a Thunder Storm Threatned but only a few drops rain reached us for which we were thankful—we saw and passed a herd of bufflo in the fournoon containing Thousands which actuely looked at first sight like part of a forest; thro the whole day we passed great numbers of Bufflo out of which we got two young ones—two antelope was also brought to camp—Camped short after sundown[.] I spend my time the best way I can frequently driving the team and attending the wagon often walks along—to study—reflect—and mediate and sometimes in conversation with the bro & sisters which indeed results in good when the conversation is on the gospel or any good and profitable subject for the gospel embraces all such
Sund 27 fair[.] Started at 7 am[.] I was on guard from 4 to 7 as sergant being previously appointed by Capt Smith[.] passed Thousands of bufflo today and could see the marks of the cattles feet and track of Campbles Companys wheels precuerly—Met some travelers thro whome we learned that Camble was 15 miles ahead and that there had been a Scirmish at Fort Laramie between the Soldiers and the Indians the former Losing 27—the Latter Little or nothing hurt so says the travilers[.] Spent this day in profitable Conversation with some bre[thre]n[.] camped an hour after Sundown—at the bank of the river as usual
Mond 28 fair[.] started at 7 am and traviled plesantly by the bank of the river the Bluffs being in a fine range all the way a few miles on the Left—Still seeing Thousands of Bufflo[.] met a number of travilers and some waggons also met bro Collin Linsey from Campbells Company in search of bro Wm Foarsman (a young man) who Left the camp in the Morning to seek something he had Lost and Not coming back—in the evening Linsay was sent on horse bake to seek him but as our train has passed the place today I fear he will not find him—the plesant sensation that a bros. presence from a camp of Israel creates in the bossoms of the faithful above that created by a comon traviler is only known and experienced by those that has their heaven in this Church and Kingdom[.] Camped at Sundown Close to the south ford of the river[.] O how precious wattar is to the traviler in a warm country and how plesant is a gentle breeze at noon to aley the heat[.] I rode a mile today in the wagon—Linsay Came to our camp tonight without any tidings of bro Foarman (I feel sorry for him[.] Had an interesting and truly instructing conversation with Capt Taylor this even[in]g on the bank of the river. I am very glad to see him raised from his bed of sickness and rejoiced more in the noble Spirit of manifested in the conversation[.] O how My soul rejoices when I find a Man with a honest heart and his whole Soul engaged in this work
Tues 29 fair[.] started at 7 am[.] I traviled all this foarnoon on the bed of the river it laying along the road and containing very little wattar[.] Saw some wolves crossing the river, afternoon in Company with bros Gilles & Johnston[.] went on the top of some of the hiest hills in this part of the blufs they being close to our road[.] from them I had an extensive and plesant view of the country, found that the bluffs got considerably Lower Just from where we were that is before us[.] saw that the Plat[t]e seperate into two parts one in a westerly the other in N West direction[.] saw great numbers of Bufflo and felt to realize that the cattle on a Thousand hills indeed belongs to god[.] My soul was drawn out in meditation and praise to God[.] I suffered Considerable pain this afternoon from the effects of the sun on My Legs while walking in the river for I had my boots off[.] rode a mile this evening[.] camped at sundown and was favoured with an interview with Campbell Capt of the ordanary company and thro him Learned that their camp was well—that they were a few miles ahead[.] that bro Foarman had come to camp which truly caused My heart rejoice[.] he stoped all night with us and thro faith affectonetly Prayed for us this evening—A heavy thunder storm threatens[.] thunder loudly roar[.] Lightnings quick and Magesticaly flach which was awful and grand[.] on guard from 10 pm till 1 am[.] Most of the Storm as far as rain is concerned passed us[.] The Lord seems to favour us and shelter us from the Storms[.] praise hime ye Saints
Wed 30 Morning dull[.] started at 7 am[.] feels a little better today—Leaves the river some distance favoured by a supply of wattar from Last nights Storm at dinner time for our teams[.] evening warm[.] camped at sundown—Saw—great numbers of Bufflo today and an ox found[.] I road one mile today—a Thunder storm first part of the night[.] called at midnight to put the cattle in the carrill
Thur 31 fair[.] Started at ½ past 8 am[.] at midday saw Campbells Camp and in the evening I over walked our train three Miles and over took Campbells[.] had an interview with my acquaintances and Left their train at dusk[.] ours halting soon[.] Caused me to walk over four miles back in the dark (which was not the best of policy) arrived at our camp at 9 PM
My Soul rejoices to find our neighbour camp enjoying tolorable health—also to hear Capt Taylor able to pray for us tonight and make remarks in themselves good and with a Spirit and power that honors the gospel and is worthy to a servent of God to possess[.] Elder Courtis followed in the same Strain
Frid 1 of Sept fair[.] started at 7 am ordered to have our rifles in good order—Catched and went with Campbel[l]s train this fournoon[.] tis a Lovely and inspiering sight to see 78 waggons in a close line marching to the Zion of the last days[.] I am truly thankful that I am conceted [connected] with the train[.] We met a number of Indians on horse today we passed Campbells train this evening camped an hour after Sundown[.] I rode 1½ miles today[.] a heavy thunder Storm threatned but the Cloud split and it passd closs on each side Leaving us to gase and admire the power of God[.] on guard from 1 till 4 am in which time we had a slight thunder Storm—the howling of the wolves was pietiful tonght—the flashes of the Lightning very bright[.] I am extreemly sorry to have to note down that the provisions belonging to our tent has ben divided in four parts as follows four Johnstons together [Hugh, Cecilia, James, and William] and Me—then Son in Law DF [David Finlayson] and [Margaret Finlayson] Wife! Alexr Glen & Sister then Mrs Jack alone[.] Concerning this Low Selfish affair I was Ignorant till I found each party Cooking and eating their own rations—and truly I was shocked at such Mean Selfishness and Lack of the Spirit of God—O Father speedily assist yea rouse thy Saints to do thy will in all things for thy mame [name] sake Amen
Sat 2 fair[.] started at 7 am[.] I spent this foornone [forenoon] in Campbels train with bro Brewerton My Late President[.] also dined with him, both trains Crossed the South fork of the plat[t]e River this afternoon[.] watter not deep enough to touch the wagons in the deepest parts[.] Camped for the night on its North bank—Sky cloudy and wind fresh this evening but dry Like
Sund 3 fair[.] Started at 7 am[.] Saw a train of 8 waggons and a herd coming at the opposite side of the river—we are before Campbels train Camp’d for dinner at ½ past 11 am close to a Sough [Slough] on our Left—Made I presume by the Late Storms as there is some more of the same kind close to us today. Came up a steep hill from the river then a fine road till we came to the bluffs of Ash hallow a Little before sundown where the road had to be a little repaired then decend very Steep and Sandy bluffs—(a short but heavy thunder shower at Sund set)[.] then went thro a Level sandy heavy road till we came to south bank of the river about 11½ mil[e]s from the first decent where both trains Camped close to each other[.] I spent this afternoon at Elder Brewertons wagon[.] he is ill and his Wife was also attacted this evening So I drove his team and put them in the herd this evening for them[.] I am glad to be in bro B. Company for he is a worthy man—has proved himself to be so[.] O how My Soul rejoices to find a man possesing the Spirit of God and to realize that Spirit operating on my Spirit while enjoying the society of such a man or men[.] truly Elder Brewerton is such a man. Lord abundantly bless him while driving his team with the moon light and him & wife ill in the wagon and which contemplating on the work of God and feeling very happy. Suddenly my Joy increased greatly[.] felt to dedicate My self wholy to the Lord as I have often done—felt to exclaim in my feeling in the Language of Jesus ‘all Mine’ O Lord is thine[.] accept of it ‘and thine is Mine[.]’ all the interest of this work in Just My intrests in my plesant meditation and enjoyment of the good spirit I had Lost self—burst his bounds m felt to be one with the Gods and wondered greatly when busy[.] self presented it self to my vision in entering Camp.
Lord continue these manifestations and grant that I may prise—and pofit by them[.] Camped at half past 8 PM in ash hallow
Mond 4 fair[.] halted till 4 PM to get some wood for Spogs & Sundries[.] Called to administer to bros Nash & Kemp today who is unwell[.] several in camp unwell. Traviled this even[in]g thro a soft Sandy road[.] passed a house wher the mail halts at[.] No people in it—pretty high bluffs closs on our Left and the river on our right[.] Camped at 8 Pm[.] after going to bed I heard Campbells train coming up[.] Brewerton being ill I arose and helped him and the rest till the Carrill was formed
on guard from 4 am to 7 in which time the guard behaved so contarary to my feelings that After I had run and then got Myself wet which is no strange thing to me but seeing the conduct of the guard I determined to say nothing but tell them I wont have nothing to do again with Superentending such a guard—Consequently when an opertunity presented itself I thanked Capt Smith for the Confidence he reposed in me but I felt to resign my charge and Lead a peasful sequesterd private life in Camp owing to the Carelessness of the guard or Some of them and beleiving there was More worthy persons in camp who could take my place[.] I should be glad to be releived he granted So.
Tusd 5 fair[.] the afoar Mentioned watch was as Said this Morning Sent to assist in driving the Lose herd this day[.] the road as before by blufs & river[.] sometimes farther off[.] good feed on the river bank occeasionaly and plenty of wattar[.] bro Glean [Walter Glenn] (not confirmed!) that is with us is ill[.] has been confined to the tent and ‘aggon [wagon] for some days[.] grant Lord that the sick may soon healed the careless aroused and the Stouborn made plausable—that the Saints may rejoice in unity in thy blessings and shout thy praises.
We started this morning at 7 and camped an hour and ½ before Sundown close at the South bank of the river[.] our tent only 2 yards from the wattar[.] severals the same—good feed for the cattle—A Thunder Storm Threatning. A Social Meet[in]g vis singing Reciting &c[.] was comenced Some time and going of[f] well when the Storm bursting Caused our dismisal—the Storm Continued fierce about two hours—Roads Soft & Sandy today
Wed 6 started at 7[.] Morning dull evening fair. Camped a Little before Sunset[.] roads sandy often closs at the rivers bank good feed at halting times for our teams[.] had some conversation with Elder Brewerton in Campbels train at noon—Met a great <many> travilers on muls some lose muls some mull teams drawing fine carriagies and 4 oax teams and some lose oxen—this afternoon—Sis Walter Glen from Scotland delivered of a Son Late this evening—Some few still sick in camp
Thur 7 started at 7[.] morning dull[.] afternoon fair[.] roads Sandy wet & soft[.[ crossed a Little Stream running into the river[.] Camped A Little before Sundown[.] a heavy thunder Storm Just after[.] Lasted an hour and a half[.] good feed now & at noon a few Little bushes occasionally along the river today and some along or among the ruged bluffs on our left
Frid 8 fair except a slight Thunder Shower beginning an hour before Sundown when we camped closs at the rivers bank[.] good feed now and at noon we crossed another stream today[.] before noon not deep[.] but we had some trouble in crossing our team also manifesting the same Spirit of Sechism [skepticism] that to certain extent prevails in our tent[.] May we take the hint from the Lesson given thro our team—repent and improve. the stream today was aparantly coming from or near a courious Large rock or hill which appeared like a Large house this Morning[.] there is no bluffs just near it[.] it will at once attract the attention of the traviler[.] it is over two miles (I think) from the road which is over a mile from the river there is a lesser rock closs on the east side of the one Mentioned, several courious Looking bluffs not far from the one Mentioned Chimney rock in Sight[.] today a found wagon being in the Ordanary train. Came in or Joined our train today[.] Campbels train being closs to us[.] roads Muddy today[.] on guard from 6 to 10 PM
Sat 9 fair[.] started at 7[.] saw and had my staf on a parrire dog—or rather bitch with young[.] after Looking at it—(it being the first I had seen alive) I let it go unhurt. Nooned Just opposite or a very Little past Chimney rock[.] <chimney rock is an erect Pillar a considerable sight on the South side of river closs at the bluffs—towering & slender> closs at river and good feed[.] roads Muddy in foornoon[.] firmer in the afternoon[.] Ca[m]ped at Sundown closs at the river beside a store and trading house—very little feed
Sund 10 Morning rainey[.] started at 7[.] roads sandy for a short distance[.] passed another house about a mile from the first including a blacksmiths shop after ascending a Little rising[.] the ro[a]ds was firm and plain[.] the rain also ceased at 10 am and sky cleared[.] here is courious bluffs[.] several parts at a distance has the apearence of being formed by art[.] before us is a fine plain[.] we Leave the river and march right for the bluffs into a plain half incircled before as by bluffs and on our right front at first then on our side[.] as we proceed farther is a commanding bluff Like an imence tower having a path way or walk right round about two parts up situated in a small pass or like a pass and aparantly commanding—and indeed if a tower for the purpose would command the intire road especially on the South side of the river on aproaching closs to it. She is not exa[c]tly round but Looks so as we march up the fine plain till we come as we did at near sundown[.] the head of the plain went up part of the bluffs on the Left. Leaving the bluffs on the right between us and the river and by accending the ones on the Left little distance and crosses a dry creek and turns more to the right accending and decending a few Little risings[.] Leaving the bluffs on both sides enters another plain[.] Camps at <an hour after> < Sundown beside a tollorable good Little running stream and ferish feed—at noon we got no wattar at all and Little feed for the teams on entering and travilling thro the first mentioned plain[.] it will be defictualt [difficult] for the stranger to conceive how he is to get out or thro the bluffs before him forming near 3 parts of a circle and apears pretty high—as mentioned the road crossed the bluffs at the Left bluffs[.] several of the bluffs around Looks fine and scattered bushes and trees growing thro them[.] they are mostly composed of earth and sand tho the[y] often Look Like rocks—(Some may be of rocks)
a forign (Single) bro 27 years of age belonging to the wagon that formed our train on the 8th died and was buried[.] evening had some songs of Zion and some Poietry repeated and some exalent remark at this nights Meeting[.] I felt to rejoice
Mond 11 fair[.] started at 7[.] a fine plain before us[.] roads good and a Little down hill[.] at 10 am one of President Empys waggons wheel run over the drivers right Leg above the ancle and splintered the Little bone[.] he is a Scotch man from Arhosth[.] we crossed two streams near 12 PM the one farthest west runing rapidly into the river[.] we noon’d at the West side of it[.] good feed also for our teams[.] we have not seen the other train the Last two days—Short after starting from dinner the sky overcast and a fierce Thunder Storm was the result which made the roads very heavy to walk on as the Soil stuck to our feet[.] the road also run Like a stream foresing us to camp at 3 PM at the Bottom of a Little riseing not far from the river—short after Camping the Storm passed and we had a fine evening & night[.] I was on guard from 11 to ½ past 2[.] was not at this night meet[in]g
Tusd 12 fair[.] roads sandy in the morning but very good in the afternoon[.] passed a trading store today and camped an hour and a half before sundown closs at the river on account of no feed for some distance a head[.] feels unwell this evening not at meeting
Wed 13 Started at 8 am[.] has a hill to clime this morning but road firm—then decends the other side to a fine firm level road[.] passes a trading 3 miles and noons at this store[.] the Late Indian scuffle took place which proved fetal [fatal] the afoar mentioned Soldiers[.] the store was also plundered by the Indians. Some of our people found some triffling Indian chattels[.] I spent this foornoon very profitably with Elder J. Long. Short after dinner we passed another store a number of wagons beside it and some Indians tents against which there was a Large box some 8 feet from the ground placed on poles and covered with red cloth[.] a pole and a color also above it inside this box was the bodies of Indians I am informed—it is Large enough for 4 of the stoutest and 6 of common sise close to this one is 2 Little simelar ones only Large enough for children[.] after this we go up Little sand hills then decend the same towards a fork of the river[.] had a heavy shower this evening—Camped at sundown a Little from the fork of the river that is between us and Lar[a]mie[.] I rode 3 miles today being unwell—was not at meetg tonight
Thur 14 Morning foggy[.] soon after starting crossed a fork of the river a bridge being a Little above us for crossing when the river is too deep to ford and soon after crossing fort Lar[a]mie Presents itself about a mile to the Left of the road[.] not being well I did not visit it[.] there was two very respectable Looking houses and a number of others[.] there is some trees closs to the fort and north along the river here and scattered ones on the bluffs[.] we went 3 miles past Lar[a]mie and nooned[.] pretty good feed[.] here the feed is not good very often—the country now and for some time past has a barran aspect[.] keeping My journal has a tendency to make me reflect often as for instance when thro pressure of business or Journeying and camp duties I am forced to omit writing for a few days[.] it gives me some trouble to recolect the particulars required, which reminds me or shows me that any person omitting his duty or transgressing will cost him bitter reflection and repentance[.] yea a spot in one history or character the forgiven is not easily ruled out[.] Lord assist thy weak servant to walk before thee and be perfect—Lord show me my imperfections that I may seek thy grace and forsake them
We now travil thro good roads mostly (high bluffs closs on our Left) till we passed a respectable Like store including Blacksmith & Carpenters Shops sign also stating that numbers of cattle could be obtained here—this store was close at the South bank of river for there is a Large fork of the river on our right yet, Laramie is between this and a Little fork or branch running into this. We passed the aforementioned store at Sundown ½ of a mile and camped[.] feed not extra but the best here[.] about our people on visiting the store found it was forsaken and several chattles Left or than been plundered and the inmates either slain or fled. it had a Wreched appearance—there was a number of LD Saints books—some of this years publication found and several Little things brought to Camp[.] I went and visited the place but brought nothing off—because I could not get rid of the following feelings[.] We are Saints of God going up to Zion Late in the season—with the full weight allowed by the wisdom & experience of the Authorities there—Orgainised and Led by delegets delegated by proper Authority—And under the order of the PE Fund—under these circumstances I apprehend that our Leaders is Measureably accountable to the found order, and the government for our conduct—Also if under existing circumstances any thing be worth carrying to the valley it would be worth the same value to [....l.] the found in which every true Saint is concerned—hence I believe none should Meddle with any thing to increase the weight without the instructions and arangements of the Leader or Leaders. Rode 3 miles today[.] not at meeting nor able to go on guard tonight[.] veels [feels] weak. Bro Alsop one of the Capt of Tens whose wife died on the parrire Married a few days back[.] him & partner belongs to England
Frid 15 fair[.] Started at 8 PM[.] after a very Little distance our road began to be and continued an alternate asent and desent over hills[.] a wagon upset early in the fornoon with three Juvinels inside but thank god—tho the wagon turned bottom up they were unhurt—passed a fine clear running stream at noon[.] gave our teams drink but no feed still here—the bluffs round at first apears black Like as they had just ben burnt—but it is the scattered Bushes or trees[.] some of the cattle gave out today among which was one of ours[.] Camped two hours after sundown near a fine stream of wattar but bad feed[.] rode 5 miles today[.] not at meetg
Sat 16 fair[.] Started at 9 am[.] Nooned at good wattar and feed at a Little stream having a numbers of trees & bushes[.] Camped two hours after Sundown at the bank of the river[.] not good feed—feed Secarse—roads good today[.] Still a Little Ill but able all the time to yoke & everyone walk some &c[.] So I cant complain when so Many is confined to the wagons—there is severals in camp Sick—rode 10 miles today—not at Meeting
Sund 17 fair[.] Started at 7 am[.] at 9 had to double our teams to accend a hill[.] here we Leave the river again—Nooned in a velly at 12 PM where we got some wattar but none for the cattle and but Little feed[.] camped on a Little hill an hour after Sundown[.] no Wattar at all and very Little feed[.] roads generally good today only a Little ascending and decending[.] not many bushes seen on the hills now[.] rode 4 miles today. In the afternoon I got and read the first Navoou [Nauvoo] paper I had ever seen Called the Navou Neighbour [Nauvoo Neighbor] by Taylor & Wood [ro.f] the 13 N. of l vol July 26/43[.] containd a good dale about the trial of Joseph Smith[.] I read all the paper and the 1 no of the 2 vol of the Seer while walking by the wagon this eve and truly while contemplating on the suffering & faithfulness of the saints the Baseness of the Americans Conserned in their persecutions and on the principals of the Gospel contained in the Seer it brought thoughts in my mind and feeling in my bossom known only to and realized by the Saint of Lattar day
Mond 18 fair[.] Started just before sunrise & traviled till 9 when we came to a brook having wattar at a store or trading house[.] here we halted[.] the feed is very indifferent up the river. SW is the best. I went on guard from 10 am [sic] to ½ past 1 PM
Composed the following while walking alone by the South bank of the North fork of the plat[t]e a part of it exactly resembling a stream that run over a similar bottom at the North end of the house I Lodged and served my time is
While taking a walk by the banks of the pla[t]te
And viewing the wattar run east to the sea
A scene did transfere which I did admire
And caused my thoughts quickly roam [.est] upon thee
The scene it was solemn and lovly withal
All Nature seemed quiet—I only was there
To wittness the scene and Listen the sound
Which the purling stream made strong the graval so <fair>
The Wattars did haste to the far distant sea
But the sounds that it made impressed my whole <soul>
As it quickly did pass thro the fine gravel stones
Regardless of Consequence—prevaded the whole
The scene when confined to <the> wattar and Sound
Exactly resembled what I oft heard at home
While dear Peter Folster I lodged with then
When my own deny’d me that previledge at home
The gravel also is the Colour and sise [size]
Of those over which the wattar doth run
From the Spout even at the North end of thy house
As soon as the rainy season had begun
When the Sound I did hear them pased in the stream
For a moment I thought I was at thy house
So like was the sound—So like was the Stream
to the Shout when o’re flowed by a Storm from the South
But on casting my eyes on the scene all around
I soon found that I was in America
Several thousand miles from thy house my dear friend
And from the Spout wattars <which> I thought I saw
Now the Spirit of God made my heart leap with joy
That I was here for the pure Gospel of Christ
And that with thy blessing we parted in Hoy
When I started for South but bound for the West
I also rejoice to retain the fond hope
Tho now we are parted by many a long mile
That if fortune allows me to visit thy house
We shall meet as two friends enjoying a Smile
For tho present Dear Peter I must say farewell
The train is fast roling and I am behind
But I will soon catch it—and now be assured
That often yea often you are in my mind.
at ½ past 3 we again started after dining on part of an ox that was killed today[.] camped at S down on a red soil by a brook[.] plenty of wattar but not extra feed[.] the roads today good only up and down hills &c[.] had a fine social meeting Presided over by Elder Courtis[.] we had a fine time and a blesing fire of wood in the midst of the carrill which gave light & heat—but the best Light & heat generated from the Spirit of God on the present occeason
Tusd 19 fair[.] started at 7[.] met a train for fort Laramie from a store before us from whom we got some intelegence about some of our trains ahead[.] while camped for dinner the US Mail passed us[.] 4 waggons and some lose mules[.] no Wattar and Little feed for the cattle, Met a train of 5 waggons (mule teams) at a creek and fine grove of timber where is plenty of good running wattar but not extra feed. A Little before Sundown here we camped[.] A foreign bro from the continant of Europe 82 years of age Married and belonging to the same waggon that joined us on the plains Died Last night and was buried this morning[.] there is still some sick in camp[.] gleen [Glenn] still confined in our wagon[.] I am better but feels a little weak yet[.] not at meeting tonight[.] the Social meetg continued this night, roads good but some Little hills in the way[.] was made glad today by reading the 4 N of 2 vol of Seer and the Frontier Guardian by Orson Hide Vol 3 No 23 Dec[embe]r 12/51 the first of the guardian I had seen
Wed 20 fair[.] Started at 9[.] three men sent to repair the road if neded[.] met a train of Six waggons Mule Teams this fornoon[.] Nooned at ½ past 1 at a fine stream and ferish feed—Camped an hour after sundown at the side of the plat[t]e river[.] not good feed—No meetg tonight[.] crossed a little stream in the foarnoon and a good sise one after dinner[.] roads good but a Little uneven
Thur 21 fair[.] started at 7[.] Nooned at a Large Stream where was the ruins of a house yet in fire[.] a number of trees and ferish feed a Little up the stream—crossed the stream—met 11 waggons mule teams and some riding on mules from the valley about 30 <in> number also some sisters[.] John Taylor of the quorm of the twelve amonst them most of them going on missions. My Soul rejoices in the prosperity of Zion of the good news therefrom and in the anxiety, she manifest to bless and enlighten the Saints abroad and the world[.] the[y] only halted their train a few minutes so we hardly saw or spoke to them only Cpt Taylor went and stoped all night with them—We camped an hour after Sundown ½ a mile from the river after passing a grove of trees—bad feed—on guard from l to 4[.] not at meeting[.] thro the kindness of Sis G Frost I was favoured with a peruse of the Seers even all that is to be published in America includes the 6 No of Vol 2 the rest to be published in England From No 3 of Vol 2 and pages 227, 28, 29. I take down the following Fictic[i]ous Names together with the real ones. the ficticous ones was published in the covenants on account of the Counsel of the Spirit and wickedness of the enemies of truth[.] the Author hopes the next eddition will have the real names[.] for the information of the Saints he has given the following—for Justification of the Conduct of the church in this respect be Pratts arguments in the above mentiond place (D & Covenents Sec 76-81 [sic], 94, 97, 99, 101, 102[).] all these names have refrence to Modern Persons, Place, and things of our own day[.] [Earlier editions of the Doctrine and Covenants were arranged in Sections and Paragraphs. In the 1921 edition, section numbers were changed: 76 to 78, 87 to 82, 94 to 92, 97 to 96, 99 to 104; 101 to 103, 102 to 105. Paragraphs were divided into verses.]
Sec 76, P[aragraph] 2 <"for> Enoch or Gazelam [Gazalem.]" read J[oseph] Smith Jr[,]
Sec 76, P2 "for Ahashdah" read Newel K. Whitney.
Sec 76 P2 for “Pelagoram” read S[idney] Rigdon.
Sec 94 PP 1,2 for “Shederloamach [Shederlaomach]” read Frederick G. Williams.
Sec 97 P2 for "Zombre" read John Johnston [Johnson]
Sec 97 P2 for "Seth" read Joseph
Sec 99 p3 for "Tahhanes" read "The Tannery["] or "The Tan Yard"
Sec 99 P3 for Shinehah [Shinelah] read Kirtland
Sec 99 P5 for "Olihah" read O[liver] Cowdrey.
Sec 99 P5 for "Laneshinehouse [Laneshire House] read printing office
Sec 99 P7 for "Ozondah" read store.
Sec 99 P7 for "Shule" read Ashery.
Sec 99 P10 for "Shinalah [Shinelah]" read print.
Sec 99 P11 for "Shinelane" read Printing.
Sec 99 P12 for "Talents" read dollars.
Sec 99 P13 for "Cainhannoch" read New York.
Sec 101 P4 for "Baurak Ale" read J[oseph] Smith Jr.
Sec 102 P8 for "Baneemy" read S[idney] Rigdon.
In Sec 87, P4 there is five names vis. Alam, Mahalaleel, Horahy [Horah], Shelemanasseth [Shalemanasseh] and Mahemson—but the Author does not remember the real names the Orignal Manuscript being <in> Utah
Frid 22 fair[.] Started at 7[.] Nooned at the river (after crossing a Large Stream in the foornoon) ferish feed—Crossed a fine running Stream and Camp’d by it a Little before S down not far from an Indian Camp who visited us[.] they had a good many horses. Not extra feed—road pretty good
Sat 23 Started at 8[.] Camped for dinner near the river and not far from the crossing[.] ferish feed the grass being dry and wind fresh the fiers set fire to it which caused some waggons to be moved out of its way[.] Sis Capt Smith of a dead child (girll) this Morning[.] crossed the n fork of the plat[t]e[.] went 3 miles and camped a Little after S down[.] a Little rain about Sun down[.] a good dale [deal] of timber on the bluffs on the South of the crossing—no Wattar where we camped and bad feed[.] was mouth piece in Prayer tonight
Sund 24 fair[.] Sis Sarah Gillongs <from England)> aged 22 (single) died and was buried this Morning—Started at 8 am on horseback and Leading. another passed our train this foornoon[.] camped for dinner on a fine Level[.] good feed[.] plenty of standing clear watter but prenounced Not good on account of too Much Seleratis in it—at 1 PM drove the cattle Some Miles South to wattar[.] stoped here all night[.] dug wells and got plenty of watter for ourselves. Roads good but a Little uneven
Mond 25 fair[.] Started at 7[.] Nooned at a Little stream hardly or not sufficient for the teams and bad feed[.] Lost Some oxen today[.] I have not mentioned all that died the clerk has—over 20 oxen found today but they belong to Williams train a few miles a head[.] camped 1½ hours after Sundown[.] no wattar[.] no feed but plenty of watter a Little before us[.] good roads today but some hills[.] on guard from 1 to 4[.] night cold[.] a young bro Robins father Mother & Sis & brother here got the small bone of his Left Leg broken by the wheel this evening[.] bro Johnston Jr unwell
Tusd 26 fair[.] Started at 7[.] passed Williams Merchant train 20 waggons 6 yoke each—at 10 am nooned at plenty of wattar and ferish feed[.] here as is a very general thing[.] some oxen was shoed[.] Williams trains passed us while at dinner. Crossed the stream and traviled thru heavy sand[.] camped at S down[.] drove the cattle 1½ miles S to Sweet wattar [Sweetwater] river[.] good feed[.] also bro H[ugh] Johnston ill[.] Capt [Ebenezer] Gilles and Me attended to the order of the Church according to his desire[.] a Little before us was three wagons and a herd of cattle
Wed 27 fair and warm with clear sky which is very frequent[.] Started at 7[.] now we enter the roc[k]y Mountains a [.ay] on each side and a fine valley thro which we pass[.] it would seem the Lord had prepared the way for the Saints from the E to the W when this contineant was undergoing the great changes & convulsions there which it has passed. passed Independence Rock (the Largest rock I ever saw by itself[.] tis a Little hill)[.] there is a store or trading house closs at the E and another at the W of the rock on N side of Sweet Wattar. Forded the river and nooned—after passing a pretty narrow entrance a fine vally opens before us—here we crossed some fine streams passed a fine house some tents & wagons and a number of Cattle[.] Ca[m]ped at Sundown by sweet wattar[.] good feed & wattar. bro A Glen is beginning to walk a little[.] bro Johnston is very Low or weak. Severals ill in Camp
Thur 28 fair & warm[.] started at 7[.] passed Williams train and nooned by the river or large stream[.] ferish feed[.] I feel very Joyful in the work of the Lord today as I almost dayly & hourly do[.] I rejoice to be so far on our Journey to behold the (Indeed) rocky mountains (they <have> some bushes on them) and the weather so fine Like the best Summer weather (only the nights is rather cold some frost this morning)[.] truly the Lords is favouring us[.] thank and prais Him O all ye Saints—We have passed quanties of Salerstis the Last two days plenty to be had clean & hard some took quantities—but I think the officers should in all Like cases especially under Like circumstances Councel and arrange all such matters.
Where we are nooned there is two roads[.] we keep the right hand one[.] in the evening rises over a Little sand hill closs at the river[.] went a few miles farther and camped (ferish feed & good wattar) at S down bro Johnston cant hardly speak but aperantly suffers no pain at all. [..ds] pretty good
Frid 29 fair[.] Started at ½ past 8 when President Empy along with bro [blank space] two horses & Mules started for the GSL City with the papers &c[.] I took farewell of them[.] God preserve. bless & prosper them[.] we are a Little over 200 miles they say from the valley[.] while at diner Williams train passed us we just followed and both trains crossed the river at S down and Camped[.] our Camp Just at the crossing[.] roads sandy some times but generally good today[.] on guard from 7 to 10[.] only had to get a man part of the time while I waited on bro Hugh Johnston who is very Low. In company with Capt and Sargant Knight[.] Attend to the order of the church[.] knight mouth piece. Short after all being satisfied his family and as that he should die in peace we resigned him with a blessing to the Lord asking for a speedy and pleasant departure for his Spirit <I was mouth piece> and in a few minuets without a strugle or even a thraw in his countinance he pessebly [peaceably] breath his last at ½ pasts 9 PM[.] I assisted to dress him[.] at the same time there was a dancing meeting or the Meeting time was employed in a dance[.] Several of Williams people in the enjoyment[.] a fine Fiddler there also our rulers. I was not there.
Sat 30 fair[.] on guard from 4 to 7 but got a man in my place part of the time while I attended to the interment of bro Johnston which was at S rise at the North Side at or near the Lower or East end of the Large rock closs at the N W side of the Sweet wattar river a few yards above or West of the crossing or fording place, the rock or ridge is a few yards from the bluff or Mountain is easy known by the above description[.] there is also a great many names on the S or river side. We set stons at the ends or one at each end of the grave[.] the rock is South side of the grave at the head part of which I inscribed the following with Tar H. J. Sept 29/54 <54(being his age)>[.] Conserning bro H Johnston—his illness &c I will according to e[x]perience and my fillings [feelings] say that he was a simple honest hearted man—was anxious to do Just & right & was respected and Loved[.] a Priest in the Church kept the La[w]s of Chu[r]ch as far as made known to him—was talorably well from the orkneys to within 6 or 7 days of his death[.] aperantly felt no pain while ill[.] spoke very Little—died without the Least Struggle—Left a Wife a Son at Sea a live here in the Church and his only Daughter here and married[.] was numb in his joints so as to be against his walking—He rode in the waggon all the way except a few miles—was very quiet[.] did not kept strict order in his tent and waggon (tho better than many. many) expecially in worshipping God. Some None believers in our or his tent (which might ben against him yea I felt it was so) one of which he brought out himself—his Son in Law [David Finlayson] to whom his formerly believing daughter [Margaret Finlayson] now clung more to than to her God and his service[.] I strove some to get order kept up—was grieved in Spirit to see it was not warned them of the consequences but seeing how thins was moving I kept quiet in my place[.] they was often Counceled how to preform every duty before and now—but all the time his heart and desires was good—only was impulsed by his peculiar tender feelings &c to do some things he could not control[.] I was kept well with them and Lived without one grumble—I am perswaded in my spirit if unitedly faithfully and wisely we had served the Lord in all things in our power and dealt wisely (according to Councel) with unbelievers striving to save them in a right way—that bro Johnston as he was beginning at home would bent restored to the use of his hands and alive the case altering some Little God in his wisdom & mercy I believe took another wise course. Gods will be done santify all to the good of thy saints O Lord Amen
Started at 7[.] soon after crossed the river twice and came in Sight of the Snow on the top of the Mountains (our Leaders says so)[.] nooned at the river[.] Williams train passed us while hitching up[.] crossed the river[.] traviled till sun down and camped in a hallow (barran all around)[.] good feed[.] some wattar but none for the cattle[.] Sis Sarah Ann Fielding about 20 single died today—belonged to England
Sund Oct 1 fair[.] a Little windy and dust troublesome[.] started at 7 and traviled to the river and camped for the night at 3 PM[.] good feed. Williams train also by the river
Mon 2 fair[.] high head wind and dust going in clouds[.] started at 7[.] crossed the river at starting again at or just before nooning[.] ferish feed[.] Williams train passed us[.] crossed the river again soon after dinner then camped an hour and ¼ before S down after passing the other Camp ¼ of mile at the edge of the river[.] good feed and where the roads Leaves the river accends hills keeping to the right[.] ro[a]ds a Little uneven today but generally good[.] this morning we was favoured with a visit from Elder Cook from Capt Campbells train who 30 miles behind scarse of men by sickness and cattle weak (I am sorry they are not in better condition)[.] Elder Cook is to be with us till morning and is then going foreward (on business I presume)[.] I may here add that I Learn bro H Johnstons provisions is to be divided amongst the people in our wagon[.] I cannot think on this provisions affars without feelings of sorrow that a family of Saints could not live together 12 or 16 weeks without parting their stores. under Like circumstances I would approve of a Calculation being made of the time and food then a steward to take char[g]e of the food get the right quantity cooked and see that it was wisely and justly served out[.] I believe such a course is necssary in Like cases.
Tusd 3 fair and mild[.] started at 7[.] Left the river[.] accended steep hills and had rough stony road[.] nooned at a nise plain tho Little wattar and ferish feed[.] afternoon crosed 2 streams then a Large brook[.] after S down kept to the Left hand and camped three hours after Sun set (but good Moon Light) at the S wattar[.] ferish feed[.] some oxen gave out today[.] road good in the afternoon[.] no meeting tonight—felt Joyful in spirit today.
Wed 4 fair[.] <started at 7> but high wind ahead raising clouds of dust and Much against our teams[.] Sis George Thomson past on this fornoon She belongs to Glasgow Scotland[.] Crossed two streams and S watter river this fornoon[.] passed the Sumit at ½ past 4 PM[.] Altitude or Elevation above the Level of the sea 7085 feet[.] Camped two hours after S down at a fin stream of clear good wattar running west—bad feed, had no dinner[.] Camp No Meeting—was driving Lose herd today, some oxen gave out today—Elder Cook Came to camp tonight[.] not getting to Green river (where he was going on business) on account of hostile Indians a head. O how I rejoice to Se the wattar run west[.] I feel as I was at home
Thur 5 fair but highhead wind[.] on guard from 1 to 4 am[.] ice on the wattar this morning but days warm[.] started at 7 crossing the wattar[.] we camped by, keeping to the left[.] noone by a stream[.] no feed, formed no carrill but kept the train straight[.] Camped by a stream an hour after S down[.] bad feed. No meetings[.] some oxen gave out today, evening cloudy—Elder Cook goes with us to green <river>[.] read the "Life of Christ" by J W Morris third Eddition[.] our fireing now and for a long time back is sage brush, is very [illegible]. the scenery is very barran, in some parts the soil looks good
Frid 6 Morning Cloudy and a few drops of rain[.] started at 9[.] soon crossed a fine stream[.] Camped for the night at 3 PM[.] raining some—bad feed & no < (standing)> wattar—Saw two waggons going East but on the road to the North of us Some oxen gave out today and as usual died—Thank God none has died in our team[.] Yet when we started at first we had a Light team (they were never regulated) then Capt Taylor took off our best yoke of oxen and gave us a yoke of cows probably as good—as remarked on a preceding page short againe of our oxen Lay down then him and his partner was put in the Lose herd and the one that Lay down was given to bro Taylor with whome he died[.] I think the other was sold but is not sure we had four yoke a few day in the sandy roads and one of our cows necks being a Little Sore we got another for her a few days—we also had a cow two or three days but being for no use she was just taken off and we got another wild one in there place So we have two yoke of wild cows & one of Oxen[.] one yoke of the cows is Light. State of our team till the present[.] evening fair and mild[.] an hour after Sundown while siting by our fire I was aroused by a strange voice and looking up I saw 5 strangers in front around with rifles—on enquirey I found it was bro from the valley with cattle and provisions to the assistance of the trains. their Camp was three miles West[.] As stated above Elder Cook from Campbel[l]s train was with us on his way to green river for help—and Now as sufficent had come for us & them—Capt Taylor made some remarks at the meeting on the goodness of God the kindness of the Church and the bro that had come to our help—On the weakness of Campbells train—and the strength of ours then called on the Company to say what the[y] felt to do, when Elder DP Courtis Moved that what men was needed should be raised by volounteers from our Camp (this was after Elder Cook had stated the condition of their train) I seconded the motion then he called for Volounteers—when I presented Myself as the first—glad to be able to render assistance to the needful
Sat 7 fair[.] the Valley train of 4 waggons and a number of cattle came to us this morning. two waggons and most of the cattle went to Campbels train also as many men from the valley as was needed so none Left our train[.] the rest turned and came with us—we started at 9 came to big Sandy and wattared our teams at ½ past 1 then camped at this side the crossing of big Sandy a Little before sundown[.] ferish feed—good roads[.] thro the kindness of bro M Hensie I got and finished reading "The Conduct of the Understanding" by John Locke Esq (Locke on Truth)
Sund 8 fair[.] Started at 8[.] crosed big sandy and came in sight of a range of mountains to the S W covered with snow on the N E[.] is the same while the last of roads[.] very warm weather and an extensive plain is before us and round about to the mountains[.] Nooned as soon as we struck big sandy again. The nedful is now supplied with flour[.] we only took 25 lb in our waggon having ben careful the Last five weeks we could go in without any—but the last five week for myself I was on half alonce yet I suffered nothing from hunger. Though its true I could have used more. Some wagons is altogether out—Camped a Little before S down at big Sandy[.] ferish feed along the river or stream
Mond 9 fair[.] on guard from 4 to 9 started at 9[.] Soon Came to Green river where is two or three houses[.] went some distance down the river side then crossed and nooned in different feed—Saw some Indians, started and went a few more miles down this other side of the river and Left it keeping more West—a Little before S down Leaving Williams train who unperceived by us had crossed and camp where the road leaves the river we saw herds of Cattle, numbers of Indian horses—and several Indians by the river—a flour wagon being a[t] the river waiting us Joined our train tonight also one from the valley came out to meet relations[.] Camped a few miles from the river a Little after S down[.] ferish feed but no wattar
Tues 10 fair but high head wind[.] started at 7[.] gave our teams drink at black fork in the afternoon then instantly yoked and went till we crossed Hams fork and camped and hour & a ½ before S down[.] good wattar & feed, we met 4 waggon (Mule teams) going to the States & four wggons (Ox teams) going to Divils [Devils] gate, today—. also at night two waggons going East (ox teams) and two men on horse going to mexico—We also Left two wagons 4 miles behind some of their cattle giving out—(we Left some cattle behind today not able to <walk>[.] I was driving the Lose herd today. roads generally good
Wed 11 fair (very warm) [.] as the feed was good and teams weak we stoped here all day. Cleaned out all the waggons & sundries <as> the two wagons behind came up. Sister Mary Gillings aged 14 years died and was buried today She was from England. bro DP Courtis [Dorr Purdy Curtis] along with Wm. Farr from Williams train Left this afternoon on horse back for the valley along with a man for fort Bridger[.] at night another wagon going east ox team came to camp—three being now camped beside us
Thur 12 fair[.] started at 8 and soon crossed black fork where a wagon was upset doing slight damage and slightly wounding those inside—Just before decending a Little hill[.] at noon we came in sight of wattar but we nooned at the bottom of the hill[.] indifferent feed[.] while at diner two men on horse back passed thro the carill going east. Soon after starting we came to the wattar on black fork and shortly after crossed it then at S down we turned a Little to the Left and camped by b fork[.] ferish feed[.] no guard on the cattle tonight. Read or reread the Life of Flavious Josephus today.
According to request—along with Capt Gilles Adminstered to bro jn Hambling & Daughter Rosina—who is sick[.] also on Wed 11 with Capt Gilles adminstered to Sister—Betsy Rose who was sick. There is still a few sick in Camp
Frid 13 fair[.] Started at ½ past 8 and soon crossed b fork and not Long after Crossed a fork running into the Main one and Met two wagons (two horse in each) from the valley come to meet their relations[.] on making black fork again we noone[.] ferish feed—Camped three hours after S down 1½ miles from fort Bridger[.] on guard from 8 to 11[.] ferish feed[.] at <the river> after Sun down we saw Camp fiers behind us
Sat 14 fair but strong head wind[.] Started at 8[.] 2 the two horse wagons Left us this Morning for the valley[.] crossed several streams at bridger runing into b fork and after passing bridger a short distance Crossed black fork and son after began to accend a hill—passed or crossed a muddy hallow then up hill then on a plain and then decended a rough step hill of considerable hight—and camp at the bottom in a fine valley[.] good feed and a Little Stream at ½ past 3 PM
Sund 15 fair[.] Started at 8 and Just crossed the Little stream (Muddy Creek)[.] had a long march up & down hills and the valleys. And and hour before S down decended a long ste[e]p hill into a green valley where is a little wattar. here we Camped but it was late before Some wagons got in and one only came to camp in the morning[.] some of the oxen is occeasionally dieing[.] roads good only hilley[.] while camping a wagon and Little herd passed us <to> the west
Mond 16 fair and still very warm thro the day tho cool at night but not extra. Started at 9 and soon Crossed Sulpher Springs a Mile to the SW of which there is some Tar found on the top of Standing wattar[.] some brought to camp—a Little after we came to a place where we had to double teams being steep then soon Crossed Bear River; went over a hill and camped in a fine green valley[.] two & ½ hours before S down[.] good feed [illegible] some wattar[.] some parts of the road rough today[.] [illegible] Sund 15 two men on horse back passed us going East
Tusd 17 fair[.] Started at 9[.] soon Came to Eko [Echo] kanyon[.] crossed a fork of and soon after Yallew [Yellow] Creek itself where we camped for dinner[.] good feed. I was sent to drive the herd today but was appointed by Capt. Taylor to superintend the repairing of the road and with another bro went today[.] after Starting from dinner we accended a steep hill then down in a valley to a Cave on the right where we met Prest. Emp[e]y & bro [blank space] returned from the valley a wagon & three horse[.] here we Camped 1½ hours before S down, good feed—My Mate Left his post at dinner time
Wed 18 fair[.] Started at 8 when President Empy and bro [blank space] and Charles Evans—Empys Clerk Left us for the valley[.] soon after we met a wagon mule team & two <men> on horse back from the valley to the States[.] We now enter rightly into Eko or Echo Kanyon—so called I presume from the Echo that comes from the side of the Kanyon when any noise or sound is made[.] we cross Eko Kanyon Kreek three times and then noon when we are visited by a man from Williams train, we cross the same creek three times after dinner and then camp at S down[.] good feed & wattar[.] [.xt..rt] of those warned to repair the road did not come so that I was wearied at night. by mismanagement and taking wrong roads two wagons was upset but Little hurt[.] Yesterday Sis Jacob Fergason from England of a Daughter
Thur 19 fair[.] Started at 9[.] crossed the creek 5 times[.] our road also went thro fine willows sometimes, the road first being cut thro them[.] we then came to Weber river where kanyon Creek empties into it, where is also a house and some huts the Master of which appears to be civiliased and part white Indian. he has a number of horses a herd of oxen and a herdsman—he can speake good English was well dressed had just come to the valley and intends to die there[.] tomorrow we went two miles along Weber river on the NE side and camped <two hours before SD>[.] good feed & water[.] some of the bro that was warned did not come to the road[.] both waggon wheels went over a Sisters Legs today but did not hurt much. We passed some courious scenery today while traviling thro the kanyon here the Creek winds so that we have to cross it 11 times—We are all the time by its side the kanyon being a narrow bottom with a range of high hills & craggs on each side some of which is very romantic Looking—And strangest the rocks & precipaus is Composed of Small Stones—chingles—sand & clay Varying in hardness—of a redish color indeed[.] I am convinced that all travilers will admit that here has ben awful convulsions & Euruptions—as the scenery testifies—at Sundown a gig having two horses passed us for the valley having inside bro Cook from Campbells train and one from Williams[.] the Indian also from Weber passed us with two horses for the City[.] at night there was social meeting[.] bro Clements Preside but being wearied I went to bed
Frid 20 fair but Cloudy & Mild in the Morning[.] Started at 9 and soon crossed Weber river & soon after ascended a rige of hills thro a kanyon thro which <was> a Little Creek near the bottom of which we nooned and met a wagon (two horses) & 8 yoke of cattle and of course some bro[.] I may add that when the provisions Came we got 15 Yoke of oxen that is including those in their own waggons also in which some of our vir companys Luggage was put. I may also add that we started with 42 Waggons—120 yoke of oxen 70 Lose Cattle & 14 calves. with 339 Souls[.] after ascending the rige of hills from Weber We decended a Little kanyon thro which runs a creek road but indifferent[.] after Coming to a kind of bottom we camped at S down[.] ferish feed[.] bro [J..] Long and a friend from the valley Left this Morning for the valley—was at the rock today—on guard from ½ past 5 to 8[.] while at meeting Massres Williams & Farr passed thro the carril from the city to the train behind. Som bro Left this Morning
3 Sat 21 fair[.] started at 9[.] Some bro Left this Morning for the City on foot also a family (Gadbury’s) in the horse wagon that came yesterday—and after Capt Taylor on horse back—we entered big kanyon today and crossed the Large creek 6 times & little creek & springs several times and then nooned after which we crossed the same creek 5 times and camped at Sdown ¼ of a Mile from the Last Crossing of the creek near the big Mountain[.] I was repairing the road today—Thru hearsy from the valley camped at the foot of the Mountain going East
Sund 22 fair[.] Started at 10 and crossed the creek the Last time then accended the big Mountain thro a kanyon and desended thro the same[.] pretty steep on each side[.] we crossed a creek on the side several times & camped at the foot of the Little Mountain by good time only it was Late before some came in & some stoped off all night[.] we met bro Courtis returning from the valley to the train also severals from the City Meeting us some on horse, some wagons &c, was on the ro[a]d today[.] Truly My Soul rejoices More & More in this work & in being so near the head quarters of the Church[.] I feel to do as I am Counceled when I get in my mind is free having Made no Calculations—but too be subject to the Authorities in bulding up the Kingdom of Christ
Mond 23 fair[.] started at 9[.] one from our tent Left (with her son who came out tomet her) [.] this morning we met as a wagon for wood passed us before we started going for wood—we descended the Little Mountain pretty steep but not Long from where we saw part of the valley as well as from the big Mountain—we next decend (pretty steep) into and thro emigration kanyon crossing the creek 6 times then Camping three Miles from the Sumit at Noon. Capt Taylor Meeting us & great numbers of waggons going for wood—also people from the city Meeting friends[.] I have none to meet me yet I feel extremely happy and feels at home with all consistant Saints[.] We intended to have gone in today but we are to stop till tomorrow[.] while camped Williams train passed us. No Meeting tonight[.] I have dropt for the present reading Josephus Wares of the Jews by William Johnston AM 1817—Book 1 Page 343. Chap 31[.] Where King Herod brings his son Antipater to his trial for Plotting against him.
Tues 24 fair[.] started at 9[.] crossed the creek 5 times then accended a Little rising from where we saw part of the City[.] Just as we emerge from the deep kanyon a beautiful (Large) well wattared valley such as has no rival on the route—with the Large Lake in which is some Large Islands Laying to the West and all aparantly sorounded with Mountains presented only to our view. Indeed it seems very strange to see such a place when Contrasted with desert wilderness this which we have passed—and the roughest mountainiest part Just before we came to the GSL Valley[.] the City Looks well Led out in Squares and is wonderful Large in such short time considering the Circumstanaces[.] we met numbers going for timber and several meeting us. We enter the City about 12 at noon thro Emigration Street then turns up where the U[nited] States Soldiers is quartered and short after turns north east passing by the governors house and Camping ouside the City NE of the Governors & inside of the City Wall about 2 PM. I was repairing the road side