
Transcript for Phinehas Richards, Diary, 1837 April-1871 March, Phinehas Richards papers, 1837-1874 in Richards family collection, 1837-1961

Friday June 23d, 1848. I went over the River to look [for] a House for Margaret. as she was to wait another year. I found one and bought it

Saturday 24. Had a real blow up with the wife and learned of her, that she had suported me for 10 or 12 years. so I keep learning and for the future I will support myself as usual.

Sabbath 25th. labored all day for the first time, preparing to go to the Mountains.

Monday 26. went over the River on buisness. A.M. and P.M. carried shakes and punchean to the Ferry. for the House I bought East side.

Tuesday 27. I was busey most of the day. made a ladder for waggon, Brother Moss came over with his Family ready for a start. This day F[ranklin]. D. Richards was appointed Capt. of 50 for the journey.

Monday July 3d. left Winter Quarters and campted 3 miles out, for the night.

Tuesday 4. The President, Willard Richards, seeing the City cleand came up to the camp and took his place in the Corill. here near Night[,] William Adams a child had a ball shot through one [k]nee and lodged in the other. I took him across the carill [corral] to the waggon of Br. W[illar]d. who orderd the ball extracted. Dr. Johnson took my lancet, made the attempt but failed. Dr. Lemeroux [Lamoreaux] next tried. but gave it up. I took the lancet[.] laid the boy in his Fathers lap, and took the ball out in less than a minute. The wound healed in a short time, to the joy of his parents and friends.

Monday 10. Levi Willard a Child fell from the Waggon and broke his arm. I was sent for to see to. I fixed it as I thought best and left him comfortable, and quiet. I saw him next day quite comfortable. in a day he was out at play with other children.

Sabbath 23. two Buffaloes were brought into Camp. and a number of Antelopes.

Monday 24. staid in camp. to discuss the case of rebelion, which showed itself out verry plainly, which was ascertaind and the meetin desolved.

August 6th had the Tine set on one wheel of my Waggon.

Monday 7, Came to a Tribe of Sous [Sioux] Indians and had a Conference with them and also traded with em for Robes and Mackersons [Moccasins], lef[t] them quiet and peaceable.

Wednesday 9, good weather, and a good travel[.] here we were soluted with the fumes of a Pole-Cat, for the third time on the journey.

Thursday 10, some Indians came to the Camp before starting this morning[.] all quiet.

Friday 11 Bro. [John Solomon] Ful[l]mers child kicked and the arm broken, a shower of Rain 5 P.M. passed the first Bleffs [Bluffs] ruins, and Camped where the first Company left their fires.

Saturday 12, had a long travel this day. Archabal [Archibald] B. Moss fell from his Waggon[.] the wheels run over the boys brother[.] he turned black, arose and then fell[.] we administered to him and he recovered.

Sabbath 13, left Camp early to find water and Camped 1 mile west of the first Camp[.] spent the day and, had gentle showers 5 P.M. damp and chilly Night and Morning.

Monday 14. had a great travel. (Pole-Cat.) Camped at Scot[t]s Bluffs [Bluff] North side of River

Tuesday 15. Last Night left a Cow and at Evening, Franklin D. Richards went back after her, and found her partly eaten by the Wolves. comfortable weather

Wednesday 16. came to the River, when the Company went over that was ahead, 15 miles from Larama [Laramie], a long drive this day.

Thursday 17, Crossed the River and went 1 mile up to Ash Grove, found wood and water, staid and washed, burnt Coal and repaired.

Friday 18 traveled late A.M. and went on to Fort Larama [Laramie] and Campt that night[.] all went well in spirits.

Saturday 19 Morning stopt at the Fort about one hour. then moved on to the Hot Springs.

Tuesday 22 we traveled 3 day and found no good feed which made it hard for Teems.

Mond[a]y 28 went to place where we stopt[.] about 12 M. staid that Night and the day following.

Br. Cuningham and his Company left and went on.

Wednesday 30, still in Camp, Br A[masa] Lyman Company passed through and Camped 1½ mile above us.

Thursday 31, Br. John Mercer had an ox die. killed 2 Buffaloes while here, shod Oxen and repaired Waggons. when through we went on our Journey, and continued our Journey day by day until the nineteenth of

September 19. when we saw snow on the mountins, probably 50 miles ahead. it look Cold. the weather however was mild and fair. the Camp generally well, and made progress in our journey

Saturday 23, came to the South Pass of the Rockey [Rocky] Mountains, near Night, a gentle rain with a mixture of snow, Camped 3 miles West of the Pass.

Sabbath 24. Traveled on till near Night. experienced a hard blow, with Hale, and rain followed near an hour, Camped at Little Sandy.

Monday 25, we went on our way, and prospered in our Journey.

Thursday Oct 19. we arived in the Valley[.] about 12 M. Corilled [Corralled] about ½ mile North of the Fort. and staid there untill [text missing]

Monday 23, when we dispersed to our Lots[.] turned our teams out to herd[.] I bought an old hors of an Indian, turned him out in the herd. kept him till Spring, and with him paid $25.00 of a house I bought of Br. Dimic Huntington.