Transcript for Pratt, Parley P., Journal 1855 [Apr]-Nov., fd. 2, 162-64, in Collection [ca. 1835-1896]
Tuesday 24th. – Started at eight A.M.; our road lay through, or among green flowery plains; surrounded with grassy hills and interspersed with forests of oak sycamores etc. It was truly picturesque. Arrived at five P.M. at Bro. Twitchells, in San Juan; camped there and were kindly received. I lodged with them. Saw many of the Saints who were as glad to see us, as strangers could be.
Wednesday, 25th. – Spent a happy day in visiting and conversations. This evening we have an appointment at Bro. Twitchells; it is sundown and they are fixing their seats. Before dark the rooms were crowded. I preached and we had a good times.
Thursday, 26th; – Spent this day in visiting. preached in the evening to a crowded house
Friday, 27th; Preached to a full house at one O clock p.m. gave council to the Church of San Juan, to gather to Carson Valley Utah; and taught them the law of Tything [tithing]. Rode home with Bro. Dotson and stayed all night. He had but one chair in his house, and no glass windows.
Saturday 28th; – Rode with Bro. Dotson and family to Bro. Thomas's[.] I visited with him till two P.M. and then rode a horse to Bro. Joshua Twitchells. Here I assisted in organizing them. There were twenty four persons, eight wagons, fifteen mules, twelve horses, eight guns, eight pistols, one goat and three dogs.
W[illia]m. Mc Bride was unanimously chosen Captain – B. Dustin Chaplain, and Henry W. Bigler Seargent of the Guard; and Historian.
Sunday, 29th; – Met twice with the saints and others. A full house. – The spirit was poured out upon those who spoke.– In the afternoon we had the Sacrament. Many seemed to love the truths; but none offered themselves for babtism. In the evening Elder C. West arrived, with five wagons and thirteen souls.
Monday, 30th; – Organized the additional with the first company; making a total of thirty seven souls; thirteen wagons; twenty mules, twenty three horses, ten guns, fifteen pistols, one goat and three dogs. The company started between nine and ten A.M. after singing, "When shall we all meet again," and kneeling down upon the grass and praying. I prayed with them and blessed them, in the name of the Lord; and then exhorted them to beware of falling out by the way and to union and watchfulness.
I rode out with them about a mile. As the train passed the village of San Juan with a flag waving on the front wagon inscribed, "Latter Day Saints;" it caused quite a sensation & every eye seemed to gaze with admiration and wonder.
Bidding this train farewell, I rode about two miles to brother Henry Jacobs's and was kindly entertained for the night.