
Transcript for Priest, William, "A record of my life, 1828," 42-62

We got a team and took our things up from the river to camp. Near to What Was known as the old Saw Mill. here we pitch our tent for the first time. I Soon found out that the Church was finding tents for those that had none. We remain here about 2 weeks then we was ordered to move camp farther up the creek about ½ mile and Pitch our tent again. Here we remaned untill we loaded up for the Planes.

Which we did on the 31 of July and moved about one or 2 miles to What was called the Starting Point.

And August 1 <62> we moved out 6 miles good feed & water. But no Wood.

August 3, moved forward to Elk horn river, 14 miles. <30> Wood plenty.

4 forward to the Platt[e] river, 13 miles (43) wood plenty, beried a child this morn Before starting

5 forward this morning to the North Bend of the Platte river. 16 ml. (59) Wood short

6 forward to day a long Side of the Platte for a Distan[c]e of 18, m. 77. Wood Short.

7 onward to day to Columbus 22 m. 99. W. Ple[nty]

8 forward to Cross Lupe [Loup] fork river, the water was very shalow, only at one place. we had to push the Boat over & back 1 wagon at a time. I crossed this river about 30 times Bushing the boat. it took about 10 hours to get all the wagons over. then <August> we moved forward in the evening 10 mils, 109. and camp at 12 o clock at Midnight

9 forward on Side of the Platt, 15 M, 124, W. plenty

10, forward 10 M, 134, W Short

11 forward to lone tree & camp for Dinner. We berred a child here. Sarha Hamman [Sarah Hammond], age 2 years. onward in the afternoon to Shoe Makers Island 20 M. 154, W. Short.

12 forward to Wood river & Camp for the night, Distance 20 miles 174. W. Plenty

13 We berred 2 children this morning then forward to Wood river Center 15 miles 189, Wood Short. We took in flour here.

14 for ward to Nebraska Center and camp for Dinner, onward in the evening and passed Fort Karney [Kearny]. on our left seen two Antalope. camp near the Platte river. about midnight 20 M, 209, B. Chips

15, forward Early this morning. seen 4 aletlope [antelope] and 4 wild geese, & passed 6 Prarie dog hawks—and killed amany snakes & camp on the open plain with poor water. Dis 17 Miles 226, B. Chips fire

16 forward, under the Burning Sun, we could Not find good Water to day that was fit to drink. I Suffered to more for water then I have Since Starting toward evening we could see the Platte river in the Distance it look to be about 1½ - 2 mile a head of us. But we traveled about 8 miles Before we came to it and campt on side of it. Some one killed rateler [rattler] to day with 9 rattle, on it. Distance 20 M. 246, W. Short

17, forward a Distance of 12 miles, 258, another rattler killed to day, 12 rattles on it.we camp for the day. Wood Short.

18, forward, and had some very bad travelveling to day over Sand. bad for the oxen. We camp on side of the Platts [Platte] river. Distance 20 Miles, 278. W. Short

19 forward to day 15 Miles, 293, and camp on a sand hill 6 miles from Platte river, B. Chips fire

20, forward this fornoon to Pawnee Spring & camp for dinner, onward in Evening very Sandy tralveling, camp on side of the Platt river Distance 15 miles 308. B. Chips

21, forward to North Bluff Fork, of the Platte river & camp on West Side of it here was a camp of Sue [Sioux] Indians. Some of them rode some of the Women on their horses a cross the stream. Distance 19 miles 327. B. Chips fire

22, forward, over havy Sand and over Sand hills and camp at ½ after seven p m on a sand hill near the place where Thomas Margrates [Margetts] was killed by Indianes. Passed a good Spring of Water to day. Distance 13 miles 340, B. Chip fire

23, forward and crossed 3 creeks and over two sand hills & made 9 miles & camp for Dinner, onward, in the afternoon over Some very Bad Sand hill. crossed 3 frish Water Creek, and camp about ½ after Seven P.m. Distance 14 miles, 354, B. Chip

24, forward. and camp for dinner on Rattle Snak[e] Creek. onward in afternoon and crossed Several Small Cricks of frish Water, and camp on side of the Platt river. 16 Miles 370. B. Chip fire

<August> 25, forward & crossed Several Small Creek and camp on Wolf Creek for dinner, fine plums & currants grow up this Creek. onward & over a Big Sand hill, had to Duble up the teems to get over camp on West Side of it. Distance 11 Miles, 381. Wood

26, forward and crossed Castle Creek and camp on the Platt oppiset Ash hallow for dinner. Plums Cherry & Grapes grow up this hallow, onward, and came to camp at 8 P.M. Distance 16 Miles 397. B. Chips.

27, forward, the captin told us that it would <be> 10 Miles to Water so I went down to the Platt & filled up my Buckett, and on returning I Killed a Rattler, with 9 rattles on. when we came to Water camp for Dinner. onward. this Evening Camp about Sundown. Distance 15 Miles, 412, Little Wood for fire.

28, forward, about 8 A.M. and crossed a creek and camp about 1 mile West of it for Dinner. Bured a child there 2 months old onward about 2 PM and camp on Side of the Platt Near the anchant runes, I Killed a Wild Duck here with a stick. Distance 16 Miles, 428. Plenty of Wood fires.

29, forward, and crossed Several Sand Hills. & camp at noon, we can see from here Chiminy [Chimney] Rock & Courthouse Rock, onward about 3 P.M. and camp in the Evening at 9 P.M. 17 Miles, 445. <No Wood> Wednesday

30, forward & came to the river in 4 Mile, onward along the river & camped for Dinner. onward at 2 P.M. and camped in the Evening opposited Chimney Rock. Distance 17 Miles. 462. B. Chips

31, forward about 7 a.m. We can See Scotts Bluff. Indians came in camp this morning they appered to be very civel to us. But Where hostile to the Pawnee tribe. camped at 1 p.m. for dinner, and bured a Child here. onward at [-] after 3. we can See a camp of Indines on the arther Side of the river. Many of them Came over & traveled with us untill We Camped in the Evening at 6 P.m. Bro Rich lyman & J. W. Young & Bishop Blackburn and other came into camp about 8 oclock Bro C C Rich & J. W. Young talk to us Respecting our dutys on the Pla[i]ns my Heart felt to rejoice that we had Such men in our Midest. Distance 15 Miles 477. Buffalo Chip

Sept. 1, forward at 7 a.m. Laraime [Laramie] Peak is in Sight. Camped at 1 A m. for dinner. onward, in the Evening. & camped about sundown. Distance 15 Maer 492. little Wood.

2 forward at ½ after 6. & noon at 2 P.M. onward in the afternoon. at 3 P.m. & camped at Sun Down Distance 18 Miles 510. lw [littlewood]

3 forward. about 7 a.m. & camp at 12, noon for dinner, onward in afternoon at 3 PM & camped at Sun down. Distance 13 Mils, 523. P. W.

4 forward. we left a Wagon behind this Morning. Brother Bulluck [Bullock's] Wife [Sarah] was <confined> camp of a Daughter [Elizabeth Platt Bullock]. Camped at Noon 2 Miles East of Fort Larime. Some of the Teem Men Went to the fort for Mail. the Camp moved forward, befor they Came back, the Wagon came up [that] We left Behind, just as we were about starting[.] all well as could Be Expected. We Camped about 5 P.m Distance 13 Miles 536. Wood Plenty

5 forward all the men to ford the Platt river for the first time Weman [women] to Cross in the Wagons. Me &My Son John went down to the river I took of[f] shoes & pant and over We went the water, was very Cold & Bad Bottom for Bare feet. I wished I had my Shoes on Befor I got over. 1 man Would not ford it, and Stayed on the other side untell the Wagons was all over. so one of the Boys Went over I threw a larate & Pulled him over With a Hors. after Crossing we had a very Bad road to travel. up Sand hill & Revines, a Child was bured to day and my little Child was very sick to day. and So was Brother Jarvis Child[.] We camp About 4 P.m. Distance 6 M 542. W. plenty

6 the first thing to note this morning is the Death of my little Child Martha ann. She has been Sick More or less, since we was coming up the river. with the dierrea, and She had not Been to say well Since then, the dierrea Seem to have Stoped a few days ago and turn to information [inflamation] of the Bawles & Died this morning about 5. a.m. and was bured on a little knoll over looking the Platt river, about 12 Miles West of Fort Larime. the camp Moved about 8 a.m. & travel Some 12 Miles and camped for Dinner. here is two fine Springs one North & South of the road onward at 4 P.m and travel 8 Miles & camped at 8 P.m. at twin Springs on Spring Creek Distance 20 Miles 562. Wood Short.

7 horn Blew Early this a.m. forward at 7 a.m. & camp for dinner at noon. We Bured a child here [Mary Matilda Luker.] feed for Cattle very Poor, onward at [-] P.m. and Camp at 7 Pm. D.18, M. 580., W. Plenty

8 We came to the river last Night[.] the Captan Said he thought he would Not Cross the teems over But when the Balance of the Teem Came up[,] over they all Went. James Jarvis made over in the Wagon the Horn blow this Morning at 3 a.m Camp Moved forward at 6 a.m and went 12 Miles & camped for Dinner at noon, onward in the Evening at 3 P.m. and crossed the Platte river for the 3rd time. Camp on the West Side of it Distance 18 Miles 598. Wood Plenty

9, forward this morning at 7 am and Camped at Noon for Dinner onward at 3 P.m. and Crossed Box Elder Creek. Two deaths to Night Distance 18 Miles 616, Wood Plenty

10 an old Man Died this Morning Brother Smith he had only Been Sick a few days. he went out of his tent rather Early. and he not returning. was found Dead. By his Wife. the 3 Death was Bured this Morning before the Camp moved and Wolves was Seen near them Cefor the Last Wagon was out of the carrl, forward to Deer Creek, and took in 9,000 Pounds of flour, We Camp at Noon, for Dinner, onward in the Evening 6 Miles & Camped for the Night. Distance 14 M. 630 W. Plenty

11, forward this moring, a Sister Smith was confind. Before Starting. We crossed two creek. Big & Little Mudy, and passed the graves of Sartha Bink, and Carolin Lions, in one grave. They where Sisters, from Elizabeth Town on the Monagala River, Pennasalvania [Pennsylvania], camped at noon for dinner onward in afternoon, and passed one Bridge & camp within 1 Mile of the Bridge & camped at 6 P.M. Brother Rollings dog Died to day. D. 14 M., 644. W. Plenty.

12, forward. the Wolves are howling this morning. a Sister died last night and a child this moning. We crossed the Platte Bridge. here was U.S. Soulders [soldiers] camped. I was called to Stop Behind to help to fix up the Bridge a little, I caught up with our train again when it was going down a very Rocky Ridge. With Red Butte Rocks in the Distance. We camped Near to them for the last time on the Platte River at Noon, here we bured a woman & child. onward at 5 p.m. and camped at 9 p.m a dry camping. Distance 17 Mile, 661, Wood Plenty.

13, forward very early this morning without our Breakfast. We Passed some indins, Rain was falling but not heavy. We camped at Willow Spring for Breakfast at 9 A M. onward at noon to Fishing Creek, one of the Boys found a oxen Belonging to a train a head of us. Dis. 20 M, 681. Plenty of sage fire.

14, forward at 7 a.m. and came to grease Wood Creek. Traveled along Side of it. We seen Some antlope on our right. We also Passed by Salaratus Lake and came to the Sweet Water river on our left. We traveled on untill we came to Indapenddant [Independence] Rock. this Rock Stands all a lone & Sweet Water Runs on the South Side of it it as been raining a little this far to day. we was to of Camped here for Dinner. But feed for the team was Poor. so our captan said he would make a full days Drive. We crossed and made a large fire on the other side to warm us up & Dry our clothes. This done off we went. and Passed through the Devels [Devil's] gate and camped on West Side of it, at 4 p m and as the Wagons was Corralling it commence to rain in Earnest. We was all Wet. Bedding and all. Distance 18 Miles. 699. Wood Plenty.

15, forward at 8 a.m. it rained very hard last night and continued nearly all night. We got very Wet Bedding & all But we came out this morning o. k. it commence to rain again after Traveling about 2 miles and we got another good Wetting. We came to a diserted Mail Station. We took logs out of it & made a good fire to Dry us. When the Wagons came up this camp for dinner. During which time the rain claraied of, onward this Eveing at 6 P. M. our Captan & chapellin [chaplain] started Before I was aware of them. Me & Wife & few more followed after them as we thought But we took the wrong road. a road traveled 2 years Before we Stoped to listen if we could hear anything of the wagon, But no, so we turned to the right. and made camp in 1 Mile. Distance 16 Miles, 715. sage fire

16, forward at 7.30 a.m. and Passed the grave of a murder name of Scott here is 3 crossing of the Sweet Water in 1 mile. We camped at 4.30 p.m Distance 16 Miles, 731. Wood Plenty

17, Two children burred this A.M. Befoe Starting our cattle are giveing out 6 m two days and 1 horse left Behind. Crossed Sweet Water for the last time. Was on West Side. onward at 6 P.m the Wagon got stuck in the mud. Jarvis lost a tarp & I lost my water. We Passed Alcoles [Alkalai] Springs and have a Dry Camping. Distance 14 Miles 745. S. fire.

18, Their Came 13 head of cattle into camp Before Starting our Boys yank them up. and Started on the road with them. after traveling about 2 miles the owners came after them they belong to a U.S. train a head of us. We Stoped to give our oxen Water. When the U.S. teemsters took their cattle. Here we took a left hand road, or a cut off. Here Captan Harman took a teem and went to Rocky Ridge Station for Flour. We traveled on this road & came to Saleratus Creek & camped for Dinner. onward at 5 P.m. and Passed the graves of two men killed by indines while in rear of their train, and ones wife taken by the Indians. at June 28, 1862. James McGraw & his Brother-in-law, we camped at Antalope Springs, a tire came of[f] a wagon in sight of camp. Dis 17 M 762. s fire.

19, forward. about 9 a.m. we cam near antalope to day and one was Shot. We Seem to be near the Wind river Mountains coverd with Snow. they are on our right we seem to be traveling mountin tops, we came to good feed for the oxen, and camped a little short to day. Distance 10 Miles 772. Sage fire

20 forward at 9 a.m. as the idea was they let the oxen Eat longer. Some of the teemsters went a hunting. Befor starting we struck the main Road about noon, and crossed Wagon Station Creek. here Captan Harman joined us againe with the flour Wagon we seen some sage hens, one was shot. we traveled to the Sweet Water river, and camped. one hunter Brought in no game. Distance 16 Miles 788. Wood Plenty

21, last Night some of the Teemsters refused to take up an old lady into their Wagons. and left on the road 3 miles Back. a Woman [Charlotte Dansie] & baby [Joseph Dansie] died this morning. Onward through the South Pass, and Passed the Pacific Springs. The Springs form a small creek a long the side which we travel for some Distance until we cross it. Here we Stoped to burey the Dead. When the Wagons came, the teemster reported another death a yang [young] Woman [Caroline Myers] belonging to Bro Jarmin tent. she Started to walk a little from camp but had to sit down on the road. The Teemster of the Wagon She Belong to Would not take her up. the captain had her put in another Wagon, she had only Been in a few Minutes and she died. The camp Stoped to water the oxen. Where they was all buired. Here we had orders to fill up our Bottle with Water, as it would be a Dry Camping ground to night camp moved about 3 P.m. I was called to gard Behind the wagon. We came to camp at 9.30 P.m. on Dry Sandy. Distance 14 Miles 802. Wood Plenty

22, onward, I was called to Drive the loose heard a head of the train. The train had not moved far from camp when my Son John fell from the Iron Wagon as it was called from Being loaded with Iron and Broke his arm. I heard nothing of it un till wagons came into camp for Dinner. Our chapelin [John Daniel Thompson] Mc Allester [McAllister] set his arm, we camp on little Sandy for Dinner onward at 7 p.m and camped on Big Sandy at 9.30 p m, Distance 20 Mils. 822. S. fire.

23, forward at 8 a.m. the old lady we had in our tent Said that we had stole 75 cents out of her pockett. She had lost it by Pulling Something out of her Pocket. a man found it & returned it to her. We crossed Big Sandy in 2 Miles from Utah [---] in Carrall Hollow [--] it was here where the U.S. got their train Burnt in '57. When the united States Sent out an army to wipe the Mormons, the Mark, are Plain here. Now! onward about 5 miles and camp for the Night. This is a Dry Camp bout only 2 Miles from Water But Splendid feed for the oxen and I am Sure they need it for they Begaine to look Bad. Here our Captan told us we was in Utah. My Daughter Mary Jane is very Sick to day, and as been ailing for Several days past. Johny arm is doing Well. We Camped about 10 P.m. Dis. 18 Miles, 840. Wood Plenty

24, a child died this morning, the one Born Some Days ago. I was called to help Shoe oxen this Morning. A hard frost last Night and cold this Morning ice on our water Pail this morning at tent door. forward at 8 a.m. we came to Big Sandy again. here the cattle was watered as it would be 10 Miles Before we come to green river. Big Sandy is on our right left. We came to green river a camp for Dinner at 2 p.m. after dinner, all the men Except, Teemsters was told to go Down to the river & ford. Weman to stay for Wagons, after disrobeing our lower extremity over we went. Water very cold to feet & leggs. It took about 2 hours to ford all the Wagons over when all was over. The word forward was given in the Dark to a Dry Camping, 12 Miles. we got their at 13 Midnight with our water all spilt out of the Camp Kettle. Distance 24 Miles, 864. Sage fire.

25, onward at 8 a.m and came to Hames [Ham's] Fork at 2 p m there we came to the main road we left at green river. we crossed the fork and camp for Dinner. Captan Said we would stop 2 hours. The Pony Express with U. S. Mail. Passed us here. onward at 4.30 P.m. and came to Blacks fork Creek. Passed up it for a short Distance & camped for the night. Johns arm is doing Well and [-] Mary Jane improving [-] my wife called me Some very hard Names here Because I wanted the children Walk all they could, as it was better for their health, the Children who had Died on the way as Been those who as been Riding in the Wagons. Distance 14 Miles, 878. Wood Plenty

26, forward at 8 a m. here we take the right hand road and leve the talagraph & stay road & take the John W. cut of[f] and a hard road it is. We came to Black Fork again and camped for Dinner. Onward at 4 p.m and came to the Muddy and camped for the Night. It look like rain. Dis. 13 Mile, 891. S. fire

27, forward at 6 A.m. 10 valentair [volunteer] was called for this morning to a head of the train to find the road. We passed over Some very Bad road To day. We camped on the Mudy for Dinner. Onward at 3 P m. and camped at Willow Spring in a hallow at 9 P.m. Johns arm is doing well—so is Mary Jane. Mrs. Jarvis is sick. I have the tooth ach. Distance 23 Miles, 914. Sage fires.

28, forward at 7 a.m. and came to little Mudy in 6 Miles & Big Mudy in 7 miles. Here is a Small Station and here we came to the main road again. We was to of camp here for Dinner, but the captan said he would go a litter farther to Soda Springs. here Passed us 9 or 10 teems going East with grain to mail stations, onward after 2 hours for dinner. Our road runs up a revean here, untell it reaches a high altatude here is a fine view of the Country Snow. Mountins on eather Side of us. and Snow is now falling, as I am writing just Passed 10 more teems with <grain> flour & grain. We camped on the Main road with a large vally on the right of us. at the bottom of which is a good Spring of Water a little Snow falling a while. the wagons was carrolling. Dis. 17 Mile, 931. S. fire

29, forward at 7 a m. We Passed quaking Station, and came to Quake Ridge. Here we comence to go Down hill about ½ mile Down was a good Spring of Water. Still on down untill we came to a level here was a dry creek. We Traveled on Side of it and Passed over a ridge 1 Mile and came to Sulphur creek Spring Still on down the creek one Mile I crossed it 3 times. The the road runs over a small hill and came to Bear river and camp on the West Side of it here is a Male [mail] Station, a child died and will be Berred this Noon. It Seames to look more homly as teems as Passing us Dayly and our Teamsters See Some one they kno all the time. The Station is kep by a man name Myers. Theirs is a report in camp that Millars [Henry W. Millers] train is in Sight Behind us a man came into camp with Potatoes & Peaches. Potatoes 3 dollars a Bushell 1 man Bought 4 Potatoes for 5 cent Peches 12 for 25 cents from here. We can see Needle Rocks and travel. We came to them. We crossed a Sandy Creek and rounded a Small & we could see Yallow [Yellow] Creek Station and Yallow Creek here we camp for the Night D. 20M. 957. W. Short

30, forward a 6 30 a m. a cold clear Morning. We had a mas of hill to get up this am. and it was Bad to get down on the other Side—but the teems got down all o. k. and after passing over, and down a few more hills we could See the head of Echo Kanyon, and finley we got their & commence to go down and passed Cach[e] Cave, and more teems going East with flour & grain and to help in the last trains. We camp for dinner at 11 a m. onward at 1.30 p.m. down down, down. Here is Some Splendid Sights on eather side of the Kanyan a few good Springs comes out of the Sides. We came to our camping ground at 5 p.m. Meet more teems going East with grain & flour, and to help in the last trains, it was here where our Brethren Bilt theirs forts in '57 and 58 to stop U. S. if he had been incline to do so. Their possition Seemed to be very Strong and to my vew it would of Been impossible for an army to get Passed this Place.Distance 18 Miles, 969. Sage fire.

Oct. 1, the first thing I heard this am was that Joseph W Young and orther was in camp and that was not going to Start forward untell every one knew what he had to Pay from the time th[e]y landed in Florence untell they arive in Salt lake City[.] I had to pay 5 fares, or $201.97 cents after I knew this and Before our train moved I took a ramble up one of the Side kanyons, and when I got back I found out that mountin climing dont do me any good and was Sore for Several days. after our camp moved forward at 2 p.m. 4 men was called to go a head of the train to fix the road, I was one of them. We fixed many bad Places, in the Kanyon and came to camping ground Early. about 1 mile from the mouth of the Kanyan. When Part of the train came in [--] But 2 wagons had turn over into the creek, in one 3 Sister was Badly hurt. in the nother Wagon 2 children was Drowned. and Sister was Badly hurt. I help to get the wagon out and got to camp again at 7.30 P.m. Dis. 11 Miles, 980. Sage Brush fire

2, I hear this morning the Sister Ajacx [ Emma Ajax] is not So Badly hurt, as was Expected. She was in the wagan with the two children that was Drowned—and the other Sisters or better. forward, I was called to Drive the Loose heard and came to the mouth a [-] and turned up the Weber River. We wound through the Small Coal mining Settlement of Coalville, here Bought qu[ar]ter worth of onions. They were first rate. We camped for Dinner near a flour Mill on the Weber river. I was called to go Back to help Dig the graves for the two children who was killed in Echo. They was bured at Coalville, on our return the camp had moved about 4 Miles & campd at 7 P.m. Distance 11 Miles, 991. Sage fires

3, forward at 8.30 a.m. [--] are getting better except Sister Bullick [Bullock] and She is very Sick, we crossed the Weber river, and pulled up a hill and came to Silver Creek. Here we left Sister Bullick and her husband with a family name Bates. the road was very Bad up Silver Creek. The stage in passing our Wagons broke the tongue and tip over. No one was much hurt. We got out of the creek & traveled about 4 miles, an camped 1 mile, West of Bill Kimbles [Kimball's] Ranch. A distance 14 Miles, 1005, sage fire.

4, A child died in the night and was bured this a.m Befor Starting forward at 7.30 a m we commence going up hill here untill we cross the Big Mountin or Parley Park Divid[e]. Then we went Down Alixander Kanyon [Alexander Canyon] for about 7 Miles. Then turn to our Right and Camped 1 mile from Hardy Station. Distance 12 Miles 1017. Plenty Wood

5, forward at 8 a m. With a distance of 12 Miles Between here & Salt lake City the wind has Been Blowing a might hard, and most Every one is Black with Dust. Many of the city Boys was in camp all night to accompany us into the City to day. But our Captan thought of going in tomorrow as to Day was Sunday. But when we came to where we was to of Camped for the Balance of the day & Night Some of the teemsters refused to unyoke their Cattle. So our Captin told them <to> yoke up those that was unyoked and he would go right into the city. this gave good Safisfaction to all. We was Soon on our way Down Emagration Kanyon and when we came to the mouth of it. We was looking for the city a last we could See a few Small Houses, onward a little farther. When the city came more to vew. At last we could See the whole of the city. The desired spot we had had in our mind for so long. When near the city we halted untell all was close up so as to Enter the city altogerther forward onto the city at 4 P.m. The city looked most Beutyfull about 2 miles from the city. On our arival into the city we camped on the Public Squir. Dis. 12 M. 1029. No Wood