Transcript for Report of 3rd Ten in Allen Weeks Company in Journal History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 12 Oct. 1852, 2-3
Following is a brief account of incidents of the journey of Captain Allen's Weeks' ox train, which arrived in Salt Lake City Oct. 12, 1852:
Record of the 3rd Ten, George W. Tagart, Captain, in Allen Weeks' division of fifty of emigrating Saints July 16, A.D. 1852, organized under the direction of F.D. (Franklin D.) Richards and Erastus Snow at the lake, five miles west of the Liberty Pole Mound.
Geo. W. Tagart [Taggart] 6-in family, 1-driver, 1-wagon, 2-oxen, 2-cows, 2-steers
John Nay, 9-in family, 3-drivers, 1-wagon, 4-oxen, 2-cows, 2-steers
Hyrum Mickswell [Mikesell] 6-in family, 1-driver, 1-wagon, 2-oxen, 4-cows
Jesse C. Little, 11-in family, 3-drivers, 3-wagons, 16-oxen, 3-cows, 3-horses
William Rud & Mrs. Ayres, 5-in family, 1-driver, 1-wagon, 6-oxen
Even M. Greene, 9-in family, 2-drivers, 2-wagons, 8-oxen, 5-cows
John Hough, 4-in family, 1-driver, 1-wagon, 2-oxen
Robert Keys, 6-in family, 1-driver, 1-wagon, 4-oxen, 1-cow
Rufus Fisher, 4-in family, 1-driver, 1-wagon, 2-oxen, 4-cows
Sarah Merrill, 8-in family, 1-driver, 2-wagons, 4-oxen
This company being organized was attached to Allen Weeks' Division July 16. On the 17th the camp laid still to clean the wagons, wash, bake, etc. About 9 o'clock p.m. John Hough died, having been sick nearly a week with diarrhea; he was buried the same night.
July 20. We came to the Loup Fork, found Kelsey's division crossing the ferry. Capt. [Allen] Weeks and Superintendent J. [Jesse] C. Little made application to Bro. Kelsey to purchase some of his loose cattle to strengthen the teams on Mrs. <Catherine Robbins> Broomhead's wagon, Mr. Hinces; wagon and Mrs. [Amy Cecelia Cooper] Aldrich's wagon; could not get any.
July 21st About 10 o'clock a.m. the company commenced crossing the Loup Fork ferry and at about 8 o'clock p.m. the company was all across and in camp about three quarters of a mile from the ferry. Everything passed off smoothly without any serious accident.
July 22nd. Mrs. Celestia Hough was baptized and confirmed by Elder Nay; this evening a meeting was called in the corrall and a spirit of contention and murmuring about detention by the slow teams in which Wm. B. Adams, Samuel Ferrin and A. McRae were the principle agitators. Jesse C. Little and others endeavored to lay that spirit and were unwilling to do any business until that spirit was put out of the camp.
July 24th. In commemoration of the founding of the settlement of the Saints in the Valley old Lazarus (?) spoke and the echo was followed by a report of small arms. This evening Capt. Weeks called a meeting of the officers and arranged to have a meeting in the forenoon tomorrow.
July 25th. Sunday, at 9 o'clock a.m. the bell rang for meeting. Capt. Wm. B. Adams' child is very sick. After meeting he requested the company to remain till morning on account of his child; his wife had also been taken sick. The company voted to remain; about sunset his child died and his wife grew worse.
July 26. Capt. Adams' child was buried, the cattle were scattered about this morning and were not got up to start until 9 o'clock a.m., traveled but a short distance till Mrs. Adams grew worse and on request, the camp stopped. Those that were behind with Company A. camped where they were. Capt. Tagart [George W. Taggart] and Capt. [Samuel] Ferrin's tens camped in the prairie there was a plenty water for stock.